You can follow your heart but let it be guided by your head. Love isn't everything. It cannot hold you when the person you love is gone or too busy for you. It cannot feed you when you are broke and breadless.
At some point you need to figure out the things you really need to be happy, these are different for everyone. Make a list of everything you need from your partner, respect, attention, creativity, love of family, financial security or laughter, anything at all that is important to you. Look at your list often and revise it when you find something new or find that something isn't as important as you originally thought. Eventually, you will find someone that "fits the bill" so much that you will be amazed. Hopefully, you will offer everything they need for happiness.
2006-12-26 03:41:59
answer #1
answered by marenka 2
First, opposites attract because it is the law of nature sometimes. But that oopostion only works in certain areas. There is a scripture that says "how can two walk together less they agree?" They can't walk, talk, or accomplish anything unless BOTH parties are putting in equal amounts of work.
Secondly, you know the answer to your question about being with someone just because you love them. Love doesn't always line up with destiny. You can love someone to death but they may not have been who you were destined to be with.
Also, you are not following your heart and unhappy, you are concerned with the "what if's." What if this doesn't work out? what if it does? here's a what if for you. What if you stay in this crap to make someone else happy and end up miserable the rest of your life?
If you know it's not meant but you don't have the strength to leave, you better pray and ask for God to remove you from this situation.
XOXO- hope this helps.
2006-12-26 03:50:18
answer #2
answered by beautyzhername 3
well i can tell you this. my bf and i have been together for 2.5 years and we are opposites. there has to be some common ground though. we usually laugh at each other because if i hate a song on the radio he loves it. as long as you have the same goals and same morals then all the other stuff should fall into place. i think that sometimes the reason unlikely couples happen is because their mate is what they need. i had a doctor tell me once that you should not marry the person you want to marry you should marry the person that you need to marry. meaning that the person is your compliment. if you are a person that is very organized and you like to plan then your compliment would be someone that is more spontaneous. that way you can balance each other out. people who are alike end up competing to see who is better at the things that you have in common.
2006-12-26 03:57:52
answer #3
answered by mel2430 4
Opposites attract sometimes because sometimes people find themselves boring or find the opposite to remind them of some familiarity from their past. But for whatever reason it should NEVER be the final reason to settle on a person. I recommend gathering some important characteristics in a person that you feel you want -such as kindness, powerful, fair, loving, intelligent, educated, patience, forgiving, loyal, protective etc. I recommend these because when one is very young they tend to have a very short list which starts to wear on their self-esteem because instead of getting out of a bad relationship, they just end up accepting the issues that their opposite partner has. Especially women. Women usually quote this saying over and over again..."I would leave him but I love him and I grew up without my father, so I don't want to do that to my child". (Odds are their will eventually be a baby involved if not already). In a way it's true but also in a way it's an excuse because far before women had the child they saw what kind of person their mate was. So please don't accept someone hurting you, mistreating you or disappointing you over and over with a caulous attitude and later end up saying it's your child's fault. Don't put that burden on your child -own up to your own decisions. If you know that the guy you like is mean to you or doesn't deserve your love and devotion then that's your answer right there! Don't give it to him trying to get him to change because you are definitely going to suffer waiting on that to happen. One pyschological rule of thumb is that egocentrical people usually never change without serious work! Opposites do attract and can be very complimentary for one another but they have to be secure in themselves (especially the woman) and the only way to become secure is to have your own! That means your own mind, feelings, opinion, self love, self respect, finances, education, and just basically your own two feet to stand on. Never allow yourself to say "but" as in "but I need him or but he's the only man I'll ever get or want", it simply isn't so. The truth is, he has everything that is valuable to you at that moment...your self-esteem. Never give that away, sweetie.
2006-12-26 05:02:27
answer #4
answered by MeHurdu 4
My fiance and I are almost total opposites- he's very masculine and I'm really feminine & girlie. He has OCD and well, I don't! I believe in speaking my mind to who ever when ever, and he believes in filtering almost everything. But all of the opposites compliment eachother- they make us two totally different people. Word of advice: don't follow your heart because "sometimes love just ain't enough". You love someone who's personality compliments yours and also brings out the best in you. Happiness can be achieved when given the right chance. Life's too short not to be happy... good luck!
2006-12-26 03:43:22
answer #5
answered by kellilicious5 3
Well u must look for the sum total of the personality of a person . Not only attraction/ Yes some people dont deserve but still get involved/ Use judgement/ n dont get hasty . We live in a difficult world.
2006-12-26 03:43:02
answer #6
answered by raashi 2
dugga girl im ryte there with you, me n mines just seperated a week before christmas - n i know he loves me but at the same time we just arent on the same page - and as much as i am n love with him i know that we arent in that right spot and its not fair to me to be unhappy, it sucks because its not that you dont get along with that person its just the timeing is off - so it makes it much harder to leave and give up - i wish you the best and i doubt this really answered ya question, but trust me - make yourself happy girl - im not gonna act like im not missin the hell outta mine but i guess im tyred - make your self happy girl - you never know yall may seperate and get back together again, or u may seperate and find someone on your leval - i dont know i cant tell u that - but if you aint happy n he aint trying to fix it for you, or he acts like hes not doing nuthin wrong - girl go out and enjoy ya self -
2006-12-26 03:41:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
girl I hear you..I am sick of it too.I broke up with my boyfriend on christmas day..because I am tired of feeling like I am the only one that wants the relationship..yes I loved him and because yesI would think that it would work or I should be happy but i am not...I am tired...I dont know..the answer..but love sucks and people suck so I dont know..just make yourself happy and spend quality time with you
2006-12-26 03:44:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
just because you love someone doesn't mean you should be with them. if i didn't work out then it wasn't meant to be.. . at least not right now. do what you want, what makes you happy. if listening to your heart doesnt make you happy then don't do it. good luck!
2006-12-26 03:39:19
answer #9
answered by ~karma~ 2
Don't beat yourself can't help who you fall in love with. Sometimes it takes a few broken hearts before you find the right love.....have faith you'll be happy one day....with the right one!!!
2006-12-26 03:35:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous