Maybe to start, take a break from the relationship--try to see why you are always fighting. If it continues, maybe there is a problem you just can't fix and it may be time to go your separate ways, as hard as it may be. You don't want to be miserable the rest of your life. Good luck:)
2006-12-26 03:41:23
answer #1
answered by ♥Sodas♥ 6
Some people just don't get on. Some people love to argue! Either way, it takes two to tango!
Ask yourself the following questions:
1) Who usually starts the arguments? Is it her? If it is her, why does she start the argument? Are you being controlling? Is she picking up bad vibes off of you and going off on one? If it's you who starts the arguments, then why?
2) Some people don't like people being too nice to them. I'm one of them and I know dozens of people who feel the same way. Having people treat you like a baby, fawning over you, babying you can be frustrating. Maybe she doesn't like you spending money on her, or doing things that put yourself out? You may think it's the nicest thing in the world to call round with a bunch of flowers and tell her you've arranged an evening out. She might have been looking forward to a night in on her own to de-stress or chill out!
3) Do you actually love her? Does she really love you? If no to either of these, then maybe there's some stress/tension in the relationship because of that.
Either way, communication is the key. If she doesn't like you doing these things, then that's cool. Take a step back, listen to what she has to say and don't put yourself into a situation where you both throw things in eachother's faces.
How many fights have you had where you have either said or thought "But I bought/did this for you!" or "After everything I've done for you!!!!'. That will seriously tick anyone off. No one likes feeling that they owe someone something.
Sit her down, ask her what's on her mind, ask her what you're doing that's ticking her off and vice versa. Do it all in a conversational tone without letting eachother's egos start a massive war. The next time you feel like shouting, give her a hug instead. ;-)
If you actually secretely have become bored of eachother and starting to dislike eachother, then maybe it's time to either take a break or end the relationship.
Good luck, hope it works out for you, whatever it is you are looking for!
2006-12-26 11:49:35
answer #2
answered by midsojo 4
talk it out do wat it takes to get through your problems dont end a relationship over arguing trust me take it from someone who knows I broke up with my bf because of that reason ...he stressed me out way to much over that whole arguing thing but when I broke up with him it was the biggest mistake i have ever made i would go through so much more stress to have him back in my life ....because once u do it every good memory u guys had together will go through ur mind well hope this helps good luck
2006-12-26 11:44:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
break up. It will only get worse. All the time you spend with her is time you don't spend with nice woman.
2006-12-26 11:56:29
answer #4
answered by adamsjrcn 3
hey if you ever wanna talk.
email me
2006-12-26 12:00:52
answer #5
answered by thinkpinkwhenyoushop 2
dump her. you are not compatible.
2006-12-26 11:42:55
answer #6
answered by happyday to you 7