Well the best thing you can do is quit baking so much! Try learning to cook - watch some food network, get a nice cookbook, etc. You learn a lot about nutrition this way and might satisfy that baking need by COOKING healthier things. If you've got a sweet tooth, find things you can do with fruit. One thing I like to fix is just whipped egg whites with a little sweetener in it, and then I cook say, rasberries on the stove in a little bit of sugar-free rasberry jam and pour it over the egg whites. Or fruit smoothies (the healthy kind!) might help you out. Also, try baking with whole wheat flower, the baking kind of Splenda, and find substitutes for oils and things (I think applesauce might be one - you might have to research that one, though). My mother has an insane sweet tooth, and when she wants something sweet after a meal, she'll just eat a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips or M&Ms. Not a lot so it really does no harm, and it kind of helps out her sweet craving.
Walk with your baby in a stroller. Get some exercise videos and do them while the baby is taking a nap - all it really takes is 30 minutes a day. Taebo is really good cardio (I know it's not the popular one anymore but it's a lot of fun in my opinion and always helps) and pilates is excellent. Pilates also helps you relax and feel very stretched out and doesn't put pressure on your joints.
It's healthiest to lose no more than two pounds a week, but if you have a lot of weight to lose, you'll probably drop more the first couple weeks. On a calender, try writing your goal weight for every two weeks or a month or something, and don't weigh yourself everyday because weight can be misleading - it's really about how you look, and so if you weigh yourself and you are like one or two pounds over your goal weight, it's not a big deal - so go significant periods of time without weighing.
Maybe you could put a goal dress size by the beginning of May or something - a long-term goal, and just wait and see how the pounds go. If you exercise, you'll gain muscle, and if you start drinking a lot of water, you'll have water weight on you that won't show up on your body, but it will on the scale. Another good tactic would be to write down how often you are going to bake. If you bake cookies say, every two days, reduce it to twice a week for the first couple weeks, then once a week, then once every two weeks, or something like that. Don't quit things you're used to cold turkey - you'll just have cravings and go right back to it.
My family is full of nutritionists and we call my mother the "diet Nazi" so I'm no medical expert but these are all sorts of things that have helped people in my family lose weight. I hope they help you!
2006-12-25 16:09:08
answer #1
answered by melissa 2
Maybe you should sign up for a 5K. These run/walks are beneficial to everyone, and mostly go to a great cause. Train yourself for the 3.1 mile run (5K) over the course of 4 weeks. Then do another one in 2 weeks but this time try to beat your previous finishing time. And so on. It's a great accomplishment in the end. You'll feel good about yourself when you finish each race.
2006-12-25 16:06:19
answer #2
answered by lupering 3
talk to ur doc first.... but the thing that worked for me is isagenix....i did it 2 months ago- did the 9 day program- lost 9 lbs and now im 17 down......but i only did the program once- it really helped me........... i did not talk to my doctor.....but since ur breastfeeding...i dont know:) ask ur doc- but i dont think it can b bad cause its vitamins and it cleansing ....... - and! cut down on the carbs:0) and! OR!:) dont mix carbs with fats and protein and stuff.......... like MEAT now and then hour later eat SOME! FRIES:) ..... and in case the link where i got my isa is www.lean.isagenix.com
2006-12-25 19:07:43
answer #3
answered by tee21 2