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I got a Jvc camcorder and it came with Photo navigator 1.5 and whenever i use the usb to plug it in nothing happens, at all. Im wondering if i need a memory card to have the pc at least recognize the camera and if so can i then edit my video on windows movie maker?

2006-12-25 15:55:42 · 3 answers · asked by RICHARD G 1 in Consumer Electronics Camcorders

3 answers

No, you do not need a flash memory card, the mistake you are making is in using the USB connections on your computer. Video transfer really needs the use of firewire. (This is the third question of this nature asked in as many hours - surely the instruction books make this point very clearly?)

2006-12-25 22:41:06 · answer #1 · answered by rdenig_male 7 · 0 0

We have a JVC GR-D372U camcorder, too. I just got done with a 1+ hour chat with Dell's tech support. In the end, they said the D372U is USB 1.1 compliant, while our Dell computer is USB 2.0 compliant. Thus, the camcorder won't work with our computer. HOWEVER, I'm not convinced. I'd still like to know how to upgrade our computer to add a DV connection, as explained on P.41 of the JVC manual... We have several Mini DV tapes, but no way to get them onto our hard drive right now!

2006-12-27 15:41:59 · answer #2 · answered by bassrulz 1 · 0 0

I have a similar JVC camcorder.

The USB is for still images only! The SD card is for still images only.

The Still Image feature was an after-thought when the camcorder was being developed. And bad image quality too, like 1.3 Mega-Pixel.

You need a Fire-wire connection to transfer movies to the PC.

The USB should automatically show up as an external hard drive on your PC, that is, on Windows XP. Win9x will probably be different or do do nothing.

2006-12-26 11:36:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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