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Alright I know the usual: Eat healthy. Hit the gym. As a teenager still living at home, how I eat is largely dependent on what mom decides to buy. As a teenager, I don't have the means nor the money to invest in a gym/gym equipment.

So, problem #1: My dad loves junk food and he refuses to go without it. So, there is always some sort of sweet in my house. Which, of course, I can't resist.

Problem #2: Anytime I make a sandwich for school, it doesn't look as tasty as the pizza my friend is munching on across from me.

Question: How do I build up enough self-control to resist pigging out on sweets? Hey, I have no problem with one cookie or two truffle but I don't ever stop at one or two.

Question: How do I vary about my lunches so that they are still tasty and I don't envy the junk food being eaten in front of me?

As for exercising:

Problem #3: I get bored too easily. I keep it up for a week, then give up. Also, any exercising I do would have to be at home.

2006-12-25 10:37:56 · 5 answers · asked by Basiate 5 in Health Diet & Fitness

The only equipment for exercising that we have at home are a skipping rope (good!) and an exercise ball which seems way too big for me since I find it very heavy with any exercises I tried to do it for me.

Question: How do I make exercising at home fun?

2006-12-25 10:39:38 · update #1


"find a serious friend to get you out of that depressing and non functional home."

Excuse me? Where in my question do you see anything hinting that my home is 'depressing and non functional'? My parents have provided a wonderful home for me, thank you very much.

I'm serious about being healthy not because my parents deny me any right to do so but because I WANT to. Because I think it'll be easier to get in the habit now then when I move out.

So, before you assume I need a serious friend to help, maybe you should think that my parents are better friends than anyone my age.

Ok? Thanks.

2006-12-25 10:52:38 · update #2


I'm not trying to lose weight. I just want to eat and be healthier but am finding it hard to do so. :-/

I don't think I'm fat or ugly - there is nothing wrong with my self-esteem. Really, I just want to be healthier and a toned body is the bonus of it all.

2006-12-26 13:26:49 · update #3

5 answers

Keep looking at beautiful, toned people at school, on TV and in films etc. Every time you see them, you'll be like "I wish I looked that good" and eventually you'll realise that every doughnut you eat is another step further from your dream. I know this sounds shallow and harsh, but it really really worked for me. It helped me realise that I'd let myself go, I was now a fat bastard and had to do something about it NOW.

Have you told your mum about what you want to do? Just tell her straight - you'll probably find she's very supportive.

Remember, you can still enjoy treats every now and again. Try this: If you stick to eating reasonably healthy food for a week and don't break your diet, you get to treat yourself. Your treat could be anything from getting an ice cream, going to McDonalds, or even rewarding yourself with some new jeans or a new top.

Personally I find rewarding yourself with clothes works well. Because you know you've been good by sticking to your diet so the clothes feel like a good reward, and nice clothes make you more proud of your body, making you want to stick to your diet/exercise more.

Oh, and to keep your weight creeping up, have you tried jogging. Try it first thing in the morning, only for about 20 minutes a day, 2 or 3 times a week. Do it before breakfast and it helps speed up your metabolism, helping your body burn more. Try it, you'll feel great and you'll be surprised at how quickly excess weight disappears. I lost a stone (that's 14lbs for you Americans) in under a month.

Good luck

2006-12-25 10:52:39 · answer #1 · answered by Yanni Depp 6 · 0 1

Your really going to 1st need the use of an idea that will spur on your imagination. You will need to cultivate a passion, a desire that is over whelming. Also surround yourself with examples of exercise and fitness as constant reminders to get in shape. second read all material that you can get your hands on in regards to fitness, hang out with others that exemplify health, mind body type personalities. It appears that what you have said, that you get bored very quickly, this will have to change, you will need to try to focus your mind. This has allot to do with your imagination, try picturing yourself as something amazing in your mind, this is very important. I train people for a living and I find that most people lack this component, it is very essential while exercising, most people want immediate gratification, we are brought up this way in this country of ours. So patience and imagination are key to what you are going to do. now you don't have weights, but however, you do have yourself. The exercises that should be done are calisthenics or core body workouts. Do free squats, walk lunge, push-ups, tricep dips, side laterals with books of equal weight, etc, etc. Second to this is your diet, now all that is really required here is common sense, you see eating the standard three meals a day might not work for you becuase while working out you will be more hungry through out your day. Eat small meals. They should be equal in amounts, Protiens , carbohydrates, minerials, fats, fiber.

2006-12-25 19:32:35 · answer #2 · answered by George U 2 · 0 0

Hey it seems like youre serious about getting in good health. Message me, or email me and I can come up with some good one on one tips and plans for you!

Other than that, I say do Pilates, Yoga or Kick Boxing! Those things guarantee to get you in good health!

Everything is based on will power
When it comes to trying to get off the junk food, find alternatives that are just as good but healthier. Instead of Ice cream eat frozen yogurt. Instead of eating shakes or coffee drinks enjoy a smoothie.

Any way for more info and one on one tips,. recipes and ideas email me or message me at my blog!

2006-12-25 18:43:20 · answer #3 · answered by Ask a Health Nut 5 · 0 0

http://www.teenbodybuilding.com/ has lots of resources, might answer some of your questions on fitness. when you find some exercises, use them for a couple of weeks, then go back and find new ones to use. switching it up every now and then helps me not to get bored.
As far as eating, you are in control of what you put in your mouth, and as hard as it is (and I know it is hard) try to remember that. Skip the condiments...no butter on the veggies, eat smaller portions of what she makes. Ask your mom to buy healthier options for you ei baby carrots to snack on, more fruits, etc. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!

2006-12-25 18:47:44 · answer #4 · answered by tanyaah38 3 · 0 0

Loaded question.

Let your parents see this question just as you wrote it , let them know that millions of people will read this and let them hash it through their minds, That they are the problem of their teenage daughter. I guarantee changes will occur,..and if not find a serious friend to get you out of that depressing and non functional home.

2006-12-25 18:45:35 · answer #5 · answered by iroc 7 · 1 3

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