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Basically i have been dating her for 6 years and the last 2-3 months have really flipped. I used to not call her and not answer her calls while she called and texted me all the time. We would fight and she would cry and beg for me back. Butin september we got into a fight and she said she wanted to break up because i said something really nasty to her. I basically begged her and said what ever i had to say finally after an hour of fighting she came to my place and we made up. Ever since then shes been ascting more independant of me and hasn't been calling as much and keeps doing that break up with me talk and then takes it back. She keeps trying to hurt my feelings shes enjoying it as i once did and it seems the nicer i am the meaner she is. Shes really enjoying this i can tell, she now has all the power i can't believe it i want it to be equal how do i get power back???? and merry xmas

2006-12-25 02:24:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

6 answers

Well, its really a testing time for you. You seem powerless for the present. With whatever she has done to you, i reckon that she is trying to dominate you. By holy Christ, what was she doing all these six years. The exchange of brickbats seems fair in the game of love. That's the way it is. Sometimes you enjoy and sometimes you don't. It's new to you and you are taken aback by the sudden developments. You say you feel powerless, looks like you were dominating her all these six years or so. Now you want more power than her, right?. Try this. Stop begging her, stop chiding her, stop saying nasty things to her, be diplomatic and nice to her. Even if she feels offended by your new attribute, don't retribute. This way she slowly will become powerless and go to her knees. You might have seen small kids. Sometimes when they fall down we go ga ga and the howling starts. Ignore them, they go on with their play. Showing attention sometimes spoils them. Ignore your girlfriend for the offensive remarks made by her and she'll be back to her senses. Good Luck!!

2006-12-25 02:35:27 · answer #1 · answered by Kushal-Know All 2 · 0 0

You have already violated the edicts of manlaw and should have your MANLAW card revoked.

Manlaw expressly prohibits a man from EVER begging in front of "his woman" to gain her affections or TO END an argument.

To do so undermines your manhood and the sanctity of all that is masculine.

This act alone facilitated the transfer of power as you effectively EMASCULATED yourself in front of your girl.

It is only logical that she will be more independent after you cut off both of your testicles in front of her.

If you want to get your "manlaw" card back, your next move is to find a suitable replacement for her and make her your "ex". You need a change of pace if you have been dating her LONGER than most people spend in college!!

Making her your "ex" BEFORE you she makes YOU her "ex" will restore the balance of power and give you the CHANCE to re-establish what little manhood you have left.

2006-12-25 10:34:56 · answer #2 · answered by DaMan 5 · 0 0

Go back to playing the game. Read The Rules or The Other Rules.

2006-12-25 10:35:29 · answer #3 · answered by bestbet77 3 · 0 0

It sounds like you are getting what you deserved. Eventually she will get tired of the game and break things off. Learn from this experience and don't treat your next girlfriend the same way.

2006-12-25 10:26:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you should neither have power over the other. Just tell her you are tired of being treated badly and you can see now that is not a good thing, see if you can rebuild it right

2006-12-25 10:27:55 · answer #5 · answered by ladynamedjane 5 · 0 0

happy christmas to you too!ya need to sit down and have a serious chat.sounds like ye dont have a healthy relationship!neither of ye sound happy!no one should have more power cos it is an unbalanced realtionship then

2006-12-25 10:28:06 · answer #6 · answered by olliemort 4 · 0 0

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