I miss my ex dearly, we have been together for nearly 2 years and we broke up recently because we wanted each other to experience what we might be missing out when we were together. We are 19. We are classmates and have been best friends ever since year 1. We are still able to stay as best friends now but it really hurts to know that we cannot have a romantic relationship anymore. It hurts like hell. I miss him alot, but i have to see him all the time in school. And sometimes he will ask me out for a movie, just the two of us, because he regards me as a friend. But i cannot keep my hands off him sometimes, it just comes naturally. I also cannot stand the fact that we have to go out with our same group of friends together without him. Our friends will only ask either of us out at any one time. I don't know what to do but i hate to move on. I really want to marry him even because i think that he is a great person. With us being friends now, do u guys think we might even have a chance
19 answers
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together in the future? Maybe say 2-3 yearS?
02:22:08 ·
update #1
I talked to him about getting back together already, but he told me that we should try to see other things first.
03:02:37 ·
update #2
no get over it
2006-12-25 02:23:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Um, I guess I'm missing something here.
If the original separation was mutual and voluntary, have you guys seriously talked about the possibility that it was just a mistake? It wouldn't be the first time that a young couple decided to "experience what they might be missing" only to come back to the good thing they had. Maybe you just need to go to him and say, "OK, I've experienced enough, and I'd rather be with you."
I'm not hearing anything about his feelings in here. If you're honest with him, and it doesn't work, you do face the possibility of ending the friendship. But, if he still likes you well enough to go out one on one, I'm thinking there might be something there worth reaching for.
Best of luck.
2006-12-25 10:24:04
answer #2
answered by David G 5
I think U have experienced the pain of separation. What U require now is to express your feelings to him and initiate the relationship as nothing has passed out. In the first instance make sure that your ex 's response is as positive as yours. It does not make any difference whether U start the conversation or he does it. I am sure both of U are quite matured and can work on from where U left. As far as marriage is concerned, there should not be any problem.
All the best.
2006-12-25 10:50:56
answer #3
answered by Tony 2
Yes I know the feeling( the time before I was married).
What would you feel when at one time he's got an other girl with him, or you an other boyfriend?
Try to see it in that way.
You can do 2 things: avoid him or fix the relationship in a close relation, if he's the right one don't let him go.
Just friends with a ex-boyfriend never works, there will always be regrets later and arguments when you or him has a other partner.
2006-12-25 10:32:02
answer #4
answered by Chantal D. 6
That's really tough, and I'm sorry. You broke up because you both wanted to know what you are missing. Now you know.
Does he still want to move on? If so, you have no other choice than to move on, as well.
Try getting involved in a new activity, which will introduce you to new people. Then you can hang out with them, without being constantly reminded of your ex.
Good luck.
2006-12-25 10:25:23
answer #5
answered by Allan 6
this is the exact thing that has just happened to me recently
the best thing that i have tried is to try and see someone new for a while if there is no connection between you to like you had with your ex then you really love your ex and eventually he will come to his senses and no that he truly loves you and not any other girl will ever replace you and you guys will eventually get back together and everything will be back to normal it just takes a lot of patience but do not ever give up!
2006-12-25 10:29:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
stop pretending and just tell him how you feel once and for all. tell him you really want to be with him still and that you thought you could just be friends but you can't. if he wants you too great!! but if he wants just friends then you are gonna have to back off or live with the pain. you are stuck in a hard place but you need to move on. your youbg and you will meet plenty of guys as you go. so don't worry if this one doesn't want what you want. GOOD LUCK i know you can do this!!
2006-12-25 10:29:39
answer #7
answered by onyx maiden 4
Yes. You stand a fair chance of marrying him. But its essential to give your relationship some time and space. If he comes back to you -- he won't go away; but if he doesn't then you should know it was never meant to be.
Time is the best healer. Nothing helps ease the pain better.
Merry Christmas.
2006-12-25 10:30:58
answer #8
answered by keyman_o 3
Your not missing out on anything. You have a good relationship you love him he loves you are you crazy?????? Get back togeter before you ruin evrything. Ive been with my girl for 6 years and we tries the break and now everything is f'ed up. Were going to fix it but it still messed us up a little. Trust you are not missing out please get back together before you mess it up!!!!!!!!1
2006-12-25 10:29:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes couples just need their space! Just wait it out. But if you are hurting that bad, tell him how you feel about this whole situation. Maybe he is hurting just as bad, you never know. Like I said, just tell him how you feel and go from there. Good luck, hun!
2006-12-25 10:24:39
answer #10
answered by Gina 4
If you were happy why go looking elsewhere? All thats out there is a bunch of people looking for what you had.
2006-12-25 10:24:48
answer #11
answered by mattdrew2002 2