Yes. Disclaimers to follow.
This depends a lot on your definition of love. (At least one person here has already suggested that all you can fall into at first sight is lust.)
People are attracted to different things. If you are sufficiently shallow that physical beauty is the most important thing in the universe in your eyes, then yes, you can fall in love at first sight...insofar as you can fall in love at all.
The problem is that beauty is transient, the love of beauty faces this constantly. A relationship based on the love of beauty cannot last. On the other hand though, a relationship that begins in the love of beauty can mature into something a little more stable in time. And, there is something to be said for trusting your first impressions.
2006-12-25 02:14:30
answer #1
answered by David G 5
No! No! No! Only in the movies!
Love is an emotional bond that is formed over a time of continued exposure. Love is something that happens with another person as you discover things about each other and discover things about the world together.
You may really like someone when you first meet them... you may be very attracted to someone at first sight... you may even feel a special connection with someone after first meeting them... BUT love at first sight is a myth. I'm not trying to dispel the idea of romance, but a lot of people make dumb relationship mistakes because they believe more in the "idea" of romance than they do the reality of it.
2006-12-25 10:25:23
answer #2
answered by ailolyen 2
i don't think its really possible. I think that whoever you are and whoever you set your sights on - gay or straight, you must be attracted to a physical sight first of all and then the mind takes over - I wish I could be with her, what would it be like to be with her, wow, what would my mates think walking into the disco with her, type of thought, but love, real love is a comlicated set of thought processes and come together to produce the feeling or sentiment of love over time.
The first time I saw Joanne Guest, a very pretty page 3 girl, for those of you that have never heard the name, you might have said that I fell in love with her, but that wasn't love, I just thought she was and still is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Even at 35, which she now is, she's just as beautiful as she's always been to me.
However, I got the chance to actually meet her some time back when she was renovating her new home in East London and she really was as beautiful live as I'd ever seen her on the screen and in magazines, but she had the brains of an ant and not a very clever ant at that and I could never be in love with someone who comes across at least as being that dim!
2006-12-25 13:18:56
answer #3
answered by statusquo44 3
Manlaw proclaims that women fall in love at first sight while men "fall in lust" upon their first erection.
Manlaw clearly establishes that a man does not "fall in love" but is goaded into a relationship because of an off-spring or by the seemingly fickle, yet uncontrollable wiles of a woman.
2006-12-25 10:21:53
answer #4
answered by DaMan 5
The people saying you cant fall in love at first sight - you can be 100% sure THEY have never experienced it - hence they say its not true.
I would have said no also until 5 years ago I fell in love with a girl at first sight - she blew my mind before I even spoke to her - they say body language is 90% of communication so of course if that is true it follows that you can nearly feel if someone is amazing and perfect for you even if you havent spoken to them yet. Follow the logic
Also dont you know that in speed dating, interviews, etc etc people make up their minds about you in the first 10 seconds.
The girl I fell in love with 5 years ago I married 18 months later and we now have a 2.5 year old daughter - and I promise it was love at first sight - and she's still blowing my mind (not only mind he he )
2006-12-25 11:26:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You are probably more attracted to the looks at first sight. It's not love at all, but people think it's "love at first sight."
Be realistic, such things only exist on TV.
2006-12-25 10:18:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
there are people actually falling in love without even meeting each other yet. i mean, through words they communicate and somehow, feelings started to rise. i think it's easier to fall in love at first sight, rather than not seeing the people you fall in love with at all. i personally think it could fact, it does.
2006-12-25 10:27:57
answer #7
answered by ? 2
No...that's such a worn out myth. "Love at First Sight" is more like a case of spontaneous lust triggered by someone you found VISUALLY irresistable. Definately NOT something to base your entire life on with the limited information you have.
2006-12-25 10:16:36
answer #8
answered by bradxschuman 6
I believe you can actually.
Just something about the other one. The smile; the look; the whole appearance....
Yeah; definitely; and I think it's the best way to fall in love!
2006-12-25 12:20:08
answer #9
answered by Kc 6
there's no such thing as love at first sight.
Love... you can't love by just love by KNOWING. You can't know a person by his/her physical appearance. You may experience lust or infatuation with a physically attractive person, but it's not love, however much you try to convince yourself. You have to get to know the person, their personality before youcan really love.
2006-12-25 10:21:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous