Go jogging!
2006-12-24 22:55:22
answer #1
answered by digorbat11 2
Hi. My friend Steven says that you should stop trying to live up to other people's expectations. My other friend Marcello says you should avoid situations where you will be tempted. I think you should get some (and I'm not being rude) porn; weather you're gay or not, masturbation always seems to do the trick. But be sporty with yourself: you're your own sexual partner. Experiment. If you get into toys that's fine. I did a little research on tantra and let me tell you: I once had a 2 1/2 hour orgasm. I had to lock my door so my mom wouldn't come in! Don't be afraid to search whats out there. If you're alone thats fine. ENTERTAIN YOURSELF! Sex should be something private and beautiful and exciting. Society has made it cheap and dirty. Go and explore your own body and mind - these two go together like bread and butter: sex and spirit. You'll then find peace, I promise. I did.
2006-12-25 07:06:45
answer #2
answered by Voldi G 2
Your hormones are in the right place, your body is telling you it's ready and wants to start pro-creating. Start looking for a mate to spend your life with (if you have any Godly belief), pray and ask for this.
But steer your energies into something that will also keep you busy and use up some of this excess ....sexual drive. Work/sport etc.
It's not easy being human and horny, I know. It's a nice feeling, but it can get annoying.
2006-12-25 07:03:13
answer #3
answered by Gus 3
Get a Tara patrick toy it feels like a real woman, even better. put two heavy objects together and put it between the objects, to hold it in place so you can be hands free. Trust me it works if your creative
2006-12-25 06:52:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Cold showers work (unless you are in a hot area) or going to an old person's home - if this doesn't work, hmm... get back to you on that!!
2006-12-25 06:52:32
answer #5
answered by pte joker 2
there are many more things on this world to do other than having sex... try to get over it by some other activities and if this does not work, try to masturbate from time to time.
2006-12-25 06:52:31
answer #6
answered by kamqx 3
Masturbate. Merry CHristmas hope santa brought you lots of porn!
2006-12-25 07:15:30
answer #7
answered by ? 2
look at a picture of nancy pelosi or hillary r. you will realize immediately your not alone.
2006-12-25 06:49:54
answer #8
answered by koalatcomics 7
Get yourself a mate.
2006-12-25 06:53:52
answer #9
answered by SingGirl 4
masturbate...or get busy doing something to take your mind off sex....do laundry?
2006-12-25 06:50:04
answer #10
answered by th25tina 3