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i have a friend who dated this fat girl, and he always complained to me how it was embarassing taking her out in public. I think he's not too far from the truth. When I see a fat girl with an inshape dude, i wonder if he was really desperate. Not in a million years that I would be seen in public with a fat girl. Imaging holding hands with her, hugging her a making out with her. -- gross. So how do guys deal with all the pressure? Call me shallow, im just telling it as I see it, im sure people here would agree. The flabs, and the putrid sweat, and the lingering smell of food turns me off completely!

2006-12-24 14:57:24 · 36 answers · asked by Kyle 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

36 answers

I have the same problem with stupid, shallow and inside ugly dudes....

2006-12-24 20:15:23 · answer #1 · answered by willow, the yodakitty from hell 7 · 0 1

Yes, you are incredibly shallow. I too am a "fat woman" and I am incredibly offended that you would say the the "flabs", the "putrid sweat" and the "lingering smell of food" turns you off. Are you telling me that NO ONE you know has any flab at all? Are you also telling me that NO ONE you know sweats? And what in the hell makes you think that overweight people have a lingering food smell on them? Do you? You eat too don't you? Remind me not to get too close since you eat and there must be a lingering food smell.

You are incredibly idiotic to make these assumptions. Overweight people are not prone to sweating more than the average person. You are also assuming that all men are turned off by larger women. I cannot even begin to tell you how very wrong you are. A person's size has absolutely nothing to do with their attractiveness. A person could be the most beautiful or handsome there is, but inside they're horrible, insensitive and rude (something that appears to be close to your heart). Their exterior beauty is then wasted on a shallow, hollow person.

You need to stop making assumptions and grow the hell up. You also need to remember how you feel about "fat" people because I can guarantee you that at some point in your life you will gain a few pounds and won't be the most desireable. Then your "flabs", "putrid sweat" and "lingering small of food" will turn people off. How do you think you'll feel about that one?

Being seen with a "fat woman" embarasses you? Well, dealing with "little boys" like you embarasses me.

2006-12-24 15:10:00 · answer #2 · answered by QueenChristine 4 · 6 1

Well, how do women deal with being seen with an unintelligent, uneducated, and ill-mannered man in public? If you can answer my question then you have your own answer to this preposterous question. May I humbly recommend some spelling and grammar lessons that your middle school English teacher neglected to teach you? Moreover, I would like to enlighten you that your parents need to teach you a little etiquette and buy you material to improve your vocabulary. There are also some sensitivity training that has been neglected.

In other words, I humbly advise you if you want to criticize someone because of their weight you need to do some research on why people can get overweight. It's genetic, it's medical, it's a lot of factors not just being lazy and hungry all the time. I tell you something, my friend, I am overweight but that's because of medical issues not because I am a glutton. I don't eat that much, and I am very physically active. I may be overweight, but I got accepted into medical school, got an excellent paying job, great credit for my age, and a lot of factors.

Do you automatically assume that if a woman is "fat" (I prefer the medically correct term "overweight" or in extreme cases "obese") that she has no other potential than just stuffing her face with Tweenkies? My previous response to one of your questions was very immature and I will confess that I stooped to your level. However, I would like to point that that there are a lot of qualities that an overweight (or obese) woman has. Just look around!

Society puts too much emphasis on "thin." Of course, it's shallow thinking. But, what is the price to pay to be "thin"? For some women, it's a deadly price.

With all due respect, how would you like it if your girlfriend has an eating disorder just to continue to be "thin" just to please you and be with you? What if she gets depressed and eat then gain weight? What if she gets pregnant? If you are any man at all, you would continue to love you.

It's called unconditional love. Why don't you learn it and apply to everyday life?

2006-12-24 15:38:43 · answer #3 · answered by Maria Gallercia 4 · 1 1

I sure hope your outsides aren't as ugly as your insides, or you are in real trouble. I'm sorry, but shallow isn't the word for you, try pathetic and insecure instead. Why it bothers you what other people get up to or what kind of girls other guys like says a lot about the kind of person you are. Maybe when you grow up, you will realise that some of those 'fat' girls are actually people and it's probably because of ugly attitudes like yours, that they don't have the motivation or determination to actually do something about it. Depression and low self esteem are major contributors to compulsive overreating, which if you didn't know already leads to obesity. Maybe try having some festive spirit and just try not to upset any 'fat' girls over Christmas eh?

Merry Christmas : )

2006-12-24 16:48:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First and foremost if you dont like the chick then dont date her period. If someone is unattractive to you then why in gods green earth would u date her? Second off not every fat person has putrid sweat, or the lingering smell of food either. Third off its just the way society is sometimes deal with it.

2006-12-24 15:02:09 · answer #5 · answered by the_man11215 1 · 5 0

I'm overweight, but I don't smell bad. In fact, I'm more picky about personal hygiene than most people. My last boyfriend was younger than me and very thin. He loved how I smelled and tasted, and often commented on how soft and smooth my skin is. He would notice people looking at us funny, which he attributed to the fact that he is black and I am white. I never really noticed, because I don't care what other people think. He and I had an amazing and very active sex life for almost 7 years. I broke up with him (a year ago today), primarily because he was irresponsible.

2006-12-24 15:00:43 · answer #6 · answered by HearKat 7 · 6 1

Ok so like whats with the fat q's from you tonight? Me thinks you are the "friend" and like the fat chicks as you so call them. Hey that's ok. Least you'll get laid. See your other q for the rest. And I deal with it just fine. And yes I was the same way when young. Too bad your life will become nothiness. But that's how it goes.

2006-12-24 15:01:40 · answer #7 · answered by Don, '80's Connoisseur 4 · 5 0

To each their own. Some guys actually like the fat ones. Some tell me that sex with a fat one is better than with the skinnty ones. Some just plain will not even speak to the fat ones so you see it takes all kinds and there is always someone for each of us.

Personaly I don't mind the gals being fa but I will say I got rid of two girlfriends because they were getting much too fat and were obise. No I will not tolerate that.

Skinny girls are not attractive to me either. I like a woman to look like a woman not twiggy or porky.

2006-12-24 15:07:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

in many states interior the U. S. you're completely allowed to, its in basic terms no longer socially suited in maximum places. somewhat the comparable ingredient as a guy donning a gown. on an identical time as there are not rules against it, we've sexist gown code norms. So verify the guidelines the place you reside and flop 'em out.

2016-10-18 23:16:52 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Just don't give into the pressure and don't hang around them if you don't want to you.

Call me shallow, but I agree with you.

These responses are quite funny, all the fat people are calling you shallow. It's your preference, just like you can prefer a blonde over brunette.

And yes attractiveness can deal with a persons weight so those of you that don't agree are wrong! You can not define the word attractive as it relates to an individuals view of attractive.

Hopefully this will help you more than the, "your shallow" responses.


2006-12-24 15:16:47 · answer #10 · answered by Mark 1 · 1 4

i cant tell ya why but i do know im dating a woman who is 31 and i love her to death i dont care what she looks like kuz its not the outside that really counts its the inside and If he cant stand dating a woman or girl that is fat then he shouldnt be with her and of course that isnt right kuz u shouldnt Judge by looks you should by personality

2006-12-24 15:00:20 · answer #11 · answered by sean s 2 · 4 0

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