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My hair is super annoying. Everytime i straighten it, it just frizzes up. Any time i style it, it never stays. I've used so many different hair products i dont know what to do anymore. Should i get a straight perm??? What exactly happens for that? I've heard there's an "ugly duckling" stage when ur hair is really messed up and it could just.. break. How much do they usually cost? o.O i'd really appreciate someone's help and advice with anything. ^^

2006-12-24 12:07:15 · 7 answers · asked by rawr<3 1 in Beauty & Style Hair

7 answers

I actually had my hair permanently straightened last summer. Granted, my hair is naturally straight, but it is really poofy. I got it done because I was vacationing in Hong Kong and I didn't have my straightener with me. The process is very long and tedious, about 6 hours and it costs quite a bit. Perhaps in the states it would be $150+. It lasts about 6-9 months, but mine lasted about a year. I never went through an "ugly duckling" stage. It was quite nice because all I had to do was blow dry my hair after washing it, and it was super straight. Hope this helped!

2006-12-24 12:16:47 · answer #1 · answered by Karen 1 · 0 0

Info on straight perm:
The price depends on the length and thickness of your hair. My hair is super thick and really long and it costs $60-$150 depending on where you go. I live in a small town, so the prices probably vary in bigger towns. Also for me, my hair is past the middle of my back (and i'm tall) and the perm only takes about 3 hours, I guess the techniques raise or lower the amount of time.

2006-12-24 12:30:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try using the pantene shampoo and conditioner that fit your need, and then comb your hair out and use John Freida- Frizz-Ease, and then blow dry while brushing straight, blow dryer pointed down to reduce frizz, and when you're through if you need to straight-iron put half of your hair in a clip on top of your head so you can focus just on one layer and when you're through there won't be any "Missed spots" !!

2006-12-24 12:35:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i would suggest the perm straightener. they just do the opposite as when they perm it.. no perm rods they just pull it straight. a perms cost is based on the length of your hair so i would have to have more information to answer that for you... and i'm a cosmetologist so i can help you out

2006-12-24 12:44:33 · answer #4 · answered by sejeadi38 2 · 0 0

I know that you said that you have tried to straiten your hair..but what method(s) have you tried?..i have crazy hair, too. but what works for me is when i get out of the shower i put a good quarter sized amount of KMS flat out creme , blow my hair dry and then use a flat iron..it takes some time- but it works..go to sally beauty supply for a good cheap flat iron(around 20 bucks). i hope that that helps, also when you get done blow drying it apply a small(SMALL) amount of biosilk to your hands and rub together to warm it up then lightly apply to hair and then flat iron.Good luck!!!

2006-12-24 12:21:00 · answer #5 · answered by superfastkittykat 2 · 0 0

use anti frizz serum

2006-12-24 14:16:45 · answer #6 · answered by rajan naidu 7 · 0 0

wear a hairbow, oil it with coconut oil.

2006-12-24 12:15:20 · answer #7 · answered by mks 2 · 0 0

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