you do have to use a dog shampoo because the human shampoo is too strong for their coat and will dry it out and stuff. and also you can't use a human blow-drier (if you have a fluffy dog and you want to dry it quickly) because that might burn their skin.
2006-12-24 10:36:02
answer #1
answered by Michelle 3
human shampoo strips a dogs skin of its natural oils and can be harmful. the only human shampoo safe for dogs is johnsons and johnsons baby shampoo. most groomers recommend that for young puppies and dogs with allergies. your best bet is to use a good dog shampoo
2006-12-24 18:48:41
answer #2
answered by mandie m 2
yes. The pH of a dog's skin is different than a humans. human shampoo is too strong for a dog and will cause problems (itching, redness and flaking). So, yes REALLY use a dog shampoo! My favorite is Earthbath. I have provided a link.- dd
2006-12-24 18:42:28
answer #3
answered by dedum 6
Yes use use a dog shampoo because the human shampoo is too strong for their coat and will dry it out.
2006-12-24 18:38:43
answer #4
answered by Chiquitita 4
Use dog shampoo. If it is too much trouble to procure dog shampoo to bathe your dog, perhaps you are too busy to own a real live dog. Perhaps a stuffed dog would be better?
Just get the silly shampoo.
2006-12-24 21:03:24
answer #5
answered by renodogmom 5
The only 'human' products I would recommend for washing your dog are either Pert (great to kill fleas) or Dawn Dishwashing liquid. Most other products are just too harmful to the dogs skin. Just remember, no matter what you use, to thoroughly and completely rinse the fur.
2006-12-24 19:26:50
answer #6
answered by cudala 2
Human shampoos have a pH level that is dangerous for pets. And since dogs (and cats) lick themselves, you do need a "pet-friendly" shampoo. Ask your vet, go to your favorite pet store or search the web to find the best one for your dog.
2006-12-24 18:37:17
answer #7
answered by Don R 3
Use dog shampoo...human shampoo will dry their skin and make them itchy or irritated...and it can make their eyes sore
2006-12-24 18:46:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Human shampoo's are too strong for the dogs coat.......and our shampoo's have way too much added stuff in them.....
Try Sargent's oatmeal formula for's great and it smells good too.....
2006-12-24 18:47:26
answer #9
answered by girlegyrl 3
Their PH is different. Call your vet to get the best type for your pet. But yes, you can't use human shampoo. Good luck.
2006-12-24 18:39:06
answer #10
answered by OhWhatCanIDo 4