An RPM package typically contains binary executables, along with relevant configuration files and documentation. The rpm program is a powerful package manager, which can be used to install, query, verify, update, erase and build software packages in the RPM format.
These are typically used for software installation.
# rpm --install WindowMaker-0.18-1b.i386.rpm
You can even install directly from the Internet, if you know the URL of a RPM package: # rpm --install
You should also check out this site, it has information about the basics of linux and installing from RPMs:
Red Hat, one of Linux's first ever distributors came up with a neat solution to the problems .tar.gz files and compiling has for the normal user. They pre-package the thar file, zip it up and make it do all the hard installation work for you. This system is called RPM and it's the standard software installation method for a lot of Linux distributions today, such as Red Hat, Fedora Core, SuSE and Mandriva.
If you are unsure if you have an RPM system or you just want to check what version of RPM you are using, then try typing the following at the Linux terminal:
$ rpm -q rpm
You should get a similar answer to this:
If you get something like 'command not found', then it sounds like you don't have RPM installed, you may be using a Linux distribution that does not use RPM natively, for example, Debian, Ubuntui, Gentoo, Slackware, Mepis or Xandros have a look at the DEB or TGZ sections of this page.
It's important that if you go to download an RPM from the net, always try to get one that was packaged by the vendor of your distribution.
For example, if you go to and type in netscape, and you get 3 RPMs back: One from Red Hat, one from Mandriva and one from SuSE. If you have a Mandriva Linux distribution on your PC, make sure you use the Mandriva one.
The reason for this is all down to fitting into your system configuration structure and things called libraries, which vary from distro to distro.
How to install the package it's self
Okay, let's presume that you have an RPM file ready to install called netscape-4.76-3.i386.rpm
You can install it in the following ways:
Open up a terminal/console:
su - (to become the root superuser)
# rpm -Uvh netscape-4.76-3.i386.rpm
Preparing [###################] 100%
Installing [###################] 100%
The options -Uvh stand for the following:
U - Upgrade package if already installed, or install if not installed
v - Be verbose about the installation
h - show hash symbols to indicate progress of installation
Don't use RPM - YUM is easier and better:
YUM (mentioned in the previous chapter) is a system much like Debian's APT, but for Fedora Core and other RPM based distributions. It makes Dependency problems far less likely for Fedora Users.
Installing an RPM package through YUM can be done by the following steps (again, as root):
$su -
#yum install netscape
Note that you do not need to specify the version of software you are installing. YUM goes out to the Internet and automatically pulls down the latest version it can find of 'netscape', and installs it for you, along with any other software you may need, in order to run 'netscape'.
What if I don't want to type commands in to install software via YUM?
Then use the graphical program, Yum Extender!
How do you install it, I hear you ask?
$su - Password: #yum install yumex
Now you can access Yum Extender in the "red hat" menu, under "System Tools."
2006-12-24 10:25:03
answer #1
answered by Answer Cancer 2
RPM Package Manager is a convenient way to distribute software for Linux systems. A package is simply a collection of files bound together within an rpm file. "Source rpms" are used to distribute the original source code of an application and are identified by their suffix, ".src.rpm" "Binary rpms" are pre-compilied for a specific type of machine architecture with a suffix that depends on the architecture.
The origin Pentium processor is the "i586" architecture. The Pentium II/III/IV processors are all "i686" architectures. All of these are backwards compatible with previous architectures. You'll find lots of "i386" rpms around that will work with any processor.
installing package foo (foo.rpm) - from terminal window:
rpm -Uvh foo.rpm
uninstall package foo ('e' for erase):
rpm -e foo
If you run suse linux you can also use yast either from the command line or the gui. Easiest method is to double click the .rpm file within konqueror and clicking yes when prompted if you want to install using yast
For a full web site dedicated to using rpm:
(It describes red hat - but whether you use rmp in red hat, suse, mandrake they're all pretty much the same)
ps I use both windoze and linux - Linux rocks!! (pity all the games are only made for the windoze platform)
Merry Christmas and Seasonal Greetings!!
2006-12-24 10:30:48
answer #2
answered by redbaron101 3