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it is not rude of me to use all capitals as i can;t see what i am typing

2006-12-24 05:31:16 · 6 answers · asked by evelyn k 1 in Pets Dogs

6 answers

Look at the suggestions on the bag. The amount of food varies not only with their size but their age and activity level as well as other factors, like treats. A nine pound puppy eats a lot more than a nine pound adult dog. The older the dog , the less they eat because they are not as active , nor are the growing. Dont worry about seeing what you are typing, I have the same problem. I have the print up as high as it will go.

2006-12-24 05:35:00 · answer #1 · answered by fancyname 6 · 0 1

Feed the 5 1/2 lb dog to the 9 lb dog. Problem halved.

2006-12-24 05:34:19 · answer #2 · answered by grant the monkey 2 · 1 1

Not much , only 1/2- 1 cup a day. Just put some in there dish and leave it out for them to eat it when ever they feel like it. Thats what I do. I have a 15 lb dog and i put about 2 cups in her dish and sometimes she takes 3-4 days to eat it all

2006-12-24 05:43:54 · answer #3 · answered by niptuck2630 5 · 0 0

I feed my dogs twie a day and I mix dry food and canned food. I have a 6lb puppy and a 15lb poodle mix and my boyfriend has a 70lb boxer. I feed a scoop of food approx 1 cup or 1 cup and a 1/3 of a cup with half a can of canned food (boxer). My puppy has 1/2 cup of dry food with 1/3 cup of canned food. My poodle mix has 1/2 cup of dry food with 2/3 of canned food. My poodle mix does not always eat her food (she usually eats however much she wants and my puppy does the same thing. The boxer usually eats all his food.

2006-12-24 06:23:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1 cup a day each dog 1/2 cup in the mornin and 1/2 cup at night thats wut i feed my 10 pound shih tzu abd hes doin fine maintain his weight

merry christmas and happy new year
pick me plz

2006-12-24 06:01:49 · answer #5 · answered by puppylover1025 3 · 0 0

I just fill up my dogs bowl all the way and she eats when she is hungry, then when it empty and she wants more she picks up the bowl with her mouth and brings it too me :D

2006-12-24 05:36:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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