let her know any time she wants to go out your are there but dont push it , she could be saying this cause she dosnt want to go out with you and is being polite about it or she may jsut not want to date right now as well
2006-12-23 15:42:00
answer #1
answered by pen 3
Now you also know how she feels, so you would be smart to move on. If she was the least bit interested in you should would offer some explanation as to why she's not interested in dating now, and offer some suggestions as to when she might be or what has to happen in her life or your life to get her interested. It appears she didn't offer you any hope that she might change her mind, so move on. You're wasting valuable time with this woman. Whatever it is that you have to offer a woman in a relationship, some woman is looking and waiting and maybe even praying for for just that type of a guy to come her way. Don't keep the love of your life waiting. Go find her.
2006-12-23 23:53:48
answer #2
answered by nachtmann2 5
She said shes not interested right now, but you ask her in the New Year. But if she says no then leave her alone.
2006-12-23 23:44:44
answer #3
answered by Sercet Person 2
you should wait a month so yeah that would be like after Christmas vacation that will give her time to think things over but if she says no then move on and ask someone who wants to don't fight for someone who doesn't want to go out with anyone its useless
2006-12-23 23:44:09
answer #4
answered by celinuchis90 3
I would leave her be. I'm sorry, but she may have been letting you down gently.
There is someone else for you, you'll see. Or maybe you two will get together far into the future. However, for right now, I would let her be.
Happy holidays!
2006-12-23 23:42:42
answer #5
answered by Peanut Butter 5
Move on and leave her be she is not interested in anything other than friendship with you.
2006-12-23 23:43:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Move on, there are more fish in the sea. And this goes both ways.
2006-12-23 23:43:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
u came on a little strong give her time she is paling girly like she i supposed to,u dont want her to say yes yes yes have been wanting to go out with u why havent u ask me yet
2006-12-23 23:42:36
answer #8
answered by combs 5
Well, now that she knows how you feel, leave it up to her to make an advance.
2006-12-23 23:42:14
answer #9
answered by Jennifer S 2
tell her that u have to take her somewhere on new years eve. take her somewere romantic and at midnite passionatley kiss her. she'll definatly wanna go out with u then.
2006-12-23 23:48:35
answer #10
answered by cute_lil_surfer 2