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In some case pets. They started with pit bull and rotts, they are dangerous. They add boxers and mastiffs to the list. Now list od "dangerous" dog includ, akitas. alasken malaMATES,american eskimo dog, chows, dodies, greman shepherd , saint bernard. In some places they includ all hunting dogs. In some cities animals like hamsters, ginnie pigs, Parriots, reptiles. A lot of this gose back to groups like PETA, HSUS and ALF to name a few. stand up and fight. If you don't we all well lose.

2006-12-23 15:04:17 · 7 answers · asked by gothicmidnightwitch 2 in Pets Dogs

7 answers

Yeah, and you will understand why they pass so easily when you see the answers you get.

I am not sure of the final L'ville law, but as it was written it is very scary. Unneutered dog you need a 6ft fence, one foot underground, and he can have NO contact with other dogs, which is a GREAT way to increase aggression. Puppies can have no contact with ANYONE other than the owner until they are 16 weeks. If your dog should somehow get out and AC picks it up it WILL be S/N, no matter it was a one time mistake or that it is a highly prized stud dog. And yes, hSUS had a BIG hand in this.

This kind of crap is being passed all over the country, LA county, L'ville, and HEART in Albuquerque are probably the worst. In Albuquerque they can confinscate your dog if he doesn't have environment enriching toys!

Keep SQUEEZING the pet owners until it is SO HARD to have a pet that no one can comply with the ridiculous rules!!!

In MY city, we have a dangerous dog law. If my dog were to chase a bike, she would be considered a DD, and I would have to purchase $50,000 insurance, post DD signs, and keep my dog muzzled. If my dog were to get loose, the police can shoot her down in the street if they think she 'looks' dangerous. How do I know the police is qualified to determine this? Well, they take an already trained dog through an 8 week obedience class. It would be funny if it weren't true.

If the pet owning public doesn't wake up SOON, it will be too late!

Suede blueyes - "I do feel, however, that there are not strict enough laws on individuals that KNOWINGLY own an aggressively dangerous animal"

They can pass all the laws they WANT! The thugs and the uncaring, irresponsible owners will not trot on in to comply. WHY would you think the thugs would care if they are within the law??? WHY would you think a law would make the uncaring CARE??? These laws mainly affect the law abiding, caring citzens, and THEY are NOT the problem!

What they COULD do, is ENFORCE the already existing LEASH LAW! Get dogs off the streets! The Law in L'ville came about because of 2 attacks. One was the family dog, the other was from a dog that a senior citizens center had been calling AC about for MONTHS!!! How about if AC just DOES THEIR JOB! But no, instead pass more laws that are likely to be as selectively enforced as the other ones! AC should be spending LESS time seizing dogs for stupid reasons and MORE time enforcing the LEASH laws!!!

Shepherd girl - " I do not blame the groups I blame people for being so ignorant"

I rarely, if ever, disagree with you, but I don't fully agree with this statement. It is the fault of the ignorant owners, yes. But the AR groups are pushing HARD to pass these laws that have already been shown to NOT work! THEY are not doing this with the goal of fixing the problem, it just furthers their no more pets agenda.

"we have a generation of people who do not learn anything unless they have seen it on TV"

Isn't THAT the truth! The average American citizen is MUCH too busy going to lunch and shopping for the latest gadget, to actually THINK!!!

2006-12-23 15:36:58 · answer #1 · answered by whpptwmn 5 · 2 0

There are A LOT of irresponsible pet owners out there and they make it bad for all of us.

I live near Denver where there has been a recent debate on the ban of Pit Bulls. I agree with the other poster that pets are aggressive, in large part, because of their owners. I do feel, however, that there are not strict enough laws on individuals that KNOWINGLY own an aggressively dangerous animal (I'm not talking breed here, I'm talking particular animal).

Another thing people fail to take into consideration is animals are not people...they are animals, including dogs. They will always be animals and no matter how much we love our dogs, and how much they are a part of our family, we do not know how they are going to react under every single situation.

I have two dogs, one is a 65lb boxer mix and one is a 140 lb Newfoundland mix. Neither of them have ever shown any aggressive behavior. As a responsible pet owner, however, I don't allow children to pet them. Not because I think they are is going to maul a child, but I honestly don't know what they are going to do...they are animals. And in our society of sue happy individuals, one can never be too cautious.

Because of the size of my dogs, even if they were playing and being friendly, they could do some damage to a small child. Then the next thing I know I'm being sued and losing my house. Nope, not worth the risk. That's what being a responsible pet owner is; knowing what is involved in owning a pet.

2006-12-23 23:51:04 · answer #2 · answered by suede_blueyes 3 · 0 0

The bond between people and dogs is older than civilization. So how in the 21st century suddenly our oldest domestic animal has become the worst enemy civilization as ever know.

As a concerned and deeply committed and responsible dog owner and a loyal believer in contitional law and a wildly patrictic citizen of the USA:
I am baffled to see this madness raging thtough out the land, as if the mass extermination and sterilization of pet dogwill be a cure all.

2006-12-23 23:58:56 · answer #3 · answered by raven blackwing 6 · 0 0

As long as people are willing to take what a few morons say as truth instead of doing a little research this is exactly what is going to happen. In Italy 92 breeds are now deemed dangerous and if peta and other similar groups get their way we will be headed in the same direction. I do not blame the groups I blame people for being so ignorant when buying purchasing, raising and keeping dogs, I also blame everyone who wants to take the easy way out by banning certain breeds or deeming them dangerous. Eventually every breed of dog will have to be banned or deemed dangerous because as ppl abandon the banned or dangerous breeds they will move on to another breed and next thing you know there goes another breed added to the list and eventually all dogs will be on the list so no more dog ownership. People need to wake up but the problem is that society lowered the standards so much that now we have a generation of people who do not learn anything unless they have seen it on TV. It really is a shame.

Why I blame people is b/c if they would do a little research before getting a dog the animal rights groups would have nothing to use as a campaign for their cause. I know that breed specific laws do not work but as long as people keep getting animals and do nothing with them it strengthens their arguments. I agree leash laws really need to be enforced but I also believe harsher punishments should be passed for those who own dangerous dogs (not breeds) because if they ban breeds all that will happen is those that use dogs for illegal activities or people who get dogs that are just plain ignorant will just move on to another breed until that breed has been banned and so on ond so on.
I have written and emailed so many representitives and aldermen about BSL because in Illinois they have been trying to sneak them in every year and in IL they have 10 breeds they want to deem dangerous (mine is one of them) so I understand completely.
MJ: just reread your post I missed a couple of paragraphs but I see we agree completely on most points. (mine were not expressed as well)
April: how you fight is to get heard, getting friends and family involved in letters and emails to State Reps and aldermen. We have beat BSL 4x now in IL doing it this way.

2006-12-24 00:17:13 · answer #4 · answered by Shepherdgirl § 7 · 0 0

I personally think animal are agressive because of their owners or the enviorment they are exposed to. I know some dogs who are sweet and loved and yet they're considered dangerous to society because the people who had these dogs treated the dogs in such a way they came out very agressive which ruined it for the people who actually took care of their dogs. It's like they saying that a few people ruin it for a whole bunch of people.

I know personally if I take care of my dogs, as well as people who I know take care of their dogs in a loving manner that's all that matters. People can fight for this all the want, but in the end people are going to see what they want to see and people are going to continue to ruin the perception of good dogs (good pit bulls, etc.) because of the people who treat these dogs in an agressive manner.

2006-12-23 23:11:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't know where you live, but the only dog discouraged in my town are Pits. Agencies will spay or neuter them for free, chip them, give you a bunch of dog food, and give you $20 to boot. The only dog breed that if turned in or found running on the streets and housed by the humane society that is not put up for adoption are Pits. Staffys are Never put up for adoption in my community. So, hon, don't know where you live, but I have two dobies, and a half rottie half dobie, and have always had dobies......

And besides, where would I "stand up and fight" (your words)?
and what does that mean exactly? What am I supposed to do.....exactly?

2006-12-23 23:54:07 · answer #6 · answered by April 6 · 0 1

well duh its so stupid!

2006-12-23 23:07:52 · answer #7 · answered by wood explorer 2 · 0 0

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