Are they vomiting the worms up? If they are they are probably round worms. I would go to a pet store, feed store, Target, or Walmart and get a de-wormer that says that it works on roundworms, and then worm all of the puppies and any other dogs/cats that you have in your household. You do not need to panic, it is actually fairly common in puppies.
2006-12-23 15:05:02
answer #1
answered by iluvmyfrenchbulldogs 6
No need to panic. ALL puppies get worms. Even the momma's since they breastfeed and eat their babie's poo. Just treat the momma with some worming medicine (I like the pqwdered 3 day treatment from Petco) and the pups will lose them too since the medication passes on to them. It's sick to have doggies with worms, but this too shall pass :-) Happy Holidays!
2006-12-23 15:10:47
answer #2
answered by Bobbie 3
OK, yes this is serious. You need to get them to a vet ASAP. Depending on the type of worm - they can get anemic very quickly and die. The worms will also feed on all the nutrients the pups get and the pups will not thrive.
2006-12-23 15:09:03
answer #3
answered by Susan S 2
If they have so many worms that they are coming out the mouth, then you definitely need to get them to a vet ASAP! Over the counter wormer does no good. Take them to the vet!
2006-12-23 15:06:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Take the pups and stool samples to the emergency vet (if your vet doesn't have hours) and they can prescribe the correct dewormer for your pups.
2006-12-23 15:06:00
answer #5
answered by ESPERANZA 4
They need worm medication, call the emergency vet in your area and go get worm pills.
2006-12-23 15:03:38
answer #6
answered by Jinny E 5
go to your local pet store and pick up some puppy dewormer and dont worry it is very common. as long as there is no blood in the feces and they are not vomiting they should be fine if they do have the above stated symptoms take they to the vet it could be parvo
2006-12-23 15:14:16
answer #7
answered by Heather 3
ewwwy, poor thing! Get them to the vet this instant unless you want worms around your house...blah!!=P
2006-12-23 15:08:19
answer #8
answered by Ellie 2
no panicing, get medicine and treat ur dog.
2006-12-23 15:05:55
answer #9
answered by embia13 2