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We put him outside and hes fine. But we brought him back inside and he starts to shack. Is he shaking and panting B/C of the cookie or something else?

2006-12-23 14:55:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

17 answers

Sugar is poison to dogs (all animals really). Make sure he gets plenty of water and NEVER give him sugar again. If his behavior persists, call the vet.

2006-12-23 14:59:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

If it were the cookie he wouldn't be stopping when you put putside so must be something else--since he is obviously NOT WELL I would not recommend leaving him outside but bring inside and observe-if it does not stop call Emergency and sk what you should do-Your regular Vet's phone when you call although closed will have a Emergency no you can call for advise,help and so on.Could be a intermittent problem from the cookie-comes and goes-but do watch him to make sure nothing seriouse develps.Not a good idea to give people food to animlas for never know when a ingredient can cause harm to the animal/

2006-12-23 15:02:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WTF is a cream cheese cookie.


Take him to a vet if the symptoms continue.


Maybe it is just a small allergic reaction and is nothing to worry about and your dog should get over it eventually .


Your dog may be just shaking and panting for no certain reason. My aunts dog pants and shakes all the time.

It could be true

Your dog thought the cookie tasted bad and is shaking from the horrible after taste and the panting may mean that for no reason your dog is tired.



2006-12-23 15:03:08 · answer #3 · answered by Kris 2 · 0 0

Well i fed my dog some prime rib about a month ago and the next day she stopped eatting and drinking water. Then the next day she had blood in her fical matter. Took her to the vet and found out she had intestinal colitis (means her intestines were bleeding) Do me and your dog a favor and never feed your dog " PEOPLE FOOD" some dogs cannot take it. My dog spent 2 nights in the hospital and it cost me $575.00. I would have paid anything but sure hurts at christmas. She can only have dry dog food from now on. Hope everything is ok just watch her water and food and bathroom breaks. Have a merry christmas.............Flo

2006-12-23 15:04:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Take your dog outside, put a teaspoon of salt down his throat. He will throw up immediately. That should help. Most dogs are allergic to cow milk. Not to mention the sugar high that he has going on. Cookies are not good for dogs.

2006-12-23 15:01:52 · answer #5 · answered by Jinny E 5 · 1 1

it might be that he is allergic to somthing he ate. i would take him to the vet. but it isn't because of sugar or choclate (unless thats what he allergic to). once my brother was doing a fundrasier and he left the chocolate bars on the kitchen table, and while we weren't home the dog managed to get the chocolate and ate like 8 full sized bars and was perfectly fine. we also feed our dog candy whenever we're eating it

2006-12-23 15:09:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Whatever the reason, you want to take him to a vet if it doesn't stop. It could be an allergic reaction or it could be something undiagnosed at all.

2006-12-23 14:57:41 · answer #7 · answered by Rice 2 · 3 0

He may have an allergy to what your mom gave him. Call the emergency vet an explain what happened.

2006-12-23 14:58:59 · answer #8 · answered by ESPERANZA 4 · 1 0

Well it could be a seizure from a cookie

2006-12-23 15:03:09 · answer #9 · answered by wood explorer 2 · 0 0

Take him to the vet IMMEDIATELY! Especially if there was any chocolate in the cookie- that can kill a dog!!!

2006-12-23 14:58:33 · answer #10 · answered by Guy M 3 · 2 1

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