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my male begal, flash is about 14 mounths old and he has puppys with a nother begal from getting out of the fence(good thing they wanted more hunting dogs) well he is an inside dog with others. A great dane(maddison age 7) and a jack russle/ miniture eskimo(ellie, she is the problem, age 9 months or someware round that) well ellie is going to go into heat for the first time here soon and flash wont leave her alone, i cant have them have pups(ellie is going in next month to get fixed because we couldent afford it right now from the Holadays) he wont get his nose out of her "privates" to put it in better terms, and he has gotten really buld headed laitley and is whineing A LOT, i keep them sepirated as much as i can but when i disiplin flash for sticking his nose ware he shouldent he just keeps whineing and he tried to nip at me one time. thats not gonna happen again! but i was babysitting for these 2 boys(ages 6 and 7) and he freeked at them when they touched his toys

2006-12-23 14:29:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

he gets proctive with all his toys to the dogs but when he dose it to the kids its a problem... WHAT CAN I DO

sorry about the spelling


2006-12-23 14:30:57 · update #1

my real questing is about his temper, is it because he knows she is going into heat or what? i he is getting fixed in febuary as well

2006-12-23 14:40:23 · update #2

annie, we can afford these pets we have. we wouldent have them if we couldent. bolth dogs were mostley droped on us and they are ALL up to date with their shots. so quit preaching to the quire because some of us cant afford to spend a lot of money on our pets around the holadays, and i dident ask for criticisem, BUG OFF(i only say that because i cant get in trouble for it)

2006-12-23 14:58:03 · update #3

10 answers

The only way to keep an unneutered dog and unspayed dog from getting together is keep them separate. I bet you will end up having puppies if you don't keep the completly separated. You really need to get them both fixed so it doesn't happen. There is nothing else you can do. Good luck dealing with the heat cycle!

2006-12-23 14:36:01 · answer #1 · answered by leftygirl_75 6 · 2 0

Well, to try to curb a dog's behaviour while a female dog is in heat will not work.Her scent can be picked up for miles by male dogs. Either keep them separated or if she does get pregnant then her puppies can be aborted during the spaying next month. The vet does have a type of birth control drops she can ingest to put off the heat Owning .dogs require a lot of responsibility. Since your male has breded, he may tend to be more aggressive towards others Personally, I would get them both fixed or you will have this problem every 6 months. Getting them fixed also helps prevent cancer in dogs. Good luck and have a dog gone great Christmas..

2006-12-23 22:51:00 · answer #2 · answered by firestarter 6 · 0 0

I'm not sure why you keep getting more dogs when you can't afford to take care of the ones you already have!!! They should be spayed or neutered at about 6 months of age, and that avoids all of these problems and many others. Trust me, if you are allowing your beagle to be around a female in heat at all, he is going to breed her. And you can't blame him for being cranky, because he has learned how to have sex, and all his hormones and instincts are telling him that the survival of his species depends on him doing it again. You should keep the two dogs separated, even if it means putting one of them in a kennel until the heat cycle is over. And you should keep the kids away from him so they don't get bitten. I suspect he needs a good obedience class. Beagles are VERY strong headed, and it is very hard to change their behavior once they develop bad habits. He is just coming into his true social and sexual maturity, and the biting will likely get worse, esp if he gets more frustrated. Maybe you should consider finding another home for at least one of your dogs so that you could better afford to take care of the others. All of these problems could have been prevented. Just tonight another poster was crying because her dog got hit by a car. The same thing could happen to your beagle if he is getting out to try to get to other females. And if you think you can't afford a routine spay, wait until Ellie needs a C section!!! I just don't understand such irresponsible pet owners posting their problems here and expecting good answers. My answer: get rid of at least two of your dogs, if not all three. Good Luck!!

2006-12-23 22:49:09 · answer #3 · answered by Annie 4 · 0 0

If you have a female that is going into heat and an unaltered male there is nothing you can do to fix this immediately. Unless there is some reason (show or profit) that these animals can't be fixed you should have it done ASAP. If you wait til the female is in heat it will cost you more money to have this done.
One thing you could do to help minimize your male dogs anxiety is keep them separate don't even let them pee together. In fact do not let the male go to same location as the female did when she peed. The females pee has a scent that attracts males and this will drive your male crazy.
Good Luck

2006-12-23 22:45:03 · answer #4 · answered by lulupink 1 · 1 0

Your Beagle is hormonal right now because of Ellie as you obviously know. Is there a friend that might take him while she is in heat?? Would makes a less stressful situation for both dogs, you, etc. He is only doing the natural things and scolding will not help. Mother Nature is calling!!

And males can get full of themselves with a proud ***** around, even aggressive to anyone interfering. He needs extra outside exercise to help with all this hormonal energy he is feeling. But safer to let him visit elsewhere for now.

He is going to be more possessive of her, his toys, etc right now. And he can't really reason this all out. He is a male dog and there is a female around. That simple.

Yes, please get her fixed and think seriously about getting him neutered. Beagles love to cut loose as a breed. And he is going to want to go after any female around when in heat.

Spay/neuter is critical with the rate of cancer in dogs now. Ask yur vet.

2006-12-23 22:49:03 · answer #5 · answered by pets4lifelady 4 · 0 0

Once she is fixed, you won't have this problem anymore. You need to wait until her heat is over to get her fixed, though. It is very difficult for a vet to fix a dog while in heat due to internal swelling and such.

I've assisted a vet while she fixed (spayed) a dog, but it didn't go very well because the dog was in heat. The dog was stitched back up (without being fixed) and the owner was told to bring the dog back in a few weeks when the dog's heat was over. lol

2006-12-23 22:36:03 · answer #6 · answered by iloveeeyore 5 · 0 0

to answer your question in a nice way and not critize you cause that is not necissery sorry about the spelling,, but yes the reason Flash is being very agressive with her and with people is cause all he know is that he needs to get to her to breed and that is all that is going to be on his mind untill she is out of heat,,, and scolding and punishing him for him trying to get to her isnt going to doing any thing but make him angry cause he knows your trying to interfer with what to him is natural,, so i would seperate them by putting them into seperate rooms completely and take them out to potty seperate and also when you take him out you want to take him to another area of where ellie goes cause that is going to make it worse on him,,, and i understand what you are saying when it comes to holidays and dont have much money,,, alot of people think you should be a millionair when you have a dog or something at least your dogs arent in a shelter or running the street,, I think your a great pet parent at least you help your dogs and not them breed to have more puppies,,, so just try to ignor the other people that are telling you that you are not doing right by your dogs,,, and happy holidays

2006-12-23 23:35:39 · answer #7 · answered by hunter 3 · 0 0

seperate him while your other dog is in heat like in a different room

2006-12-23 22:35:48 · answer #8 · answered by nice with an attitude 2 · 2 0

put some underwear on her or a diaper or something to keep him out of her get my drift

2006-12-23 22:41:00 · answer #9 · answered by bigred 1 · 0 0

I can't believe in this day and age that you are so disrespectful of your dog's lifestyle. His sex life is really no business of yours, and if you can't allow diversity in your pets then you should re-examine your values. Trying to keep him from expressing his identity could be considered a hate crime in Canada and Los Angeles. He was probably born that way - would any dog choose to suffer this way? He is a brave little dog for standing up for his sexual freedom.

2006-12-23 22:33:28 · answer #10 · answered by bdenton2k 2 · 0 7

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