If its a inside dog then bathing the dog a lot will cause dry skin -which looks similar to dandruff and it also has a odor-bathing 1x a month is sufficient for too much will diminsh the ntural oil production that gives a dog Healthy Fur-in between baths get some of the bathing cloths-clean the dog but no water involved to wash away dog's natural oils. Also Brushing the dog daily will get rid of loose hair which is often the cause of odor for the loose hair traps dirt/ODORS and it will also staart breaking down and form bacterica-a definite cause of odor. Whenn you Brush the dog-best done in the evening put a tiny amount of baby powder ON THE BRUSH-will as you brush the baby powder will pick uo loose dust,hairs but leave a clean smelling scent-again NOT disturbing the natural skin oils. If the Odor Problem continues then get some Tea Tre Oil-can be found a lot of places but most common is any Health food store and when you Bathe the dog-shampoo with a mild Shampoo-preferably Mediated then rinse Totally out, after rinsing shampoo totally out -take some lemon juice dilute in water and rub all through the dogs fur-apply lightly-Not necessary to soak the dog and becareaful not to get into Eyes,Nostrils,Mouth for will sting. The daily brushing will help a great deal..
2006-12-23 14:46:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The problem is the food your are giving your dog.
I have a dog that smelled so badly when he came in you could smell him all through the house. The pet shop recommended Solid Gold by Hund-N-Flocken and inside of two weeks his odor was gone! You can put your face on him and he has no odor. We never bath him unless he get into something.
See most of the commercial dog foods are made from garbage/. Literally! Lots of the mar e owned by the major food companies and they make the dog food out of food stuffs too moldy or rotted to put in the human food. I am serious! Research it.
The bags say the food meets the requirements but read the ingredients. Meat byproducts are the worst. That means tendons, organs, hooves, intestines . Most of the time the intestines still have the feces in them. The companies by carcases from butchers striped of all the meat. nothing much left but bones, tendons and cartilage, half rotted from sitting. Just 2 years ago, here in Ohio we had a large number of dogs dies because a pet food company used grain that had too much mold on it.
Read the ingredients. YOU will see you are probably giving your dog mostly grain corn or wheat. They re very likely to be allergic to either or both of those grains. think about it. you just don't hear farmer say they can't keep the wolves and coyotes out of their corn do you?
Wellness, Hund-NFlocken, Evangers These are all suppose to use high quality foods. Meaning if your 1 year old got in the food he would not get ill from it. Wiht many dog foods he could get very ill!
AND food in your fridge? If it is not fit for you it is not fit for your dog. They are not garbage disposals. Dogs get food poisoning just the same as we do.
Dog food is allowed to have a much higher bacteria count than human food. They tell you to just feed your dog one type of food all the time. RAEsons being it gives that company more profit and the dogs get used to the bacteria in one dog food and they stop having loose stools. You switch to a new food the different bacteris gives them loose stools or worse. When the food is good qulaity and holsome it does not bother a dogs stomach to switch foods any more than it bothers your to have chicken one day and fish the next.
Feed your dog higher quality food and safer food and I bet you inside of 2 weeks he smells like a different dog! GEt away from th ecommercail dog foods at the gorcery. Spend $10 more a month on his food and extend his healty years and life span.
2006-12-23 14:34:33
answer #2
answered by raredawn 4
I have the ssame problem with my bouvier. Our groomer told me to make sure the dog is combed on a daily basis to get rid of old odor causing hair. Dogs don't usually smell, they just smell like dogs, which is really not a bad thing...................if you're another dog! I frankly find the odor rather offensive! But I love my dog and try my best to overlook it......or rather oversmell it!
Good luck
2006-12-23 14:20:41
answer #3
answered by Sandy 2
Bathing too often will cause your dog's skin dry. Some food may also cause bad odor. Your dog is having dry or wet food? Maybe you may like to switch to another brand. May ask for recommendation or assistant from the pet shop. Alternately, you may also like to seek a vet's advice.
2006-12-23 17:49:56
answer #4
answered by Old Old Lady 2
I would suggest you see your vet to see if there is a reason he is so smelly. He might have a health problem, or it might simply be that you bathe him too much, which really isn't healthy for his skin or coat, and starts a vicious cycle-- you bathe him too much, so his coat isn't healthy so he smells bad, so you keep bathing him, etc. Most dogs shouldn't be bathed more than once a month. Good Luck!!
2006-12-23 14:17:43
answer #5
answered by Annie 4
My guess is that it is a male dog who needs his anal glands cleamed. These need cleaning occasionally on many male dogs, and please let a vet do it, not a groomer as it is easy to damage these delicate glands.
A bad smell can also come from a skin problem or a breath problem or an ear problem. The dog needs to be taken to the vet for a checkup for this problem. It is not normal for any dog to smell bad.
2006-12-23 14:16:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2006-12-23 14:45:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Wash it more often.
2006-12-23 14:15:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous