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I have three adorable cats that are very friendly. They sleep together, lick each others faces, roam the woods together, they eat their catfood from the same bowl together every day.
On the ocassion I throw down a chicken bone, the system fails, the unity is gone, they are now mortal enimies to be vanquished! They Spit and hiss at each other, none deterred, They put claws to face, and until one of them ultimately runs off in the woods with it there is no peace.
10 minutes later they're cuddled up together.

2006-12-23 14:09:02 · 12 answers · asked by NIGHTSHADE 4 in Pets Cats

12 answers

Very good question, Ignore the stupid answers, someone heard that you are not suppose to feed dog chicken bones and translated that to cats. I feed my cats chicken bones, they only eat the meat off the leg & thigh bones (which is the main bones that you should worry about splintering), some of the other softer bones such as the chicken back and neck bones they will chew up in fine pieces before swallowing. (Dogs will gulp the bones down in large chunks, I never feed by dog chicken bones). To solve your problem of the the cats fighting over food, try feeding them in separate locations, out of sight of each other.

2006-12-23 14:39:08 · answer #1 · answered by humpty dumpty 1 · 0 2

People food, human food, our food is a kind of treat for animals. And if you have more than one then you need to give them all treats like you would kids. If you gave one child a peice of candy and two others seen it don't you think you are going to have two kids that are very upset? Same thing applies. But no more chicken bones. I don't even give my dogs chicken bones. Chicken bones are so dangerous. They can splinter. It is true. So take the meat of the bone and separate it into three separate servings. Before feeding it to them. to stop the fighting.

2006-12-23 22:51:27 · answer #2 · answered by mommyramey 2 · 1 0

Okay, how stupid are you??? First, it's not a very good idea to be giving cats chicken bones-- they can splinter and perforate the intestines, which can be fatal. Second, what did you expect to happen when you threw down one very tasty morsel that only one of them could have?? Of course they are going to fight over it, just like little kids. My best advice is to stop giving them chicken bones altogether. Instead, save a little bit of the cooked chicken, but it into tiny pieces (bite sized for your kitties), and feed them in separate places, separated by at least a few feet from each other. If you let them continue their current pattern, you will be treating them for facial or eye injuries sooner or later. Good Luck!!

2006-12-23 22:14:59 · answer #3 · answered by Annie 4 · 3 1

I'd fight my friends over a choice scrap of food too. ;) But seriously, cooked chicken bones are bad news for cats, the bone can splinter and do some serious damage to their innards. If its raw its ok, because it won't splinter.

2006-12-23 22:16:14 · answer #4 · answered by greydrakkon 3 · 2 0

You throw down one bone, and there are three cats.

Now please STOP throwing down chicken bones, or any other type of poultry bones. These are VERY BAD for animals. They are known to splinter and can cause choking and tears. Cats may love them, but really they are very bad for them.

2006-12-24 01:07:52 · answer #5 · answered by idgerow 3 · 0 0

Never give a cat chicken bones! They will choke on them!
They are fighting because this is something new its like what they would do if they were in the wild. Just please never again give them chicken bones.

2006-12-23 22:35:48 · answer #6 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 2 0

well put more than 1 peace in the bowl so they can be friends.

2006-12-23 23:20:33 · answer #7 · answered by wood explorer 2 · 0 0

It's their natural survival instinct to fight over food.

2006-12-23 22:13:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

its good food...a cat wants to have the best food so tey sometimes fight each other 4 food(mine do)

2006-12-23 23:09:48 · answer #9 · answered by tiger_chick97 1 · 0 1

may be they hear strange noises in the woods

2006-12-23 23:34:05 · answer #10 · answered by princessbrieanka 2 · 0 1

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