I bought a 2 month year old lhasa apso pup pure breed..
and i wanted to know the following questions:
When we try to play with him.. with a chew toy he spazes out and gently bites us.. should i let it be or stop it before he grows up and bites harder?
It sleeps alot is that normal for that to happen
It doesnt eat much, how can i fix this?
it seems that it is sad just looking at his face it looks sad, is his face always like that?
And finnaly im trying to potty train it but im not sure if im doing it right.. i keep a close eye on him so that i see signs if he wants to go or not.. i take him out and he does his bussiness..but how do i make it so that he can tell me[signs or barks] that he wants to go?
Thank you for your time and hopefully one of these questions will be answered.
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