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I bought a 2 month year old lhasa apso pup pure breed..
and i wanted to know the following questions:

When we try to play with him.. with a chew toy he spazes out and gently bites us.. should i let it be or stop it before he grows up and bites harder?

It sleeps alot is that normal for that to happen

It doesnt eat much, how can i fix this?

it seems that it is sad just looking at his face it looks sad, is his face always like that?

And finnaly im trying to potty train it but im not sure if im doing it right.. i keep a close eye on him so that i see signs if he wants to go or not.. i take him out and he does his bussiness..but how do i make it so that he can tell me[signs or barks] that he wants to go?

Thank you for your time and hopefully one of these questions will be answered.

2006-12-23 14:01:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

5 answers

I have a Lhasa Apso, but we got it as an adult. I'll do my best to answer your questions.

When the puppy plays too rough, say "Ouch" and immediately stop playing with it. Ignore it for a little while. That's the worst punishment for dogs and puppies - they can't stand when you're not paying attention to them. After a bit try playing with the puppy again. Keep repeating the process until the puppy learns that you will not play with him when he plays too rough.

It is normal for puppies to sleep alot - especially Lhasa Apso puppies. Lhasa Apsos are one of the lowest-energy breeds of dogs. They are bred to conserve their energy because they come from a very harsh climate (Tibet). Funny story-one night my mom noticed my Lhasa lying on the steps before she went to bed. The next morning he was in the exact same spot and in the exact same position as the night before. She really thought he was dead for a minute! But Lhasas are just very sound sleepers. They don't move if they don't have to.

I can't say why your dog doesn't eat much. You should talk to your vet about that. Mabe you need a different food? My dogs didn't care for Iams brand. We switched to a very high quality food called "Natural Balance" and they like that much better. It's available at Petco and Petsmart. But I think you should ask your vet for advice on what to feed him.

I think all Lhasa Apsos have a sad or worried expression on their faces. It's just how they look. Nothing for you to worry about.

The easiest way to housetrain a dog is to keep him in a crate (cage) when he's in the house and you can't watch him. Basically, don't give him a change to "go" inside your house. Take him out often and praise him like mad when he goes outside. Then give him some supervised time out of his crate. After about half an hour take him back out and see if he has to go. If he doesn't, take him in and put him in the crate. After about 20 minutes take him back out. Keep repeating the process and eventually "going" outside will become a habit for him. I'm not sure how to train your dog to bark when it wants out. My dogs usually just run to the door when they want out. But if your dog does go to the door and barks to be let out, praise him like crazy. Eventually your dog will learn that he gets praised when he barks at the door to be let out.

2006-12-24 18:47:47 · answer #1 · answered by beachgirlkandy 5 · 1 0

You need to curtail the biting now or the pup will think biting is okay. I started when my pup was about your age whenever she would bite even play bite I would firmly without yelling "no bite" if she was chewing something that she shouldn't I told her "no bite" and "switch" as I gave her one of her toys or a bone to chew. She is now 5 months old and I do not have any chewing or biting problem with her. If the pup is allowed to chew and bite now they will always think it is alright. Yes pups do sleep alot. As for eating, put his food down and give him 15 minutes to eat then take the food bowl up. Don't give him his food again until the next meal. He will eat if he is hungry. Sounds like you are on the right track with potty training. Some people put a bell on the door and teach the dog to ring the bells each time they need to go out. This is done by you taking the pups paw and ringing the bell each time you go out at first so he gets use to it. He will come to associate going out with the bell.

2006-12-23 14:16:33 · answer #2 · answered by ESPERANZA 4 · 0 0

I surely hope you got him from a breeder and NOT from a pet store

ok 1 the common nick name for Lhasa Apso is Elastic ********... let that be a clue

if he bites you - STOP ALL PLAY
sleeping is normal
food- depends on quality - better food = he will eat less... poop less too... if he is LOOSING WEIGHT because he isnt eating enough then you need to see a vet...

sad face - typicall of the breed

potty - ok crate training works best they pee first in the am.. eat.. then run and poop.. then in for a while.. he will circle and sniff when he is ready to go bathroom again.. you need to go out with him EVERYTIME and offer a soft treat reward immeditely

if you have more questions you should be able to call the breeder you got him from and ask them... if you got the dog from a pet store - be aware you paid TOO MUCH for a low quality pup.. sure you might love him to death BUT you were ripped off.. NEVER NEVER again support pet stores.. very cruel

2006-12-23 14:08:15 · answer #3 · answered by CF_ 7 · 0 0

You say it is now 2 months old? I assume it came from a breeder, hopefully a good one and not from a pet store. Those first months are critical as to how they were treated, fed, pottied, etc. There may have been mistakes made you have to undo. But it is still young. I will assume you have had him vetted and checked over, despite what the seller says they did. Very critical.

They will sleep alot at this age. Make sure that the puppy chow is bite size for a tiny puppy' mouth and teeth. Actually, he is still young enough to need warmed milk added to dry food to moisten at this age. Check inside his mouth for how teeth are forming and how many, etc.

Now remember this is a "baby". He can not eat/drink a lot at one time. Keep food/water down all the time so can eat as he needs. He also can not hold for long! But won't be big tinkles/poops for awhile. When you go out with him and he goes you gotta let him know how really pleased you are that he went "potty". Make sure he learns a word to go with the action. Pick him up and snuggle and praise again for "potty". I have found after training 1000s that they do react to us being all happy over what they do. Lots of the little ones will actually get all excited when they need to go and run to door, etc. They mimic our actions.

There will be little accidents we don't catch, easy to clean up. Don't scold after the fact!!! Just praise like heck when he does good. He'll catch on to what makes you happy. Use same methods to train to do sit, stay, etc.

Try small stuffed animals as toys and to chew on. May have startled him. May have never had one before! Pick safe ones with nothing dangerous to chew/swallow of course. Most little breeds will nest with their toys.

And most of all, Time and Patience

2006-12-23 14:25:35 · answer #4 · answered by pets4lifelady 4 · 0 0

puppies do sleep alot, mine sleeps all the time, and yea they have the cutest lil puppy dog face, and mine bites a lot, because puppies bite because they r teething, and mine prefers to chew on us rather than his own toys. usually when u feed him or give him something to drink, he'll probably have to go within that hour! so take him outside for a while after he drinks/eats!

2006-12-23 14:05:27 · answer #5 · answered by mgm_5 2 · 0 1

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