I love these so call people who I read many time how someone should not breed a dog. It is like looking at a broken record. Anyway if it is her first heat cycle she is to young to be breed. Wait until the dog is two years old before you breed her. She is in her third week , the chances are slim now.
2006-12-23 14:39:01
answer #1
answered by china 4
Yes, it's too late in her cycle to breed. And yes, everyone stating she is too young is right. A dog shouldn't be bred until at least the age of 2 yrs old and only after all the health clearances (some specifically to the breed) have been done. Just to name one is having the hips xrayed for hip dysplasia. This can't be accurately done until she is at least 2 yrs. This is a horrible disease that can be passed on to the puppies in any litter if she has it.
Please visit this link on the AKC website that etails what it takes to become an ethical and responsible breeder. If you are not will or able to follow these guidelines, then it's truly best for the dog population that you make a choice not to breed and leave it to those who will. http://www.akc.org/breeders/resp_breeding/Articles/breeder.cfm
2006-12-23 22:39:43
answer #2
answered by Shadow's Melon 6
I have to agree with Heather. If you dont know the answers to those questions you shouldnt be breeding. Not every dog needs to whelp or sire a litter. There are a lot of homeless dogs out there that need good homes. Dont breed if you dont know. If you are intent on breeding then at least get her check for thyroid, heart, hips, elbows, cert, B-tested the whole nine yards that would be the responsable thing to do. there are already to many messed up boxers out there. not to mention the other breeds that have gone down hill in the last 50yrs do to irrsponsable breeders.
2006-12-23 22:07:10
answer #3
answered by nielsensamericanbulldogs 2
If she has just started her first cycle, she must be about a year old. She is definitely too young to have puppies. Dogs grow and develop until they're between 18 and 24 months old.
If she gets pregnant now and has a litter of quite a few puppies, it could devastating effect on the boxer's already delicate hips.
Wait six months to a year.
2006-12-23 21:49:51
answer #4
answered by tamara_cyan 6
She is basically over her heat until next time. They are most fertile between the 9th and 12th days of the heat. She should not be bred on her first heat anyway she is not mature physically. Truly it's best to wait until the 3rd heat at about 1 1/2 yrs to 2.
2006-12-23 21:49:25
answer #5
answered by irongrama 6
if you don't know about her cycle and her fertility, you have no business breeding her at all. There are enough Boxers in rescue throughout this country without you adding more to the mix. She should be checked medically, hips x-rayed, heart checked, background checked for known medical problems. They are subject to cancer, heart problems, hip problems all of which can be traced to lineage. Spaying her will help prevent uterine cancer. SPAY HER IF YOU LOVE HER !!!!!
2006-12-23 22:29:41
answer #6
answered by MANDYLBH 4
Have you health checked this dog? Have you done genetic testing? Is she a champion? Is she purebread? If the answer is no to any of those, go get her fixed. The 4000 homeless boxers on petfinder.com don't need any more company from you back yard breeding your *****.
2006-12-23 21:55:06
answer #7
answered by Heather L 2
What a great place to do research!!!! You know there are a lot of dog experts on YA and they can tell you everything on breeding, whelping, problems with whelping, when to get rid of the puppies and how much to sell them for. You are in for a treat!!!
2006-12-24 00:45:57
answer #8
answered by Shepherdgirl § 7