This is all about socializing. While this breed is known to be 'finicky' and very 'one person', if she was socialized as a puppy she wouldn't be having this problem. There is ways to fix this, just look it up online under 'people agression'... Positive re-inforcement will work best.
2006-12-23 13:48:09
answer #1
answered by Heather L 2
some are and some aren't, poms are verry finiky dogs and they are easily "excited" some are calmer than others and some become agressive for semmingly no reason my niece's dog is kind of like this, she is very protective and if anyone tries to pick her up she will usually growl and nip at them but you could pet her all day and she could care less, it mostly depends on how the dog was brought up, if she was spoiled or even if you spanked her alot when she was younger for things like peeing on the floor exct, she might not have known why she was being spanked and now defends herself from that by being agressive, especialls towards strangers because they are someone new and she dosen't know how they will act, so she keeps them at a distance by being agressive, i would NOT recomend taking her to the vet, it would be the same as taking someone with anger management problems to the emergency room, i would try to find a good dog trainer, someone who dosent just teach them tricks. but if you think it is a medical problem then take her to the vet asap, but from what you said i think its just an agressive personality , you could probably say she is kind of like a stuck up little person lol
2006-12-23 15:29:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I would not say that they are mean... they can be little snots sometimes... growling, nipping... especially at children;
My sister has a two year old, and TWO poms... a male and a female. The two year old can pick the female up by her ears, (not that my sister let him, mind you), and the dog absolutely doesn't care! The male, on the other hand doesn't listen to ANYONE except my sister's fiancee. Not even my sister, and it's her dog! He growls, nips, tries to actually bite her, and had to be permanently separated from the two year old, for the child's safety.
So, they can go either way, but generally, they're spoiled, so they tend to want to get their own way, or else!
2006-12-23 15:01:23
answer #3
answered by drgnldy129927 2
Poms are oftentimes 3-7 kilos yet they could variety plenty. maximum persons basically examine the papers that got here with their purebred canines, somewhat than than pull their necks....if the puppy save did no longer have papers to coach the canines lineage, than they have been maximum possibly guessing at what they theory the domestic dog grew to become into.they could desire to make funds! in the event that they are asserting Pomeranian they could charge extra suitable than in the event that they are asserting mixture breed! besides attempt pulling your cousin via the neck and see if he yelps, and what does that say approximately her or him?
2016-11-23 14:08:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No their not supposed to be mean My familly dog is 11 years old and although he's not that fond of children he's very good natured.Take him to the vet.
2006-12-23 13:47:48
answer #5
answered by amanda c 2
Yes they are aggressive when they are not properly trained and socialized and yes they are aggressive when they are treated like little fur babies that are allowed to get away with everything.
2006-12-23 16:50:22
answer #6
answered by Shepherdgirl § 7
my grandma had one when i was 6 and it barked all the time NONSTOP, hated me when i tried to pet it or touch it, she bit me twice and my granny three times, and she was annoying and NEVER nice. my grandma didnt have that dog 1 week and it bit 4 people.
2006-12-23 14:02:07
answer #7
answered by MadisonG 3
Yes, those visciuos dogs were bred for centuries to be man-eaters
2006-12-23 13:51:43
answer #8
answered by ray 3
Well sometimes i had one and she was mean cause my mommy spoiled her bad. But no not really.Talk him or her to the doctor to get him or her checked out.
2006-12-23 13:51:30
answer #9
answered by Jemeliah C 1
she might be protective when strangers come and she may not wanna be picked up becuz she doesnt like to be i guess.
2006-12-23 14:54:10
answer #10
answered by tiger_chick97 1