First let me tell you that I own a pest control company and what I will recommend is the complete treatment that should help you completely get rid of the fleas.
First, treat the pet with Capstar. This is a pill that you get from the vet that will kill all of the fleas that get on the animal for the first 24 hours. Second, use either Frontline or Advantage, these can also be purchased from the vet. Frontline can be used on pets 12 weeks old or older. Advantage can be used on animals as young as 6 weeks. If the pet is old enough for either product, switch back and forth between the two. One month use one, the next use the other. The reason I recommend this is that there are two main types of fleas that infest pets. One product works better on the first type and the other product works better on the second type. By using both, you make sure you have covered all your bases.
Once the pet has been treated, you must treat your home and yard. The best products to do this would include not only a killing agent, but also a sterilization agent. Inside, I would use Ultracide, if you can get it. (Many on line sites sell it.) Follow the instructions on the label! Wash all animal’s bedding and vacuum frequently. Throw out the vacuum bag or dump the catch container after every vacuuming. You can never vacuum too much! DO NOT STEAM CLEAN YOUR RUGS! This can hatch flea eggs and make your problem worse.
Outside I would use Demon WP mixed with Gentrol or Nylar, carefully following label instructions. Treat the entire yard, paying special attention to under bushes and low hanging branches. Most of these products can be bought at any Do-It-Yourself Pest Control company either on line or in a store.
Treating your house and yard is just as important as treating the pet!
It is also very important to stay away from the grocery store or box store products like Zodiac or Hartz. Many of these products can cause severe allergic reactions in animals.
2006-12-30 14:54:33
answer #1
answered by Katslookup - a Fostering Fool! 6
Go to your vet and ask them for a capstar pill. It is a one time pill for can give that will kill every flea on your dog for twenty four hours. It can't be used as a preventative though. While you are there pick up some frontline or advantix and apply it when you give them the pill. Make sure not to apply it two to three days before or after a bath because it spreads through the natural oils in the skin and hair. Don't use OTC stuff like Hartz because first of all it doesn't work and second many pets have had severe reactions from it. If your dogs go outside alot you may want to treat your yard since that is where they are picking them up from. You can get a product called Over and Out from a home depot which is an ant killer that has the same active ingredient as frontline and will kill the fleas in your yard. Make sure any flea preventative you get is either frontline, advantix, or advantage. None of these products are in anyway harmful to your pet, even if injested. Also make sure you keep them on a monthly flea preventative because fleas can give them worms and you don't want to have to treat them for that all the time.
2006-12-23 15:59:11
answer #2
answered by dawggurl47 3
Although it is a little costly, get the frontline spray. After bathing your dogs, apply it on them, because any other fleas that hops onto them will die. Also, its best that you spray insecticide in every corner of your furniture, because fleas love to nest in corners. It could also help if you used the flea bombs, but that means you guys have to leave for atleast 6 hours or so, but with your doors/windows tightly shut. I had the same problem with my dog, and I almost lost it espcially when he got an infection. It took almost a week to kill them all. The sooner you frontline the better actually.
2006-12-23 14:02:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You may not want to do this, but the best way I found for dealing with fleas was to pick them off the dog with my fingernails and put the removed fleas in a glass of water to drown them.I always went through my dogs fur frequently and caught any outbreaks of fleas before they got uncontrollable. Look for fleas on the back above the tail area and around the neck. They frequent the neck area because they feed near the head I think. I sort of enjoyed looking for the little devils and foiling them. My dogs have not had fleas for a long time. They recently had a tick outbreak but I squelched it by picking off the little bugers and drowning them too.See a vet if you need to. Don't let the fleas take over for your dogs sake.
2006-12-23 13:58:44
answer #4
answered by audge65 1
The best solution to the flea problem is using Frontline. It will kill the fleas at any stage. Using flea shampoos might help, but it could also cause other problems in the long run, namely dry skin and allergic reactions. Use a flea repellent and your problems are solved.
2006-12-31 13:39:02
answer #5
answered by Ray Ray 2
Well first of all, make sure that you are using good shampoo...the off-brand flea shampoo doesnt seem to work as good. Also, make sure to clean your carpets, furniture (couch, chairs, etc...anything with cloth) because fleas like to make little homes in those things.
If they still have fleas within a week take them to the vet to get a flea dip.
2006-12-23 13:48:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Bathing them is the best way. If they still have them you need to give them another bath.
You also need to get rid of the source of fleas. This may be more difficult.
2006-12-23 13:45:47
answer #7
answered by Liter Biker 1
Get some advantix or frontline from your local veterinary (need not take them for a visit to buy this) Over the counter things DO NOT work and you will only waste more money. Spray their bedding area(WASH BEDDING) underneath with HARTZ spray(This is for like rugs and furniture and is one thing that does work that you can buy over the counter, but DO NOT spray the animals with it.) Comes in a gray bottle and will be in the pet section of MOST stores
2006-12-23 13:50:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
My Vet said pet shampoo is a joke. She said to use Palmolive Dish Soap (regular not Ultra) to wash them. Then put on either Advantage or Frontline. Yes they are more expensive, but truly the only ones guaranteed to work. BTW I asked my groomer about the Palmolive and she said the Vet was right. I always ask for second opinions lol. And yes you will probably need to atleast bomb your house, if not also your yard to truly be safe.
Sorry it's DAWN DISH SOAP not Palmolive..Hawkhead is right. Just make sure it's the original DAWN not Ultra.
2006-12-23 13:49:09
answer #9
answered by misstikal311 4
You have to spray your house and the places where the pets sleep and play. Your yard also. You can bring fleas in on your shoes and they can pick up fleas off other pets. It is a neverending battle.
2006-12-23 13:47:31
answer #10
answered by Sunkist3599 3