People are respected for standing up for what they believe in. Smart women can hold their own in any argument.
2006-12-23 14:23:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well there is just two things to say.
1: What are u trying to get across to your friend? friends is were u need to asks from! friends are pollite, kind,loving and thought full.(if u two can't be that way to each other then move on.)
2: love know no time, space or disance. So how inporten is this argument to u? is it the right time for both of u did u/ him walk through the door. some thing must be asked in the right time. other are a now. that is up to u to fig. out how much dose this person mean to u is the other thing. I'm in my 30's devors. two kids lost the love of my live found a anther person to love and that loves me back with all her heart. Shes 20 yrs older and I'm loving it. So pick what is worth fighting over.
Love long and live well...
2006-12-23 13:33:21
answer #2
answered by fishboyinthebox 1
I never lose an argument ,I seldom have one ,You just have to marry someone that's easy going,doesn't like to argue and tries really hard to make you happy and keep the piece .Or teach the one you got a little respect.
Remember you agree to share your life with some one but they don't own you.It's a choice to lead follow or get out of the way.
You have to decide what's right for you and he for him and agree to disagree some times.compromise .live and let live.
you know when you get to the pearly gates your standing alone so make a lot of you own desisions,don't let some else decide your fate .Love is a gift ,not a prison.
2006-12-23 13:24:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Right now you're moaning and complaining. That's not how you win an argument. If you are direct, honest, and stick to what's right and fair on your behalf, then you win.
2006-12-23 13:17:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I win because I can analyze and justify what people throw at me. It's common with Libras. I never start the argument but I sure do win!
Krazy Libra
2006-12-23 13:18:09
answer #5
answered by krazy_libra_from_ac 5
If you aren't winning, then you aren't moaning or complaining the right way. And giving up is for losers. :)
2006-12-23 13:17:35
answer #6
answered by outlawsister1973 3
Ummm.... I win arguments quite frequently. Are you a real girl?
2006-12-23 13:16:54
answer #7
answered by Jenny 2
That's why we moan cuz we never win LOL
2006-12-23 13:16:01
answer #8
answered by preciousmoments1962 7
Because it is easier to complain than to fix the problem.
2006-12-23 13:18:07
answer #9
answered by vaughndhume 3
I like a woman with some attitude, not a woman with an attitude problem.
2006-12-23 13:16:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous