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She is a 6 month old puppy and may have eaten a quarter. She is getting dry heaves and vomits. We fear a quarter may be the culprit.

2006-12-23 11:38:45 · 18 answers · asked by heyheyshi 1 in Pets Dogs

18 answers

eventually... if its been a bit I would look for something else making her sick :o♦

2006-12-23 11:41:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You didn't say how long ago she ate the quarter, how long she has been vomiting, or how big she is. Even a lab puppy would have problems getting a quarter through the small intestine, though. Pick up all her food and water for a few hours, and if the vomiting stops, gradually reintroduce water, and then food, in small amounts over the next 6-8 hours. If the vomiting doesn't stop, or if she has been vomiting for more than 8 hours, the sooner you take her to a vet, the better. If the quarter is stuck in her intestine, the intestine will eventually die and rupture, so this is not something that can wait until after Christmas. The good thing is that it will show up very clearly on an x ray, so it won't be hard to tell if that's what the problem is. Good Luck!!

2006-12-23 19:44:59 · answer #2 · answered by Annie 4 · 1 0

Go to the vet now! My 6 year old nephew swallowed a quarter and the doctor said a child could never pass a quarter. Puppies are smaller of course, so he'll never be able to pass a quarter! Go now - to the emergency vet clinic.

2006-12-23 19:50:34 · answer #3 · answered by LR 3 · 1 0

Whether or not she will pass it depends on what breed of dog she is... is she a large breed or a small breed? If she's a small breed, it could be VERY bad, take her to the vet immediately! If she is a large breed, AND she is heaving and vomiting, take her to the vet anyway...

Either way, heaving and vomiting are not ever a good sign of anything.

2006-12-24 00:06:57 · answer #4 · answered by drgnldy129927 2 · 0 0

dry heaves and vomits is a really bad sign.

vet ASAP. if it was just a quarter, depending on the size, it would pass, but the signs are pointing to something MUCH worse

2006-12-23 19:41:26 · answer #5 · answered by lilswanwillow 2 · 2 0

My dog once ate a dime, yet passed a quarter. Weird? I went out and got 3 more rolls of dimes. I will retire in a few more months.

2006-12-23 19:43:53 · answer #6 · answered by johN p. aka-Hey you. 7 · 2 0

The quarter might be stuck somewhere it is messing with air passage I would take the pup to the Vet . To be safe .

2006-12-23 19:49:09 · answer #7 · answered by janice a 4 · 0 0

usuly if a dog eats a quarter it will pass when the dog (go's) but if your dog is vomitting and acting a bit lazy it might have the quater it swallows stuck in its throught. it can be taken out very easly but you might want a vet to do it for you. please don't try to get it out on your own, you could end up hurting the dog more than helping.

2006-12-23 19:46:55 · answer #8 · answered by inufan2892 2 · 0 0

Get your dog to the vet & x-rayed to see where the quarter is.

Your dog can get metal poisoning from ingesting a quarter.

Animals have died from just ingesting a penny.

2006-12-23 19:57:08 · answer #9 · answered by redd_rvt 5 · 0 0

GO TO THE VET!!! It sounds like she has eaten something worse than a coin.

2006-12-23 19:47:13 · answer #10 · answered by from HJ 7 · 1 0

ooo, you might wanna take your dog to the vet, at that age, she will definitely not pass it, its too big. adult humans would have a hard time passing a quarter. you might have to have her get surgery. not only that, but all coins have copper cores, and that mch copper is toxic.

2006-12-23 19:50:16 · answer #11 · answered by Seth C 2 · 1 0

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