The main reason for keeping them calm is so they dont tear their sutures out--But if they are not bothering the sutures and you dont notice any differences in the surgery site then I would just let them be--most the times dogs that are neutered you can't even tell anything was done after the first day==they usually bounce back like nothing ever happened--Just keep an eye on them for changes in the surgery site and make sure they are not licking the site etc.. Other then that let them be themselves----Have a great holiday season...
2006-12-23 11:44:01
answer #1
answered by 2
Your vet should have given you a list of things to look out for. If there is no unusual redness, pus, swelling, or blood, and the dogs aren't liking themselves inordinately, you should just let them be. Check once or twice for the above danger signals, but if they seem OK, just let them alone.
Our Chihuahua had one undescended testicle, so the vet had to keep him overnight after the procedure, but he came home the next morning. The vet said he could even climb the stairs to our third-floor apartment. After two days, your dogs should be fine.
2006-12-23 20:01:22
answer #2
answered by Peaches 5
You know your dogs best. The vet gives that advice to keep them calm and not tear open the incision. If your dogs are not vocalizing or showing any sign of pain, then maybe they don't need the pain meds. GL
2006-12-23 21:05:12
answer #3
answered by TotallylovesTodd! 4
Just keep an eye on their incisions, watch for redness, swelling, any discharge and of course make sure they don't like the incision alot. Happy Holiday
2006-12-23 22:05:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Just leave them be. They tend to recover alot quicker than we do from any surgery or accident. Kudos for being a resposible pet owner :)
2006-12-23 19:41:16
answer #5
answered by dakittenizcozmic 2
By day 5, all sutures are pretty well healed and normal activity can be resumed.
2006-12-23 20:00:51
answer #6
answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7
Let them be dogs, I never had a problem with mine.
2006-12-23 19:38:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Hey, that is great. Be happy for your dogs and yourself.
2006-12-23 19:56:28
answer #8
answered by st.lady (1 of GitEm's gang) 6