27 answers
asked by
Scott T
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Other - Pregnancy & Parenting
Im 23, missus isnt keen on idea though.
23:49:48 ·
update #1
Im 23, missus isnt keen on idea though.
23:52:27 ·
update #2
I appreciate all you answers people. When people are saying have another child if one dies, you cant replace them and thats not a reason to have a child. We are happy with our kids, our youngest was born at 24 weeks, very premature and had alot of serious problems and is constant 24hour care and a 3 year old boy, so wouldnt be fair on them to have another kid. Im happy now, on new career path and Im sure soon the missus wants to go back to work eventually.
00:34:52 ·
update #3
here's the bottom line, you have two kids already, in today's economy, that's pretty normal. In the older day's, a family of six was normal but mom stayed home and raised the children. Today, it takes both parents to make ends meet thus, leaving the children to be raised by someone else that has no personal interest in them. It is your right to make sure you can not have any more children at any age. It's not up to your Doctor, parents or peers to tall you what they think. It's none of they're business. Because of public or privet pressure, more people have been forced to have a child and that living human being ends up in the dumpster or public toilet. I know this, As a LT. Firefighter/Medic, of 9 years, I've seen my share of this. It's something that will change your life for ever. The biggest reason Doctors try and talk people out of this is because of second thoughts. Tell all those involved that by no means do you have any second thoughts of having another child, you have two already, that's enough! It's your body and it's your legal freedom to choose what to do with it. By the way, this is where abortion comes into play.(pure public and peer pressure) Something I'm totally against but do believe in pro-choice. I personally look at you as being a responsible person making a responsible decision not to have any more children so you can focus on the two you already have and can easier afford to raise in a healthy, loving enviroment. Who ever is telling you that your too young needs to mind their own business. Are you too young? If you noticed, I didn't ask or mention the question how old you are for one reason....your are old enough to have two childern, your damn sure enough to make sure you don't have anymore. Preventing an issue is a hell of a lot better than dealing with an issue. It's real for people to play monday night quarterback and point they're finger at everyone else but the world will get better as soon as people learn to mind their own business, quit telling other people what to do like they have it all figured out, and take care of they're own closet of skeletons, we all have them. Good luck and Happy holidays to you and your FAMILY.
2006-12-23 00:21:15
answer #1
answered by dhwilson58 4
Ok if your happy with the 2 kids you have then don't have anymore and yes 23 years old you are to young to get the snip snip done. Sometimes you just need to make sure that you use pretection at all times and if it breaks have her take the morning after pill. I mean I'm against Abortion but thats all you really can do at the moment or turn around and go to another doctor and see if that doctor will do the snip snip!
2006-12-23 03:18:41
answer #2
answered by navy_seabee_wife 3
You *are* rather young, and many doctors will resist doing the procedure at your age in case you change your mind or (god forbid) re-marry and want more. You could probably shop around and find someone who'd do it (and it would be wise to leave a considerable deposit in a sperm bank) but it's worth thinking about all the other methods of contraception first: e.g. can your partner tolerate the Pill, the cap, an IUD, Depo-Provera ... although only the Pill is close to 100% certain. My guess is that the doctor would only feel comfortable about doing this procedure if no other form of contraception were available and suitable.
Take care and I hope you arrive at a decision that satisfies both of you.
2006-12-22 23:56:58
answer #3
answered by mrsgavanrossem 5
Hello Scott. I think many folks have not understood your question, You say you already have 2 children thats great, And now at 23 you feel you dont want any more and want to have the snip . Whats the big deal. But you see two pionts to bear in mind (1).feelings change. at 33 you may feel its time to have more children. and (2) what does your childrens father think he may change his mind. Can I ask are you with him?
I hope so and pray to God your realtionship lasts a life time and some.
But if your not with him or God forbid you break up seperate, devorce, whatever and in time you meet some one else who may want a child (as you now know children are a blessing between a man & woman)
Then what happens! Think about it. In the mean time use birth control and just enjoy life. Im not sorry to say it but children are gifts from God. And the God Lord only gives you gifts you can handle if you do go on to have any more children you will cope. Talk to you husband/partner.For some one to say you are young is just a RELATIVE- STATEMENT compared to a 43 year old woman you are young compared to a 13 or 18 year old you are mature Good luck with your decision.
2006-12-23 00:09:04
answer #4
answered by soul d 1
I'm 42, have 3 kids. When I went in 4 years ago, the Dr. 'discussed' with me for 20 minutes about not being able to have any more kids. I think they would probably do even more (like lecture you, give you literature, etc.) and then have you come back for more counseling on a later date.
Stuff happens. Stuff can happen to kids. They want to make sure you realize there might be factors later on that you might want to consider before getting it done.
BTW, if you do, zip lock baggies of frozen peas can be a great help for the pain.
2006-12-22 23:57:59
answer #5
answered by d1jeditech 2
I am forty with 2 kids.I had mine snipped when I had my second child (age 37) because of medical problems but still my doctor was not keen of doing it because I was young,but I had to because if I had another child I might die,so she agreed to it even if she doesn't want to.I remember that when I was in the operating room (both of my children are born cesarean session),she I asked me again if I wanted to push through it.At 23 that's too young and usually doctor doesn't advise to have it done.There are other options you can try that is reversible in case you change mind in the future.
2006-12-23 00:27:19
answer #6
answered by mommyleo 3
You didn't say how old you are, but a patient is generally told that if he is young because life circumstances do change and even though you don't feel like it now, you may change your mind.
You aren't too young for it physically, the dr is probably just afraid you're too young in the above sense.
If you're absolutely sure, go to a different dr. Someone will be glad and take your money and do it.
If the mrs. isn't sure you need to wait. Believe me this is more emotional for her to deal with than for you. Think NuvaRing.
2006-12-22 23:54:45
answer #7
answered by itsmeinin 2
Its a big desicion to take at 23,
1.What if the marriage doesnt work out and you meet someone else and she wants kids.
2What if anything happens[God forbid] to the kids you have now.
3; If your saying your wife isnt to keen that could cause problems between you both.
BUT if you have thought all these things through and still want to go ahead then you should be able to decide yourself. REMEMBER it should always be seen as a permanent thing.
2006-12-22 23:54:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't think you should it is not because of the age, it is because your wife isn't wild on the idea, she may just want more children someday and this is a decision that both of you should talk over in great detail. I didn't have my first child until I was 32 and I wouldn't of missed that feeling for the world.
2006-12-23 02:59:22
answer #9
answered by Urchin 6
you are the only one that can make such a life decision like that, but I was 37 when I had my daughter and had complications she if fine and healthy but in the heat of the moment I made the decision to have a tubal, I regretted ever since. you are so young and have such a long future ahead of you and things change if you do not want anymore children right now use birth control.
2006-12-23 03:18:05
answer #10
answered by kissybertha 6