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Freelife's Goji Drink is not pasteurized so it has to be from concentrate which is worse than pasteurization as far as nutrients are concerned. It has 2-3 # Goji in every bottle. Genesis today has a 100 GOJI JUICE that is not from concentrate. It is flash pasteurized and the process effects 12 % od the enzymes. The FDA says if it isn't pasteurized- It must be on the label. Freelife says it is NOT pasteurized. Genisis today 's GOJI JUICE must have 12 -13 # of GOJI in Every Bottle. How can Freelife tell the LIes that they do about a mixed fruit juice?

2006-12-22 08:15:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

1 answers

I've never met Dr Mindell so I cannot say for sure.

Advertising is a tricky thing.

2006-12-25 05:38:26 · answer #1 · answered by Daniel 6 · 0 0

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