look this once beautiful country of america is goin to **** quicker than a fat kid after a chocolate cake. Immigrant want us to take down christmas trees, remove nativity sences from christmas prades and on top of that we can't even have "christmas partys" at school no more we have to have a "holiday party." we as american's need to stand up and tell immigrants you came to my country, but we will not change nothing for you. if you do not like it you need to leave. Why won't american's push back we are being stepped on and pushed around by immigrants, and people who don't believe in god, IN OUR OWN COUNTRY. America was based on god and that is just part of being an american, u believe in some form or fashion of god. Our Pledge "in one nation under god" that should never be changed that is how it has been thats how it will stay. An any man who changes or is infavor or changing it is un-american and has no reason to be in this country. I hope some1 with influence reads this.
8 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Immigration
ok when i say believe in god, i know the under god was added recently in the 50's, and i also know that we have our religous freedom, now because we have that don't mean u say take something down, it means if u wanna see something that celebrates ur religion in the parade make a float like everyone else does. now if we say no u can't have it then we are wrong, if u think that u need some form of christmas celibration in our airports tell them u would like to see it, it don't mean tell us take it down casue its offends u it means put ur own damn display up. we are not to force someone to believe but we should not be pushed around eighter to please them.
05:03:40 ·
update #1
I totally and completely agree with you - every word you said here!
The problem with this country is that there are WAAAY too many liberals who give in to these immigrants, giving them whatever they ask for. If they want nativity scenes down because it's offensive to them, the liberals say 'ok, let's do it; let's satisfy them'. The politicians of today are much too soft and tolerant - easy-going and naive about what these immigrants really want to do to this country, which is change or alter it to their liking. That includes erasing God out of our society. Of course, it's not JUST the immigrants, but also the atheists and other secular groups that find our country's Christian background offensive as well. This country was founded on God's moral law: The bible. NO thanks to these liberal politicians and liberal activist judges sitting on the benches in the courts, they are the reason for the depletion of God and His moral laws from our country. That includes the removal of the Ten Commandments, prayer from schools, 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. Now, we got a Muslim senator that wants to be sworn in under the Koran. Of course, the 'kind-hearted liberals' will give in to him and let him swear in on the Koran instead of taking a stand for God and the bible and saying that this is America and our government officials here in this USA are sworn in on the bible. This is not Iran or Iraq! They should respect our biblical foundations and laws in this country and swear in on the bible! He no sooner gets elected and already is making demands about being sworn in on the Koran! He should either show respect to this country and accept our laws here - be sworn in on the bible or step down as senator and have someone else - an American - replace him! This country is going down the tubes fast - all because of the liberals giving in to the demands of immigrants and atheists alike! Instead of taking a stand for what our forefathers founded this country on - the bible, this country is kowtowing to those who who seek to degrade this country, wanting to remove God and His laws from everything - schools, government buildings (Ten Commandments in particular) and now, allowing the Koran to be the 'alternative' to the bible for swearing in a government official - GO FIGURE!! It's not going to get any better - only worse! Unfortunately, those of us who despise this liberal trend have to suffer! I agree with you on everything you said - my hat's off to you!! The reason why God and His law is slowly being erased in this country IS because no one is willing to step up to the plate and say 'enough is enough - no more of this obliteration of God from our country!' The politicians are what you call 'pansies' - they don't want to ruffle feathers or rock anyone's boat! That's the trouble in the nutshell! They want to kowtow to the mere few that find 'God' and 'the Bible' offensive - TOUGH!! If they find them offensive, then they can just go back where they came from - GET OUT OF THIS COUNTRY!
To the clown above that said our country wasn't founded on religion - he needs to do some research on American history! Our forefathers wrote the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. after the bible - God's law. Don't tell me that this country wasn't founded on religion - it most certainly was! Go read up on American history, bub! You're certainly not in the know on that subject!
2006-12-22 05:27:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Some folks can't have their religious beliefs expressed in public, the way they want as this would somehow offend or violate yet another persons/groups beliefs or practises. I guess that's the logic in our new American (US) order.
Why then, given that somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% of legal American citizens want English to be the official language of our country and government, is Spanish being fousted upon the children of American native born in schools all across our nation? Vast amounts of public information being printed/spoken in Spanish to the tune of millions of tax payer dollars. Seemingly obligatory. I for one, feel offended by it and think it is prejudicial, counter productive and against what I believe should be. Guess that doesn't count for anything. Many, many I know feel as I do.
If one group objects to a microcosmic approach on any given subject because it is offensive, then the same should hold true for other subjects. Like speaking English/making English our national language officially.
Amerca and Americans are being jerked around, manipulated and degraded and mugged financially by their own government and special interest groups that hold sway prububly due to financial interests. Our government is being bought and sold.
Only a major, and probubly violent uprising will change that. May the best group win. We will all be at each others throats.
So much for Democracy and Freedom to choose.
2006-12-22 05:21:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You do realize that the phrase "one nation under god" wasn't even added to the pledge until the early fifties during the "Red Scare". So technically the pledge was changed by white christians.
No one is prohibiting you from having a christimas tree in your house. There is no War on Christmas no matter what Faux News pundits have to say on the matter.
The US was not founded on christianity in any way shape or form. The Founding Fathers knew better than to have any government sanctioned religion.
I suggest you stop listening to pundits and start educationg yourself.
2006-12-22 04:53:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If the men who helped create the Constitutional Federal Republic of States known as the United States of America could come back, they would be very helpful with suggestions on how to help us build a better fence around the the pig of a government we have now so it won't get loose again. It's been feral for some time now. It may have to be put down. There are very constitutionally humane ways to do it. Honestly, they would not be happy with the way the lawmaking majority has so often been able to supersede the Constitution or the way the government has moved to "consolidate" the states, in violation of the guarantee by the Constitution of a perpetual republican form of government and "We, the people" are responsible for their disappointment. "The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people." – George Washington I believe the states can best govern our home concerns and the federal government our foreign ones. – Thomas Jefferson The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. – Thomas Jefferson Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government. – James Madison On every question of construction, let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. – Thomas Jefferson
2016-05-23 15:59:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Times change but no one can stop you carrying out your beliefs nativity things etc.
I don't think you have to believe in god to be American though dude. As I said times change and people are becoming immancipated from the mental slavery of religion.
Don't you guys have a phrase that goes "Liberty and justice for all" or something? Why don't you just turn the other cheek thats the christian thing to do.
2006-12-22 04:56:06
answer #5
answered by Bohdisatva 3
There's never been an instance of any immigrant group trying to suppress Christmas in America, so your point it moot.
2006-12-23 02:40:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
they are dissapointed... i bet jefferson.. lincoln.. and washington are rolling around in their graves because this stupid jerk of a president is a disgrace to their names!
2006-12-22 04:48:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Right on! And....MERRY CHRISTMAS!
2006-12-22 04:51:17
answer #8
answered by The_answer_person 5