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Is there another video or web site that counters that video, point for point?

2006-12-22 04:42:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

13 answers

Popular Mechanics debunked it all, I do believe.

2006-12-22 04:44:58 · answer #1 · answered by Jadis 6 · 4 0

The answers that are given by the sites for the idea of an inside job miss the point by trying to guess how it was done, based on the video/eyewitness accounts.

The debunking sites simply ignore the evidence or dismiss it out of hand.

The important points are the questions raised, for which we have no answers from our Government.

Briefly my questions are:

How did those three steel frame buildings collapse, when NO steel frame building in History has collapsed completely except when demolished?

If at least seven foreign intelligence services informed the US (including the Taliban) that attacks were about to happen, why was no action taken to prevent the attacks?

Who placed the record number of "put option" on airline stocks and why did the 9/11 Commission make no mention of them, much less actually investigate them?

If the money trail is so important that the Government is monitoring ALL banking transactions in and outside of the US since 9/11, why weren't the finances of the terrorists investigated?

Why did the Vice President take charge of NORAD on 9/11, and why under his command did they fail to intercept ANY of the jets used in 9/11. If this was simply a matter of incompetency who has been disciplined or sanctioned?

If it was just a coincidence that the Pentagon was running drills to simulate an airline attack on the towers and Pentagon, why did the president and his administration tell us that they never could have imagined such an attack?

Why was the Patriot Act written and waiting for submission prior to 9/11?

Why the the FBI confiscate all of the videotape evidence within minutes of the attack? What written procedure or directive were they following? How did they know which cameras were recording the attacks?

Every inch of the Pentagon is covered with video surveillance cameras, why has only one video from the parking lot been released? If the interior videos are sensitive, why are the stills after the attack released of the interior of the Pentagon?

Why has Usama Bin Laden NOT been charged with any crime related to 9/11?

Why were the sites of the attack NOT treated like crime scenes and every bit of the evidence analyzed? Why was the steel debris form the towers immediately sent overseas and melted down instead of being stored for analysis?

Why did Building 7 collapse? Why did the 9/11 Commission conclude their investigation with no conclusion whatsoever about this?

If the towers were pancaking, how did they fall at nearly free-fall speed?

Some Government Officials changed their travel plans on 9/11 just prior to the attacks? Why? Who called them?

Why were the reports of school kids stating, prior to the attack, that the towers would be destroyed not investigated?

Why were none of the hijackers listed on the passenger manifests for the planes?

Why wasn't Secretary Minetta's public testimony investigated? ("does the order still stand?")

Why did the Secret Service fail to remove the President from a public building for more than 30 min if America was under attack?

How did the President see the video of the first attack? (Lousy pilot)

Why were the plane crashes treated differently than any other crash on US soil? (NTSB routine is to reconstruct as much of the plane as possible)

If the attacks were a complete surprise then how did the Government know Usama planned the attacks before the cleanup started?

Where did the gold go that was stored in the towers? Only a small portion was ever recovered.

Why did the President resist calls for an immediate investigation into 9/11 for several hundred days?

Why the the terrorists target the offices of the accountants (the day after Rumsfield reported the loss of over 2 Trillion dollars) instead of hitting Rumsfield's office?

Why did Usama initially deny responsibility of the attacks?

Prior to 9/11, why were the FBI investigations into the hijackers stopped by "high levels of the Government"?

Why did the Pentagon's close point defense system fail?

These and other questions should have already been answered or at least addressed by our Government.

My point is if there were no government involvement in the attacks and they were indeed surprised, then why all the secrecy about the attacks?

2006-12-22 13:49:31 · answer #2 · answered by Jack C 3 · 0 4

I will never understand why people choose to blame our country for the tragedy of 9-11 when they terrorists braggingly admit that they are the ones at fault. It worries me that some of the people who have this mind set are helping to run our government. If you hate our country and you think that it would do something as disgusting as that, why do you live here? If I felt that strongly about something, I would move.

2006-12-22 12:54:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Food for thought if you have no brain. This lunacy has been debunked so many times, it continues to astound me that anyone persists in believing that 9/11 didn't happen as it unfolded on that day.

2006-12-22 13:24:57 · answer #4 · answered by Dave_Stark 7 · 2 0

If you think junk is food for thought. The popular mechanics article has debunked all of the goofy BS videos and then there is the www.911myths.com website that also debunks the crap.

2006-12-22 12:45:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

"If there's a question there should be answers."

Well, you see, the problem is that the question is so idiotic and baseless, and that the answer is so incredibly obvious and right in front of your face, which any reasonable human with a little common sense can see. But conspiracy theorists aren't very big on common sense, or on facts, for that matter.

2006-12-22 12:54:23 · answer #6 · answered by CO_Hiker 3 · 3 0

Give me a video camera, my trusty editing program and some still shots, and I will prove to the likes of you that Jesus of Nazareth was assassinated by Eva Peron. Media is so simple to manipulate nowadays. How can you believe anything like this? Or do you just like to believe anything bad about the U.S.?

2006-12-22 12:47:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Does their need to be. The mere suggestion that the US would bomb themselves is outrageous. But what's worse is the fact that some people actually will believe it. Guess it goes to show how easily it is to persuade some.

2006-12-22 12:46:59 · answer #8 · answered by whitebeanner 4 · 5 0

I saw a video once... it had a talking pig.

Food for thought? Or just food?

2006-12-22 12:48:03 · answer #9 · answered by nkroadcaptain 4 · 5 0

I would like to start a campaign for no more stupid questions on yahoo about 911 enough already!

2006-12-22 13:33:47 · answer #10 · answered by Ynot! 6 · 3 0

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