We need to get them out as soon as possible! I say as fast as we can fill one bus up, load them on and ship them out! They are driving up property taxes and school taxes. They are having children in America just so they can collect WIC, section 8 housing, food stamps, Medicaid, free education! Even if their wages are low...they still get one hell of a deal! Not to mention the government does not know who in the hell is in this country! They are a security threat! The quality of education for our own children is going down the tubes because of overcrowding. The schools having to hire more Hispanic speaking teachers drives our taxes up! Look, we did the crappy jobs before 12 million illegals got here and we can do it again! This is no excuse to let in 12 million people for a free ride at our expense! If you want to be an American go home and do it the LEGAL way! By the way, learn to speak English!
2006-12-21 18:22:11
answer #1
answered by Marie 7
Mike Chertoff
2016-11-06 22:39:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Thank you for asking this question.Now we have to do something about undocumented workers and here is my 2 cents.
1. Give them the quest passing paper for a year and let them return home.
2. Let them apply for immigrant status 5 years to process and make sure they comply by our New laws.
3. Find the so call Small Business who hire low wages and take advantage of undocumented worker and no health benefits. Let my State take care the problem. ( estimate 25 millions pay for Health care alone for illegals while U.S.citizen do not have any help if they do not have Health Care.
No extra money for U.S. citizen.
4. Guest passes will give to any one who wants to work here and abolish H1B visa ( last year the American gave 200,000 Hi tech jobs to foreigners and no job for Real American in Silicon Valley.)
5. American does not have any choice because, her so called " Administration " gives job to Oversea and I have no idea why?
Now we have no choice because, we have trade deficit with China and it is about time the American people wake up and smell her coffee.
Well let educate each other and help people who are out of jobs. I urge you to write to The White House, Congress and Senator for a New immigration Law. We all need help at this point if you are American citizens or immigrants.
2006-12-21 17:29:53
answer #3
answered by ryladie99 6
We can make it easier for them to become legal immigrants. I have a few immigrant friends, and with all the fees and the paperwork, if you have no money when you come here, there's no way you can do it legally. The whole point is that they come here to MAKE money. So why charge them to come here...? Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's right to work here and benefit from America's prosperity but not pay taxes, but I think this is more a reflection of the system than the people coming here. I think it should be easier to become a legal immigrant, but also for illegal immigrants there should be deeper background checks when you get hired for a job. Tighter border security would help stop the influx. I think immigration is a wonderful thing-- it gives us diversity and helps our country grow. I've seen it in my hometown. Before Brazilian immigrants started coming, downtown was a deadzone. Now, it's a hub of local business, with bakeries and boutiques and convenience stores. The thing is, though, these people are doing it legally, so they are contributing to our community-- locally and nationally. It just isn't right to come here and take advantage.
2006-12-21 17:23:10
answer #4
answered by ~*Bubbles*~ 3
I think the key word here is illegal! If they are here illegally they should be sent home. Hundreds of millions of dollars a year are being spent on their free health care, day care, education, food and shelter costs that our citizens can't get any help with. On top of that is the millions spent by taxpayers who had the mishaps of getting in their way on the highway and being involved in car accidents. These illegals have no drivers licenses and no insurance so the poor citizen who has the misfortune of being hit by one is just out of luck. Costing our insurance rates to go up as well as our taxes.
Gathering them up and shipping them out would be far more cost effective than letting them continue to financially rape our country!
2006-12-21 17:54:56
answer #5
answered by Carolyn T 5
Ok, the key word is illegal. The illegal's should be sent home. We are not equipped to hand out welfare to foreigners. We quit helping our own. There is little or none for our tax paying citizens--even those with low paying jobs and a family. We need to unite for Americans who work for this country and stand up for the American Flag---not burn it in protest---not let others proclaim their flag in protest on this soil!
2006-12-21 17:18:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
First we should enroll these folks (Chertoff and Homeland IN-Security) in math classes so that they can relearn simple counting. There are well over 30 million illegal aliens in this country with many of them being in our jail system even though Mr. "Bring 'em all in" Bush wants you to believe they are just here to pick lettuce.
But in reality, fixing the illegal immigration problem is simple...
here is the solution in no certain order:
1. Eliminate free education for anyone who is illegal
2. Eliminate all health care beyond emergency care for illegals and require emergency care workers to document and report citizenship of all emergency care patients to immigration. Once stable these patients should be deported.
3. Repeal/Remove the citizenship by birth right from the constitution immediately
4. Impose a 60% tax on all wire transfers to foreign destinations by persons who cannot prove citizenship.
5. Revoke all abilitiy for an individual or company to do business if they are found to have hired illegal aliens after the 2nd offense. For first offense fine them 1 million dollars for each illegal alien they employ
6. Revamp social security cards to prevent fraud and number theft
7. Close the US border with Canada and Mexico to inbound traffic for 5 years allowing only returning citizens and certain imports. Require a criminal background check of all persons entering the US - BEFORE THEY ENTER THE US!
8. Repeal NAFTA
9. Repeal CAFTA
10. Require all welfare recipients who cannot find work within 3 months of obtaining welfare benfits to work in agricultural/service amd other industries previously held by illegal aliens at minimum wage until they can find other work.
11. Require all new LEGAL immigrants to a)Renounce former country/government b)Learn English within 6 months of entering country c)attend citizenship and american culture classes
12. Elminate all government assistance to able bodied individuals and return to a system of "work or you don't eat". Do away with the welfare culture of this country.
13. Require mexico/venezuela to grant 1 barrel of oil per month to US for each illegal alien residing in the US.
14. Immediately begin building the wall on the us-mexican border.
15. Eliminate and make it illegal for foreign companies, investors and groups to own any percentage of any business in the following industries (defense, media, energy, healthcare)
16. Deport all illegal prisoners to their home countries immediately. If they are found back in the country after deportation, impose the death penalty.
17. Require citizenship to get a mortgage loan
18. Require citizenship to rent an apartment
19. Eliminate student visas
20. Impose double taxation on wages of illegal aliens
21. Do away with the INS in favor of new Dept of Immigration
I could go on and on....but I would think if our government would see this list or similar ones and pick just 3 things (any 3) from it and implement them we would be well on our way to repairing the damage that illegal immigration is doing to this country and we could force many if not the majority of illegals to leave OR become citizens the right way. If we do away with the freebies, you'll do away with the free loaders.
Oh yeah and this is one other one I just thought of....
22. If president bush grants amnesty/guest worker status to any of the 12 - 30 million illegal aliens. IMPEACH HIM THE NEXT DAY!!!!!!!!!!
2006-12-21 17:56:14
answer #7
answered by YahooVista 2
I say we round up all the illegals and deport them, then take all the lazy bums on welfare and give them jobs. If they still don't earn enough to support themselves and their 12 crack babies, then welfare can go in and pick up the tab. But as far as them being professional couch potatoes and raising future generations of couch potatoes, they can do the crap jobs that people who actually work towards a good life don't want.
No more illegals and lower taxes...looks like a win-win situation to me.
2006-12-21 17:12:25
answer #8
answered by Kallie 4
Tell the president what you want and vote in the next election. It is not like you can arrest walmart they are very powerful.
2006-12-21 17:34:07
answer #9
answered by adobeprincess 6
Arrest the people who are refusing to enforce the laws for criminal dereliction of duty.
2006-12-21 17:32:41
answer #10
answered by iraqisax 6