I had a chihuahua and i kept it from the time it was 6 weeks old until it was 6 months old and it never stopped chewing. It chewed up my couch, chair, tables, even chewed the blood out of people. I tried every thing to get him to stop (chew toys, raw hides, spray etc...) So i sold it to a couple in Fla (I live in VA). Now i am kind of regretting selling it, i feel like i "failed" the dog, like i was a bad "mom". It now has another dog its age and breed to play with and a small child and a wonderful home but i dont know, im just still sad........ I worry that he will not adjust and that he will miss me and what he is used to. Is it normal to feel this way?
11 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
It is normal to feel that way. You did not fail if you moved the dog into a home where it was happy. Some people don't get along with some animals, it's just the way it is, just like with people. They are amazingly resilient animals, that is why they can be adopted at the age or 7, 8 or 9 (for example) and be loving devoted pets for their last owners, just as much as a dog who was raised from puppyhood. Don't feel bad, just take this experience, learn from it and move on. Don't forget him, but don't dwell either. He's in a happy place with stuff to do, and critters and kids to torment, heh...:)
2006-12-21 15:48:35
answer #1
answered by skachicah35 4
What you are feeling is normal. What your puppy was doing was perfectly normal too. Puppies chew, puppies bite that is called teething. I have a dog who will be 5 months old tomorrow who does not bite people and only chews her bones and toys because I TRAINED HER. Don't get another dog unless you are willing to put the time and dedication into training it and accept normal antics of puppyhood. You can crate train the pup. You can get a pen, or cordon off a room that is puppy proof. But be prepared IF you get another dog to accept that it will chew and will bite as it goes through the teething process. Do not get another puppy unless you are FULLY COMMITTED to it.
2006-12-21 23:48:11
answer #2
answered by ESPERANZA 4
yeah what gives.
You did send the dog away or are you trying to justify sending the dog away so that you can have a clear conscious (however you spell that darn word)
If you havent sent the dog yet, know that any dog is trainable.
You can teach a dog, old or young anything and they will do it.
So theres still hope if you want to keep the dog, and just alter its behavior.
However if youve already given up hope, then by all means send it away. The family you send it to with another dog will probably be better for it than someone whos going to give up on their dog.
But dont sit asking one question tan asking another.it makes you sound like a jerk that no one is going to want to answer any ore questions for, should you ever really need help.
2006-12-22 00:17:53
answer #3
answered by writersbIock2006 5
ok now i'm confused. you just asked how much it was to ship a dog from va to florida, but now you're saying the dog is there already and playing and living with the new family? do you know where you are?> did you even have a dog? and well if this other couple knows how to train the dog, then he is going to be happier, he wasn't happy if he was drawing blood on people. and i certainly hope you told this couple he bites before you sold him to people with a small child, do did didn't you?????
2006-12-21 23:55:42
answer #4
answered by cagney 6
in my rescue work i have found saving then is easy, but letting go is hard. not knowing where their life takes them. i is normal to feel this way. if you do choose to get another dog, get an older one. about 3 & up are good ages. they are usally set in thier ways by this age & most stop chewwing by then. hope you feel better soon. :(
2006-12-21 23:53:39
answer #5
answered by rblankenship_rblankenship 5
Yes, it's normal. It's a grieving process of sorts.
Can you call the people in Florida to check up on the dog and maybe calm yourself and not worry any longer?
2006-12-21 23:43:20
answer #6
answered by tamara_cyan 6
yes u did the right thing the dog was ruin everything u had .. he will be ok he will find someone that dont have alot of stuff for him to chew on
2006-12-21 23:42:55
answer #7
answered by greeneyedteddie 1
Sounds like he is in a better home.
2006-12-22 11:59:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well yeah! you will always feel sad when you loose your beloved pet. trust me that happened to me! ( i am 10 years old but i am pretty smart for my age)
2006-12-21 23:51:56
answer #9
answered by Piper 1
I'm sure the dog is happy...you did the right thing!
2006-12-21 23:45:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous