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That beauty is a subjective topic. One person's trash could be your very treasure and everybody has his/her own notion of what constitute beauty.

2006-12-21 15:10:43 · answer #1 · answered by tomQ 3 · 0 0

Well asked ...

For example - assume that a person likes reptiles a lot and even keeps some reptiles (like lizards, snakes...) as pets and also often kiss them because he likes them ... .... ... It may not be the same with other person who may dislike reptiles a lot. Also there are some people who hate to see lizards.

In this case, one person is saying that they are beautiful and some others are saying them ugly .... so the beauty of the object or any thing depends on the person who is looking it.

Another example - if a person fell in love with some body by getting attracted to the so called beauty, and after some period if he came to know that the one whom he was loving has deceived / was deceiving ... then the mere thought of about them produces agitated and disturbed thoughts and he does not even like to see the face of those who had deceived.

NOW what happened to the so called beauty .... So the beauty and the appreciation depends of the vision and attitude and thinking process of the person who sees it.

Take another example - if you are having fever and headache and diziness ....and while going to hospital you might be passing through so called beautiful garden or beautiful building .... but nothing can be appreciated by you .... because of your state of mind & body .... the same scenes if you see when you are OK may be appreciated .....

Means the beauty is in the eye of the beholder

2006-12-21 15:22:12 · answer #2 · answered by Angel 4 · 0 0

Because we all come from different backgrounds, what one person thinks is beautiful is different from what another person would consider beautiful. Some people think very thin people are beautiful, but someone else may think a very heavy person is beautiful. So beauty is in the eyes of the beholder ( the person doing the looking).

2016-05-23 11:41:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its a misquote or "beauty is in the eye of the beerholder".

Actually its saying that two people may not consider the same 3rd person beautiful.

Ie; X & Y look at Z.
X thinks Z is beautiful, Y doesnt think this.

2006-12-21 16:42:18 · answer #4 · answered by Mike J 5 · 0 0

It means that what is beautiful in your eyes may not be what is beautiful in another's eyes. Beauty is a matter of personal oppinion, thought, and feeling. We all find it and see it differently than the next person.

2006-12-21 15:09:52 · answer #5 · answered by cinemasista 2 · 1 0

It means that maybe someone is beautiful to someone else but not to others. So In someone else's eye that person is beautiful. It is not about looks but what is in the heart and the personality. Not everybody is beautiful, but to some they look deep inside of someone so to them they are beautiful

2006-12-21 15:11:59 · answer #6 · answered by Andie F 2 · 0 0

This saying first appeared in the 3rd century BC in Greek. It didn't appear in its current form in print until the 19th century, but in the meantime there were various written forms that expressed much the same thought. In 1588, the English dramatist John Lyly, in his Euphues and his England, wrote:

"...as neere is Fancie to Beautie, as the pricke to the Rose, as the stalke to the rynde, as the earth to the roote."

Shakespeare expressed a similar sentiment in Love's Labours Lost, 1588:

Good Lord Boyet, my beauty, though but mean,
Needs not the painted flourish of your praise:
Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye,
Not utter'd by base sale of chapmen's tongues

Benjamin Franklin, in Poor Richard's Almanack, 1741, wrote:

Beauty, like supreme dominion
Is but supported by opinion

David Hume's Essays, Moral and Political, 1742, include:

"Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them."

The person who is widely credited with coining the saying in its current form is Margaret Wolfe Hungerford (née Hamilton), who wrote many books, often under the pseudonym of 'The Duchess'. In Molly Bawn, 1878, there's the line "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", which is the earliest citation of it that I can find in print.

2006-12-21 15:11:24 · answer #7 · answered by pirulee 4 · 0 0

Beauty is very subjective. That means that what seems to be beautiful to one person, may or may not be beautiful to another. Each individual sees things from their own perspective, and because of that, who is to say what is or is not beautiful to everyone? Nobody can do that!

2006-12-21 15:17:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It means that beauty is subjective. You might look at a sunset and say how beautiful all of the colors are and I could look at that same sunset and say its just another daily occurance. (yes that's a bit extreme but it illustrates my point). Basically, what you think is beautiful might not be beautiful to me. Plus, this saying can extend to other facets of life including music and food. (I really like fresh tomatoes, but my dad can't stand them... they're not "beautiful" to him) Does that even make sense?

2006-12-22 01:54:51 · answer #9 · answered by california_gurl16 3 · 0 0

Well...What is attractive to you may not be so to another person.
In our society we have a generalization of what beauty is, i.e. supermodels, hollywood, etc. Some people are able to look to the inner person and see the beauty radiate from the inside out.



2006-12-21 15:16:58 · answer #10 · answered by motherbear 3 · 0 0

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