They are old enough. And now is the time to start instilling a sense of responsibility or they will get used to you doing everything and reisist you later. Now you can make it fun! My preschoolers ask if they can help clean because it's new and exciting!
Your 3 -year old will need a lot of direction and supervision. Depending on maturity, your 5-year-old may need some too.
Things a 3-year old can do:
-Put away toys, books, etc.
-Help you dust or clean windows. (You spray, he/she wipes)
-Clean the toilet. (My 2-year old loves to use the toilet brush! I have to hide it when we're not cleaning!)
-Help you make the bed (Put the pillows up, straighten corners.)
-Feed the dog/cat (We put a plastic cup in the dog food and our 2-year old loves to fill it up and pour it in the dog's bowl. I guess this isn't really cleaning, but it's a chore!)
-Help you mop or vacuum.
Things a 5-year old can do:
-Same chores as the 3-year old, but will require less direction.
-Clean up after art projects (rinsing out brushes, etc.)
-Put dirty clothes in the hamper (not on the floor!)
-Clear his own plate after dinner.
We give our 5-year old 1 chore that he has to do every day (feed the dog). If he does it all week long (We remind him every morning) then he gets $1. He loves to save up for toys!
Good luck!
2006-12-21 19:53:09
answer #1
answered by MountainChick 3
I think that they are all old enough to help in a way. They can all help pick up their toys and things that they were playing with. The 5 year old is going to be able to do more things then the other 2, but make sure to include them all. Try and make it into a game, that way they all want to help. Make up a song for them to sing as they go...repeat it every time and they will really get into it. I have a 7 year old, 4 year old and a 2 year old -- they all help out! Even though they cant do a whole lot, any help that you get is better than nothing!
2006-12-23 09:54:37
answer #2
answered by mda 1
My one and three year olds already pick up their toys, and put their own laundry in the laundry baskets.
The little one loves nothing more than being given a wet rag and asked to help wipe down the table, or given a broom or the swiffer and asked to sweep the floor. She doesn't do a good job, of course, but she's learning, and she wants to contribute--can't knock that!
My older child helps fold laundry. She dusts. She helps set the table and carries dishes to the sink. She helps put away groceries, and retrieves things from the 'fridge while her father cooks dinner. It's her job to put the dog out in the morning. She "keeps care" of her little sister while I run to the bathroom or down to the basement to switch the laundry. And if you give her a sponge with a spritz of Lysol or 409 and a trickle of water, she does a pretty good job of shining up the bathroom sink and counter. She can also kind of make her bed.
So I say go for it.
Everyone in the family has chores, and the sooner we all work together to get them done, the sooner we can go off to do other things. Plus, sometimes "work" can be fun.
2006-12-21 23:31:03
answer #3
answered by Yarro Pilz 6
It's never too early to start good habits! We have 4 children and all but the youngest (who is 14 m) cleans up. Our children start at 2 picking up their toys and putting them away. By age 3, they should be able to take their fork/spoon to the sink after meals and put their cup and napkins away, too. My 3 year old also puts all of her clothes in her own drawers, helps with dusting and LOVES to scrub the toilet with the toilet brush.
As a parent, it's our responsibility to teach our children from a young age how to do these things. The younger they are, the more willing they are to help. They want to be just like us and like to copy us, even when we're cleaning. I want to teach my kids responsibilities that will help them in life. If I am always cleaning up for and after them, what are they learning?
Start slow and you'll be amazed at what your little ones really can do!
Susan W
2006-12-21 23:23:13
answer #4
answered by Michael and Susan W 2
the 5 year old yeah but the 3 and 1 year old are too younge.
but you can make a sort of game out of cleaning and maybe the 3 year old would like to join
2006-12-21 23:01:09
answer #5
answered by Cherry 1
I have a 5 year old a three year old and a three month old ....they have had chores since they were 2....they each are assigned a simple chore that they do everyday....but i dont' expect it to be a really good job so i usually clean up after them and i don't let tthem see me do it since they like to put pride in there work and they love to do it it makes them feel important...There responsibiliys are to clean up there toys, on sat clean there rooms, and every night exept for friday (thats there day off) my son (5) loads the dishwasher, and my daughter (3) wipes down the table...
2006-12-22 05:56:05
answer #6
answered by christina c 3
My 4yo cleans up his room, he often clears the table (always clears his own place), he picks up the books that my 8-month old pulls off the bookcase, he actually has loaded the washer and unloaded the dryer, under supervision, and if he spills, he cleans up. My 3yo usually cleans up his own spills, does a darling attempt at mopping and sweeping, feels it is his duty to wind up the vaccuum cord after I'm done, and helps clean his room.
On the other hand, my almost-step-kids, aged 12 and 5, can not clean. She (12yo) runs the vacuum in her room every day when she is here, and it invariably needs repair after she leaves. He (5yo) sits and stares at a spill- not only will he not clean it up, neither will he let anyone know it has happened so someone else could clean it up. Neither of them is capable of putting a dish in the sink or a napkin in the trash.
So, I guess it is less about age than parenting. Do you raise capable children, who will one day be independant? Or do you want the kind who will live in squalor until they are evicted and come home to you, so you can go back to cleaning after them?
2006-12-22 00:10:07
answer #7
answered by imjustasteph 4
Your 5 year old is old enough to somewhat make his bed, wipe off the table after supper and keep his room and other toys cleaned up. Your three year old is old enough to keep toys picked up, put dirty clothes in the hamper and throw his own trash away. Your one year old is probably doing pretty good to figure out his feet are for, and how he's supposed to use them, so for now, he's off the hook. The ages your kids are, they can take on some responsibility for picking up after themselves, but nothing having to with cleaning products,unless it's like a Clorox Cleanup. Start them young learning to keep a house, and they will thank you for it later. My four year old is in the keeping her stuff picked up, and folding her couch blanket up stage, just don't give them anything to overwhelming at first.
2006-12-21 22:54:00
answer #8
answered by ihave5katz 5
Sure! You can make a game of it with the 5 and 3 year old. They may not do a great job and I wouldn't give them any cleaners with chemicals but give them a rag and have them dust or a wet rag and have them mop the floors. My mother in law told me that when her kids were little she would mop the floor then dry them with a towel and let the kids sit on the towel and take them for a ride around the room as she dryed the floor.
2006-12-22 09:50:55
answer #9
answered by party_pam 5
Absolutely!!! especially their own toys. My girls are 3 and 18 months and they take turns dusting the house everyday. I give them a swiffer duster and they have a ball. My 18 month old of course isn't very thorough but my three year old dusts things that I don't even dust. Also, they like to help fold the laundry. My three year old matches the socks it not only helps me out but it's fun for her and she gets practice learning same and different. She also has other chores like clearing hers and her sisters plates from the table, setting the table, making her bed, and organizing her bathroom counter.
2006-12-22 12:28:43
answer #10
answered by wolverinesfan 1