he likes u. good luck and happy holidays
2006-12-21 14:34:54
answer #1
answered by Joho 7
I don't think that really has to mean anything. But it does sound like there is something going on. Maybe you should ask him. I had a similiar thing happen to me, and I'm still dating the "friend" after a year...good luck with your guy....
2006-12-21 22:05:38
answer #2
answered by Katlyn 1
It sounds like he's in love. If he is missing you that much and being nice to your friends around you. It sounds like love is in the air. But the question is is do you like/love him? In the same ways that he feel for you.
2006-12-21 22:09:29
answer #3
answered by Shizzy 4
well i think he does because if he is nice to you in front of your friends and when you are not with your friends he is mean to them that might mean something or like how you said that if he missed you and he said yes that means that he like you but i want you to answer me this ? did he kno you liked him lat year so aswer me back ok and i think he likes you
2006-12-21 22:12:06
answer #4
answered by perla a 2
I think he likes you. He isn't really coming out and saying it, but he is giving you good signs. You need to flirt with him! If you still like him then now is when you need to make your move girl! Good Luck!!!
2006-12-21 22:21:29
answer #5
answered by AG3 2
he wants you, but hes stupid and prolly is just tryin to play you. ever seen hitch? you gotta get their friends to like you so they will give ehr the go ahead and root for you, duh. i thought everyone knew that? anyways, hitch is actually a pretty good date tip movie, which many people dont realize.
2006-12-21 22:07:54
answer #6
answered by slightly confused 2
from what u have said, i would say yes he does
2006-12-21 22:05:48
answer #7
answered by coolpotatoeslive 5
i think by my "friends" you mean you so then its you + you = him liking you does not make sense so you should ask him and be like dude you aint gots no crush on a sista do yaz? and he be like nawww and u be like coo coo! and then u go on wit your lives. prob = solved
2006-12-21 22:14:12
answer #8
answered by eroticjuicyseagulls 2
2006-12-21 22:08:00
answer #9
answered by AnswerKing 1
sounds like it to me....
2006-12-21 22:04:51
answer #10
answered by .::country gurl in a 4X4::. 2