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like ive said b4 in previous questions, i have decided to re-enlist in the army. well i didnt realize how out of shape i am, running wise. im 32 so i have about 17:50 or so to run 2 miles in but id like to run it faster than that seeings how the first time i did it when i was 19 i did it in 15 minutes. does anyone have some advise or programs to help me along. i just started running again, outside and cant even run 2 miles yet..lol..i ran 1 mile yesterday at the gym on a treadmill in 12 minutes...ouch thats not good. i know, i know..dont run on a treadmill, but i was there training so i figured... i run outside at the park or around the house. i was thinking of running 3 times a week and doing sprints 3 times a week as well. i dont know, all i know is i gotta get my arss back into shape, and like it was yesterday...

2006-12-21 13:26:28 · 3 answers · asked by chuck j 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

3 answers

The treadmill can be a good way to train yourself to run. You will want to set the incline to 1% though as that will be roughly the same as running on a flat track. The advantage to the treadmill is that you can set it to go faster than you would run on your own. If you don't keep up, you fall off the back and look like an idiot to everyone else around. That alone gives you motivation to keep up. Find the speed at which you are comfortable running and then kick it up one notch. Then, every week (or less) set the speed up another notch. Keep yourself focused on not failing at the speed you have set. Yes, you will feel very winded and tired when you are done. Make sure you go through a 5 minute cool down when you are done. And then get plenty of pure water to drink.

2006-12-21 13:37:11 · answer #1 · answered by Daniel 6 · 1 0

Im in the same boat...... I try to run at least 4x a week... my recruiter blows so i dont even know how long to run I try to run our track 3x which = 2 miles dont kill your self I have shead nearly a minute in 3 weeks

2006-12-21 21:35:56 · answer #2 · answered by Lise x Lobotomy 1 · 0 0

youll get it in field hockey we ran 2 miles everyday sometimes 1 when we had a game nxt day. i got so much faster from running daily. make it an every day thing. maybe youll beat my 2 mile time...14 or 15 something......cant remember lol

2006-12-21 22:09:44 · answer #3 · answered by doubleK 2 · 0 0

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