ok with any dog a male can breed when he reaches 7-8 months. that is when they drop and are fertile and ready to mate. most vets will tell you to wait til they are 2 yrs old to breed them but as a breeder you can breed when they are 7-8 months. i have a male that i use to breed to my female and i started to breed him when he turned 7 months and he produced very beautiful puppies. if he is acting like he want s to mate then i would try to breed him to a female if you have one picked out. but again you can breed him if he is over 7 months, especially with a dane they usually become fertile very early. good luck.
2006-12-21 09:38:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Male Great Danes
2016-12-12 10:39:22
answer #2
answered by ? 4
It depends on the cat, but generally around 5-6 months of age--which is why they say to have kitty fixed by 6 months. Mine became mature at around 5 months, and he was on the chopping block that month. If you are concerned that your male cat is showing signs of maturity, get it fixed. The longer you wait to get kitty fixed, the greater the chances he will "spray" urine around your house even after he's fixed. If you want to breed your cat, well, that's probably a bad idea. There are enough kitties in the world. If you're not an experienced breeder of a breed for which there is great demand, please don't breed.
2016-03-13 09:25:20
answer #3
answered by ? 3
A male dog is capable of producing puppies at 9 months old. It is better to wait until 2 yrs to breed (especially Great Danes) and get their hips and elbows x-rayed for genetic problems.
2006-12-21 08:01:08
answer #4
answered by Suzie Q 4
The female, 2 years. The male though, can be 10 months old to mate.
2006-12-21 07:53:41
answer #5
answered by cadowney1 2
Typically like any other male dog. Anywhere between 6 months and a year. I would not recommend breeding because we have an overpopulation of dogs and cats. There are many cats and dogs in need of homes.
2006-12-21 07:54:07
answer #6
answered by Veneta T 5
the last site will connect you with more people who are happy to talk about danes....and it has a lot of info...all of them do.
Sperm production?????
a lot sooner than you're thinking...lol
2006-12-21 07:57:22
answer #7
answered by ? 2
Please do not breed your dog. That animal is a pet and not a source of income. There are already enough dogs in the system now that exist out of profit. Please do not feed that out of control system
2006-12-21 08:00:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous