Just explain nicely that their dog barking in the middle of the night is waking your family and causing you problems. Inform them that your city has a law about noise after 11:00pm and that you would appreciate them letting the dog out at a reasonable hour so it won't wake you and that you will FORCED to start calling the police if they don't cooperate. I can't believe how many idiots there are that just let their dogs bark and bark and bark! It drives me nuts! Good Luck!
2006-12-21 07:50:55
answer #1
answered by wish I were 6
There is a great book called Don't shoot the dog. One of the chapters tells of a way to get your dog to stop barking.
In short, the dog will never stop barking because as far as its concerned, bark = being let in. Weather its a min. later, or one hour later. In this book, it explains to place a marker (same color towel) on the door leading to the back yard and leave it there when the dog is outside. It will bark and bark but you don't let the dog back inside until you remove the towel. So, once you remove the towel, you let the dog bark once more then open the door.
It eventually learns that no matter how long it barks, you won't open that door until that towel is gone.
Maybe instead of approaching your neighbors in a negative light, buy this book, tag the chapter I just mentioned, and explain how you can help. I'm sure they don't like the barking either!
This way, you won't be the hated neighbor, and your helping and giving a gift! So close to the holiday's, why not!
2006-12-21 07:58:01
answer #2
answered by Kiki D 2
if you know your neighbors well I would go over there and tell them what the problem is, if you dont know them all too well this may be your chance to seize the moment. I had a situation sort of like this with my neighbors - they were leaving an outside lite on (w/100 watt bulb in it) all night long that shone directly into my and my husbands bedroom. I went over there three times (mind you they were new neighbors) and politely asked them to shut the light off - they would but then a night or two later it would be back on. I finally had to write them a note and tell them that if theproblem persisted I would contact their landlord and have him handle it. I suggest you do the same, go over, talk to them - it may take a time or two to get through. Right now they may not even realize what an inconvience it is to you. If going over there doesnt work then contact their landlord (if they rent) if thats not do-able and all other attempts have failed then you bet your *** I would call the cops - keep me informed, im curious to see how this turns out!
2006-12-21 07:54:29
answer #3
answered by blackestday 2
First remember it is never the doggie who is to blame! It is the people who arent giving him what he needs. How is your relationship with your neighbour? Could you maybe go over there with a cake or a cup of coffee and ask for a talk? Many problems can actually be resolved by being honest and talking calmly about the issues that are bothering you. Could you maybe find some info on the internet about dogses who are bored in the yard? Many dogses love the game called search! Throw a hand full of little treats on to the yard, tell him Search! and let the dog find the treats, this will give him exercise and challenge his mind. It is a sad thing when neighbours fall out over these things, because it tends to 'hit' the doggsie in the end!
Hope from Lene.
2006-12-21 07:54:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
if i were you, i wouldn't bother with the letter they seem too rude to acknowledge something like that and would just laugh at it and throw it away and the problem would probably get worse on purpose. I wouldn't even bother with going next store and talking about it either. Just call the police or animal control. These neighbors regardless of what time THEY work should acknowledge the fact that most people live life during the day and they are just being rude to you and your family! Especially if it is causing problems with your CHILD'S schooling screw trying to be nice about it and just go to the authorities. Good luck! :) and Merry Christmas! :) (hopefully you can get this under control and you actually will have a good nights rest!!!!!)
2006-12-21 07:56:37
answer #5
answered by monkeybread 2
Contact the Animal Control Place in your town, they wont take the dog, they will just leave a notice at your neighbor's house advising them to leave the dog indoors while you and your family are sleeping. I got a notice about 6 years ago because my dog was loose and it would bark at my neighbor every time she came outside. that should work. Just tell them that the animal is disturbing the peace.
2006-12-21 08:30:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Did you ever see that Seinfeld episode where they took the dog away that kept Elaine up....it was a good one. Anyway, just be up front and non-confrontational about it. Tell them whats going on with you and your families responsibilities and ask them if they could leave him inside for the night from now on. Don't threaten with the cops, but if they are not being cooperative then you may have to just give it a try.
2006-12-21 07:52:20
answer #7
answered by dan 2
Try to mention to them the problem. Ask them nicely to let their dog out earlier in the night. If they refuse, call the city.
We had some friends who would let their dogs out that late (without knowing it as bothering people), and a few weeks later the police came to their house. They told them unless they muzzled their dogs or trained them to stop barking, then they would not be allowed out of the house past 10:00 pm. If they did let their dogs out and someone complained they would be fined.
2006-12-21 07:50:02
answer #8
answered by cadowney1 2
basically call Animal administration next time it occurs, tell them the truth (do not lie) about whats been taking position and they're going to preserve it. basically make confident you locate out how they are searching after it at the same time as they %. up the canines because they could take it decrease back and provides you caution or take to the pound or some thing else. of course those human beings favor to get a significantly better manage on their little ones because they are those letting the canines out and that i'm confident they have not even instructed the mother and father that the canines is getting out. yet another suggestion will be to attend until eventually the mother and father are residing house then tell them and make confident if the youngsters answer the door to ask to talk to their mother and father. in the experience that they say their mother and father are not residing house tell them you'll save the canines until eventually their mother and father get residing house so that you may talk to them. If that were to take position then basically save the canines on a leash outdoors or interior the basement.
2016-12-01 01:36:40
answer #9
answered by bartow 4
Are these people deaf or just inconsiderate? No matter how you approach it, they're not going to like it. If there is an animal control department in your town, go in person to fill out a report about this dog disturbing the peace. If they don't take action, then talk to the police. Keep a log of dates and times to back up your complaint.
2006-12-21 07:52:00
answer #10
answered by beez 7