Do something out of the ordinary. Don't worry if you do something strange and sexy you can never go wrong
2006-12-21 05:21:30
answer #1
answered by Daniela15 2
Oh... I really feel you. I'm there right now and I don't see other way out other than breaking up, unfortunately.
It's just that some things, even though you try, will never be the same. You can try doing things "out of the ordinary" but how long can that last? I mean, if you both don't make an effort everyday to keep yourself away from the rutine, you're gonna fall back into it. Try to work on it... but if you see no result, get away. I know it's hard giving up after that much time (been there) but eventually it will be for the best of both of you.
2006-12-21 05:28:53
answer #2
answered by mackenzie 3
Are you bored with him or are you bored with your life?
Talk to him. Don't tell him you're bored with him because that won't go over well, but tell him you feel like you are stuck in a rut and you need to try something new together. Join an activity together, take a weekend and go somewhere neither of you has ever been or try a new hobby together.
This sounds corny, but my husband and I joined a bowling league together. It's a simple thing, but it gave us something new to enjoy together and share. It helps.
A lifetime commitment is going to have it's ups and downs. There will be times when you are so in love that you feel like you are 16 again. There will also be times when you look across the room and wonder how you ended up together. To make any relationship last - it takes an effort.
Of course, you said boyfriend, not husband. So maybe a lifetime commitment isn't what you are looking for. That's up to you.
2006-12-21 05:26:15
answer #3
answered by Tamborine 5
If it's all about the sex, something is wrong.
Try to look at what attracted you to him in the first place. If it's still there, and you're still attracted, then the relationship can probably be saved.
But if you don't really know him, and his personality leaves something to be desired, you should break it off before you hurt him or yourself.
And if he loves you, but you don't love him back the same way, you should probably tell him that. See what kind of reaction it gets.
Then again, a little boredom never hurt anyone. Just try something new... like going rock climbing or paintballing... don't let yourselves follow the same pattern over and over... dinner, movie, bed can get awfully boring.
Last but not least, tell him how you feel. If he feels the same way and wants to fix it, you're good to go.
2006-12-21 05:27:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
it would want to easily be an element so do not smash it off basically yet. If y'all love eachother attempt to make your sex existence more desirable intersting. there is a million things you may do: positions, function taking section in, toys or perhaps talking. there's no reason to break it off in case you have not explored different suggestions. have relaxing with it you received't recognize once you're bored stiff in it in case you under no circumstances explored the different suggestions or fringe of sex.
2016-10-16 21:03:14
answer #5
answered by fote 4
Take a vacation or something together. Do NOT take a break from each other, that doesn't work. Sit down with him and don't use the word bored, but ask him about things you can do together that will liven things up. Good luck.
2006-12-21 05:22:20
answer #6
answered by nursesr4evr 7
UH!! hello genius...last time I checked a relationship included at least 2 people. What are you doing to keep it exciting? Everyone knows a relationship can become stale and it's up to both people to work at it and keep it exciting. Don't be so selfish.
2006-12-21 05:24:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You need to get out of that rut. Spice things up a bit, take the lead, do something outside your comfort zone.
2006-12-21 05:21:08
answer #8
answered by MiMi 3
if you love him...find ways to spice it up a are jerks sometimes..sometimes I too feel that my guy is taking me for granted but then he surprised me by doing something sweet for me...some men need to get a clue...speak to him..ask hm why you guys dont go out as much...see what he says
2006-12-21 05:22:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Move on - you are done with him
2006-12-21 05:23:35
answer #10
answered by QnA 2