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2006-12-21 04:39:11 · 16 answers · asked by myquel i 1 in Pets Dogs

16 answers


2006-12-21 04:53:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I get so sick of people saying don't go to a pet store they buy from puppy mills and are abusive and so on. My wife and I have run a pet store for 3 years. We do not buy from brokers or puppy mills. We do the very thing some people have suggested, we go directly to the breeders. We know what consitutes a good breeder and what traits to look for in the puppies of each breed we buy.

Places like puppyfinder are fine but you will pay just as much or more because these are people who also sell wholesale to us. They do business with us all the time and are far more likely to stand behind us in the event a problem arises than someone they only have and will do business with once.

Further, a puppy has a personality as well as a look. You need to interact with it to see if it has the character traits you want. You can't do that on line.

Not all petstores are the same. Avoid the chains, they do use puppy mills. Find local pet stores. Things to look for.

Puppies are babies and should not be mixed together. If one has a sickness then they will ALL have it.

It should NOT smell. Sickness is spread often by failing to properly care for the puppy by not cleaning up after it. If they do that routinely it won't smell.

They should offer a health guarantee.

Shelters are great if you can tolerate the issues the puppies have.
Lets face it. Dogs are like people if they are abused or neglected when they are young they have issues that stay with them their whole life. If the prior owner could have sold them they would have but they didn't. What does that tell you??

Find a good pet store.

2006-12-21 04:57:34 · answer #2 · answered by Jim7368 3 · 0 2

I think the best way to have a family dog is to adopt www.petfinder.org is a site that you can search dogs based on breed, age, location, size, sex, all over the US (not sure where you live). You an also try to look @ local newspapers and call around to local pet shops (they need rescue too even though I really dislike pet shops). Buying online is tricky and I have heard a lof of negative storys from people saying they have been scammed. I've seen a few online wbesites where they sell dogs; however I prefer to stay local so I can actually see and visit with the dog. You also might want to try the akc website to find local breeders or even http://www.akc.org/future_dog_owner/index.cfm?nav_area=future_dog_owners there's a link you can try. Good Luck.

I actually heard different stories of how people obtain their dogs, me I adopted from a shelter and came home to find another dog on my doorstep that I took in. My friend bought hers from a pet shop because they felt sorry for it as anyone probably would (I look @ petstores and feel so sorry that they are stuck in a cage in their own poop and pee) and has taken time and money out to train and raise their dog. I know some like my boyfriend who got his from a breeder. So.... in the end all types of dogs want a loving home and lots of cuddles.

2006-12-21 04:43:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'll give you a few example of places to buy from and places not to buy from.

Missy and kiana are giving you the WORST possible places to get a dog. Newspapers, websites, pet shops, all are usually terrible breeders. Avoid them AT ALL COSTS!!

The best places to get a dog are from:
1. A no-kill shelter
2. A breed rescue group
3. A responsible, ethical, and moral breeder.

How can you tell a moral breeder?
First, most breed club codes of ethics strictly forbid their breeders to sell to pet shops.
A good breeder breeds ONLY to improve the breed. They do not breed by accident, because it's fun, to make money, or to create pet quality dogs.
A good breeder will be involved in their breed via showing, conformation, or other competitions like lure coursing or agility.
The dogs they are breeding have undergone genetic testing and other tests to ensure a soudn and healthy dog.
Usually, their puppies are sold BEFORE breeding takes place.
A good breeder will ask you extensive questions to ensure that you are prepared for a dog and up for the challenge.
Pet quality dogs from a good breeder will usually be less expensive than a pet store or a 'pet quality' breeder.
A good breeder offers a health guarantee and protects the pup for his entire life. This means that if you can't care for your dog at any point in his life, the breeder will take it back from you
A good breeder is there for you. Having potty training problems? Call them. They will help.

Here are some resources to help you:

http://www.geocities.com/bluegracepwd/wheretobuy.html - this is for a specific breed, but can be amended to cover any breed.

And please, make sure you research any breed you are considering. Find out why that breed is given up for rescue. Small dogs are particularly prone to leg and knee injuries (surgery can be $1000+), potty issues (some NEVER learn 100%), separation anxiety (can't be left alone for more than 4 hours regularly), and other problems. If any of their known issues would prevent you from being happy with your dog, then don't get that breed.




Good luck to you in your search. : )

2006-12-21 04:46:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Once you've decided on what kind of small dog you are looking for, start at your local animal shelter. Resist temptation at the local mall pet shop. As beautiful as they are, you don't know the condition of the dog and you will pay a pretty penny. If you are looking for a pure breed, try the AKC for a listing of local breeders. Good Luck!!

2006-12-21 06:00:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The shelter is a good place if you want to buy a family pet and are not too picky as far as the breed. If you want a purebreed, go to a breeder. Make sure they can show you their condentials as one and are willing to allow to look if they are close by. I just recently bought a Boston Terrier from Mt. Olympus Kennel in Ohio. Vickie was nothing but gratious to me and answered all my questions. I found her through puppyfinder.com

2006-12-21 04:51:03 · answer #6 · answered by jenalexsmith 3 · 0 1

The best place to "get" a dog or puppy is from your local shelter or breed rescue.

Also, look at http://www.petfinder.com to start your search. For every puppy bought from a back yard breeder, or pet store, thousands of dogs and puppies will be gassed, starved, drowned, crushed, and killed in other horrific ways. Not all shelters humanely euthanize the animals, including babies, that they need to "get rid of."

Pet store puppies come from puppy mills....which are disgusting. Do an internet search on Puppy Mills to learn more about them and why you should avoid pet store puppies.


2006-12-21 04:47:07 · answer #7 · answered by libertydogtraining 4 · 1 1

Local Paper

Animal Shelter

Pet Store

2006-12-21 05:31:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

A breeder of the type you are looking for. pet stores buy from puupy mills, no responsible breeder sells to a pet store. The pet is only as good as the place it came from.

2006-12-21 04:43:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

look in the newspaper at the classifieds or at puppyfind.com or at puppydogweb.com or if you want to adopt for a small fee instead of hundreds.... go to petfinder.com if your looking for a specific breed theres usually some in the shelters and its a better way... those does have no home and need a home and someone to love them. bichon frise is a good breed of small dog... they dont shed ethier let me know if you need help finding one and let me know the breed if you have a specific one... i will gladly help you find one. good luck

2006-12-21 04:46:14 · answer #10 · answered by missy 3 · 0 1

Why buy when you can get one for free?

2006-12-21 04:43:04 · answer #11 · answered by averagebear 6 · 0 0

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