Crate training works the best. You need a crate that is big enough for the dog to be able to stand, sit and lay down comfortably, but not too big. The puppy should be crated whenever you are out of the house or in bed. Because it is in a small space and won't be able to get away from it's urine, it will hold it as long as it can (with puppies this still isn't very long so someone should probably come home every couple of hours during the day to let it out). When you get home, immediately take the dog outside and stay until it uses the bathroom. When it goes, praise her--you can even you use treats. It helps if you consistently take the puppy to the same place to pee so that they make the association a little more quickly.
When you're home with the puppy, keep it in sight AT ALL TIMES. You can actually put her on a long leash for this, but if she's able to sneak off somewhere and pee without you noticing, it ruins your progress. If she starts to go in the house, say "NO" sternly (don't scream, but be authoritative), pick up the dog immediately (she will likely stop peeing, but if she doesn't, just head outside) and take her to the spot where she's allowed to pee. Again, when she goes outside, praise her and give her treats. If she's gone a couple of hours without an accident, it's probably time to take her out anyway--the fewer accidents she has indoors, the easier it will be to teach her that outside is the place to use the restroom.
If you find that she has gone somewhere and no one noticed, all you can do is try to be more vigilant. Putting the dog's nose in it does not work. They don't know why you're doing it, it just upsets them.
If you ever find that she has gone in her crate, she needs to go out more often.
If you follow all of these directions carefully (especially the part about keeping an eye on her when she's out in the house) she should be housebroken within a week (excluding accidents--like kids, sometimes your puppy will slip up, but she should catch on to what you expect quickly). Good Luck!
2006-12-21 04:26:27
answer #1
answered by CRF 2
Take the puppy outside every hour. Use one command such as "go pee" or whatever you like. Praise alot when puppy goes and make sure you've broiught a treat with you and give it to her outside as soon as she's gone. Stay outside at least five minutes each time, as sometimes puppies get ditracted and will only go aliitle bit and may have to go twice. If she has an accident in the house, you must let her know you're not happy, but don't be too harsh. Puppies at this age have very small attention spans, they get excited and forget that they're not allowed to go inside. Don't expect your puppy to tell you it has to go either, they have no control over themselves, and won't have full control until they are about 5-6 months. Just make sure you take it out every hour and you should be fine.
2006-12-21 04:20:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Invest in a crate.. dogs actually like to be in small spaces. In the wild they hide in caves and sleep there. take the puppy out as soon as you get home or when you first wake up. If he goes, reward with a small treat. Also, make sure you take it to same spot each time. remember that puppies do not have full control of their bowels till after 6 he may have accidents. Also, with the crate, dogs will not typically go the the bathroom where they sleep or are confined to if they can help it. If he has an accident put his nose to it and firmly say no and take him to his regular spot outside where he can SMELL where he supposed to go. ~jenn
2006-12-21 04:11:33
answer #3
answered by nifferbugg130 2
If the puppy piddles inside, give her a firm "NO" then toss her outside. Remember though a puppy cannot hold it's urine all day an should be given the opportunity to go out at least every two hours. Unless you have a safe way for the dog to get outside, you will have a constant struggle. Good luck.
2006-12-21 04:07:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Consistency is the key. Take it out first thing in the morning & last thing at night. Also about 20 minutes after meals (2 x per day)
Get a crate for bedtime. Big enough to move around but small enough so it won't be able to "go" in the crate & sleep at the other end.
Good luck!
2006-12-21 04:12:14
answer #5
answered by grrl 7
Keep them in a small, secure area, take them out to "potty" every hour. After several hours increase the area a little, continue to do the same for a few days, increasing their "living" area, going "potty" every hour. Most animals do not like to "potty" where they sleep or eat. Keep newspapers in a corner in case of accidents. Increase time between outside visits an hour at a time. Dogs will usually whine, bark or scratch, or tap on the door they use to go outside when they have to go potty."luvroush9 has some great suggestions also.
2006-12-21 04:06:55
answer #6
answered by nanny4hap 4
We have had our puppy since July, and we have found that getting him outside as soon as he wakes up (at night, for naps, etc) helps. We also take him out as soon as he is done eatting (whether he asks or not). Using kennels when you are not at home comes in handy. We were told to get one that is just big enough for the dog to stand up and lay down...the more room they have, the more likely they are to use the bathroom in the kennel. Hope this helps.
2006-12-21 04:06:10
answer #7
answered by luvRoush99 2
Get her a crate to sleep in and use it whenever she has an accident. Be sure you let her out about 15 - 20 minutes after she eats. Always use the same command for her for each behavior, like - poop, sit, come, lay down, and no. Make them short and clear. she will learn what you mean and learn to obey if you are consistant.
Good Luck,
2006-12-21 04:06:37
answer #8
answered by c2god2 4
well for potty training a good thing to do is take the pup out about evry 2 hours or so. always take it out the same door every time. this will put it in the pups head that if he/she wants to go outside, it will have to go to this door and wait to be let out side.
2006-12-21 04:34:33
answer #9
answered by ~*Kathryn*~ 5
I am a breeder and feature condominium damaged many dogs my attempted and precise approaches are one million. Take the dog external as a rule and spend a while with them giving them time to appreciate why you're there. It is plenty of labor for approximately nine-10 days however more commonly via the tenth day they're on the door capable after they gotta opt for a month you quite have got to watch them and after they pass to the door be there to allow them to out after a month begin permitting them to gain knowledge of they'll have got to wait a minute or 2 and in time they're going to wait via the door till any one allows them to out even supposing it's in your agenda. The wrong way is paper coaching revolutionary. Because I elevate chihuahuas many choose them to be paper instructor as a substitute than out door knowledgeable, the object with paper coaching is that you'll be able to without problems shift it to out door coaching. I use "pee pads" I have observed the blue coloured ones paintings larger for a few cause. I decide upon the dog up and position them at the pad everytime I see them squat while they're younger and in a couple of days they pass to the pad on their possess. If I recognize who they're going to be going to I ask the brand new house owners which they choose and in the event that they desire out door coaching I start after 2 weeks relocating the pad toward the dooronce I get to the door I depart position of the pad on the door for 3 or 4 days, then I placed one in and one out in 3 extra days I dispose of the within one and they're ready on the door to move out. Some are extra problematic than others however all of them gain knowledge of in time simply keep regular with them and they're going to be knowledgeable. (oh and I use compliment for a role good knowledgeable now not treats. I used to make use of treats however observed it was once unhealthy to companion meals with potty not anything is extra stressful than a 3 and a part pound chihuahua that stills thinks at 2 years ancient you will have to fry up a slice of bacon each time they potty!! LOL)
2016-09-03 13:58:41
answer #10
answered by mesidor 4