I know that you guys have a real good relationship with your second head down south, but i see so many guys doing this i honestly think that you dont realise you're doing this.....so what is it?....is it a comfort thing or what?....
34 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
Listen this is just a general question....i am not having a go at you guys...why would i?....when my partner does it too...he says it's a comfort thing...which i happen to think is quite cute, but not in public i have seen many guys do this in public like it is happy hour....thats when it is not a good look.
02:44:49 ·
update #1
yes sometimes the peter gets folded in my underpants.....got to fix it...cant wait I dont care who's around.....and if no ones around hellll I 'll put my hands down south and play with that bad boy too.....it's all good....
2006-12-21 02:23:03
answer #1
answered by jeffmarcelluspbl 1
Euwww, I know. Why DO men do that. According to my last boyf it's because it's a comfort thing to hold yourself. To me it just looks like a man's caught a dose of something, constantly adjusting and fiddling. Yuk.
2006-12-21 02:33:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Men just like to fiddle not necessarily with their best friend below. If there's fluff in there, coins, keys .. you name it we'll fiddle with it. It's because quite often we've lost interest in what's going on elsewhere, like a conversation. Can be nerves but mostly its boredom.
In the wind down to Christmas I've been fiddling loads. People just want me to do stuff and I just want to be at home with my boys ...
If you are lucky enough to find things in your pocket to fiddle with then great, if not you're left with fiddling with something that, in an office environment, you might not want to be fiddling with!! LOL.
2006-12-21 02:24:24
answer #3
answered by cheerfulwaster 2
a) to cup the bopys for comfort now and again
b) to re-direct the less than opportune erction along our leg so as not to appear to obvious.
This answer was brought to you by an over sexed young man.
2006-12-21 02:30:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Usually to get more comfy and make sure things aren't being squashed down there!
2006-12-21 02:29:29
answer #5
answered by Chris G 3
Many reasons....
To "adjust"
It is just a comfortable position
Because we don't know where else to put them
2006-12-21 02:20:41
answer #6
answered by Tedo 3
Like saying why do women show cleavage or wear short skirts ..then scold guys for looking ...
do u realise you do that ..?
just one of those things .. ;-))
Dr BAd
2006-12-21 02:35:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I wasnt aware of having a keyboard in my trousers :)
You're just around a bunch of (literal) wankers.
2006-12-21 02:27:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Trousers huh.......
Maybe the guys have cold hands and need to keep them wam.
2006-12-21 02:22:18
answer #9
answered by r-factor 3
need to adjust to comfortable position...you try wearing tight jeans with a banana and two plums down your jeans... :)
2006-12-21 02:24:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous