I think it may just be too hard on her to see you right now. Maybe she knows she needs to move on but everytime she sees you she wants to fall back in love with you. I would jsut give it to time to heal the hurt and the sadness of not being together. Maybe you can try just talking on the phone a little. Or e-mailing to keep in touch. Then in about a month or two I would think it would be safe to start hanging out as friends again.
2006-12-21 01:26:03
answer #1
answered by CarolinaGirl 4
I think you should just tell her plain and simple that you'd like to remain friends, that you don't have any hard feelings. If you are the one who ended the relationship and she still has feelings, it may be too hard for her right now to see you. If she ended the relationship, maybe she's too busy right now starting a different direction in her life...either way, give it some time and let her know you're there as a friend, then leave it up to her. When you can't wait anymore and you want a friend to do something with, give her a quick call and see if she's open to visiting with you, on the phone or in person. Good luck! I'm glad you both were mature enough to let it end w/o any animosity.
2006-12-21 09:25:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
it took me 2 years to talk to my ex of 3 months, which seems rediculous cause not a lot can happen between 3 months, but yea. Hell, me and my last ex are still trying to talk without that awkward silence and/or tumble weed in the room. It's gonna be for a while man, you two experienced a lot together, and it will remain awkward for a while. Just ride it out and hope for the best.
by the way: glad your moving on. most people just break down after a relationship like that ending. kudos to you
2006-12-21 09:25:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like she doesn't know what she wants. She only gets in touch with you when it's convenient for her or if she has nothing better to do. Friends don't treat friends like that or go around badmouthing them. Are you sure you want these type of friends? a friend of mine told me some yrs. ago(when i was in a bad relationship that was ending) that there are 3 stages you go through. Hurt....Anger...I don't give a hoot anymore. I found out she was right. Took me a while to see it for myself. When you are in the 3rd stage and can be more objective then go for being friends again and see what happens.
2006-12-21 09:27:45
answer #4
answered by Deb 5
Ex g/fs wanting to remain friends = they still want to control you as if you were in a relationship without having to give anything up as the result of a relationship. I had an ex fiance who wanted to do just that, until I saw her for what she was and told her that I needed to recover from the breakup without her, that I needed her absence to become myself again. It's been almost a decade since I've talked to her. Now I'm married, with a child and a career I love. Think about it.
2006-12-21 09:24:58
answer #5
answered by togashiyokuni2001 6
you can try but the damage is there, and usualy people like this drift apart as time passes by.. I speak from personal experience. keep the friendship if you can, and don't expect anything, it just happens when you are meant to be together again. But it depends on the reasons, when it's because of cheating then dont even be friends, leave each other behind.
2006-12-21 09:30:03
answer #6
answered by ♥クロミ♥ 2
I know exactly how you feel I'm the same way about my ex-bf, its not necessarily that i still love him, but that I miss him as a person and as a friend. (we were friends b4 we dated) in my situation, he dumped me over IM and never spoke to me again, u seem better off. I would say give her some space, but keep in touch. call her every once in awhile for a drink + chat like u said u did b4. and also hang out with other people with her so she will feel more like friends and not like youre trying to push yourself at her. If she knows that your intentions are friendly and not just that you want to get back together, i think she will be more likely to want to hang out. call her every once in awhile, if u have a party or something, invite her, but just don't obsess.
i hope everything works out good for you. :)
2006-12-21 09:26:10
answer #7
answered by ♥ 2
well, it really depends on both parties on how long will it take them to become friends again. Some will take a day or two while some will take a month or two and sometimes longer. It seems like you are not moving on with your life coz you are having a hard time dealing with just wanting to be friends. She has move on, you should as well.
2006-12-21 09:29:48
answer #8
answered by Jon 5
Paul t, Do you want to be "just friends" or "close Friends", because just Friends seem to be what you guys have now but if what you want is to be close Friends then you guys should have never ended the relationship and if you're happy and moving on with your life then you and your ex are in a good place right now don't push it.
2006-12-21 10:09:24
answer #9
answered by hotmom040 1
you may wanna give her some space, til all the feelings and hurt are completly out of the way and all there is sheer love for each other and friendship. She probably needs the time to heal but still misses you, time is on your side, give her a little while to completely move on, she'll come around.
2006-12-21 09:29:16
answer #10
answered by picturemeyours 2