Tired of her? I'm fed up with her. I like the view but Rosie is just too much. Everytime she talks I turn the channel, and that's often!
2006-12-20 17:53:49
answer #1
answered by Amber 6
I used to watch The View and put up with Joy Behar's lack of manners. I used to think she was the worst about talking over guests and making her point of view known while (basically) telling the other person they were nuts and get a cheap laugh at their expense. Hoo boy! Was I ever wrong. Rosie's got Joy licked comin' and goin' for lack of manners and making her opinion known.
2006-12-20 16:29:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I too, am sick of Rosie O'Donnell. She feels that she's the "last" word on everything and that everything she says is right. No one is right 24/7.
She's now picking on Donald Trump (this is going to be a big war). He's been quoted (and can be seen on Entertainment Tonight and The Insider on Thursday, December 21st) as saying that "Rosie is a mess, she's a slob, he's going to sue her just for the fun of it and get some money out of her fat a$$ wallet, and she's a disgusting human being both inside and out".
Have a lovely rest of the evening. Happy Holiday.
2006-12-20 16:28:15
answer #3
answered by Goblin g 6
She's in basic terms a huge fat comedian tale of someone residing in her own little international the place she pretends to truly care approximately something in any respect. She's basically out, like maximum of others, to push her time table (relatively ram it down our throats). She's area of the bunch that demonize established, ethical people. All in all nonetheless, it quite isn't any vast deal. She's basically yet another little piece, nicely no longer so little, of Hollywood. it quite is unlike she lives interior the real international.
2016-10-15 08:44:37
answer #4
answered by ? 4
I dont really know what to say i used to watch her on her own show and i liked it but i think what happened is that back then she had to have manners and be respectful because she was new in the business but now that everything is out in the open she acts like whatever like being a slob and disrespectful is ok and the fact that nobody is saying anything that to me is worst . maybe she does need somebody to sue her that way she'll stop talking about everybody . and no i dont like her anymore either
2006-12-20 16:46:28
answer #5
answered by liz h 1
Will she just quit already? She has already offended every group of minorities you can offend, now she's on to the big wigs (Trump and Walters). When will she stop?
I have not watched the view one single day since she has joined the cast. I knew the show would not be the same and the chemistry doesn't even look like it fits.
Maybe after she makes Barbara look even more stupid for hiring her, she will be fired. But don't hold your breath!
2006-12-20 16:26:38
answer #6
answered by Jay 2
I am tired of her hypocritical views. She is quick to point her finger at someone and say they are homophobic and want an apology, but when she made fun of the chinese language she was quick to declare innocence (not ignorance) and then say she might do it again anyway.
There are 2 other ladies on that show that annoy me more, but she sure does her fair share to climb aboard on the annoyance wagon.
2006-12-20 16:30:24
answer #7
answered by pinklipstick_ab 2
Rosie gets on my nerves. Ever since she came out she's just been really annoying. She's overly sensative and she's done nothing to help "The View". Just because you're gay doesn't give you a free pass to act like an idiot. It ain't helping the gays any.
2006-12-20 17:36:06
answer #8
answered by Cristina v 3
How the f did that woman ever get put on TV or in any media at all. Talent? I am a novice when it comes to movies and television except real stuff in other words I am a news history channel type of guy. If this pig can make money and have people watch her, I guess anyone can. I am not trying to be outragious. I am being sincere. Why is she on Television? Why does she make the news? Life sure is interesting.
2006-12-20 16:22:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely sick of Rosie. I wonder when Barbara Walters is going to figure out that most people watching can't stand her.
2006-12-20 16:26:50
answer #10
answered by tooyoung2bagrannybabe 7