if you refer to controlling time, never.
we have absolutely, positively, no control over any of these qualities. we can NEVER change time.
especially notice how speed has absolutely nothing to do with the time formula......
The only formula containing time is
distance / time = speed
notice in this formula we do not calculate ALL of time, we only calculate the amount of time it takes for something to travel the amount of distance, therefore: we can only change the amount of passing of time required to achieve a certain distance, so, in a nutshell, if you travel faster, you get there faster. no time travel. ever.
Einstein was wrong about time travel.
Some things can be figured out and some things will just never happen. This should be a great answer to your question. :)
2006-12-20 17:38:41
answer #1
answered by philosopher 3
Well the truth is that we are not even sure what time is, and cannot explain in words why time dilation occurs in the event of superior speed (the speed of light) or the in the presence of a massive body (the Black Hole). The best answer for our reference is that time is the measurement of change. No change, no time, therefore eternity is the absence of time. One interesting concept is that if you were going to graph the path of a particle then it could be graphed with the path in its entirety. Taking a small cardboard stencil with just enough opening to graph the particle path as it travels in say a second, then when placed that cardboard stencil over the entire path we see the particle as we see all particle paths, an instant at a time as we move the cardboard stencil over the path of the particle. Now if we replace the particle with its exact duplicate, but make it antimatter such as a positron instead of an electron, then the amazing thing is that when the entire path is covered with the stencil it traces as though it were an electron traveling backward in time. Does that mean that antimatter is really matter traveling backward in time? Interesting concept, particularly when matter and antimatter collide they annihilate each other entirely with the total masses becoming energy in an instant. Would not opposing masses in time colliding like that seem as though they should annihilate completely? Maybe that is why they do.?
2006-12-21 00:25:12
answer #2
answered by arnp4u 3
All of Einstein's great achievements and formulas are a smooth continuum. He showed the world how this continuum was not steady state, but depended on factors such as gravity, acceleration and speeds approaching those of light. Time simply runs at different speeds for different observers, but it runs, none the less, for all observers.
I'm sure there are theoretical physicists out there who are trying to solve your question, but as yet, we are all just passengers on this train we call time - and everything is going in the same direction, just at different rates.
In answer to your question, I do not think we are close. I do not even think we really have a grasp of just what time is.
It doesn't take much effort to say things like time started at the big bang or there is no sense in asking questions with terms like "before" or "after" because time didn't exist - to me, that's a cop out - it takes a hell of a lot of effort to conventionalize anything without time.
2006-12-20 23:34:47
answer #3
answered by LeAnne 7
The question is not quite worded correctly. It's like asking if it is possible to break the space continuum, since space & time go hand-in-hand.
It's possible for time to shift based on acceleration (which can be considered the same as gravity), and distance. The greater the distance once person is relative to another while accelerating, the greater the time difference will be between the two watches they wear upon meeting again.
The people on the International Space Station will experience a shift in time (fractions of a second) relative to their Earth-bound bretheren.
If you travel 10 billion light years and walk a short distance away from Earth, you'll leap forward in Earth time by many years.
For humans to directly control time in this way may never happen, and it's not even close to happening. One danger would be time paradox. Another would be feedback.
To go backward in time & circumvent a time paradox, you can only go back in a bubble called "your memory."
If you want to go forward in time, you can. But only one second at a time.
2006-12-20 23:23:58
answer #4
answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7
We are not even sure time is a continuum. And no, we are nowhere near breaking it. Nobody would even know how to begin thinking about how something like that could be done.
2006-12-20 23:30:40
answer #5
answered by campbelp2002 7
A few months ago I took a plane flight.
It lasted for about 13 hours and I landed 3.5 hours BEFORE I took off on the SAME day.
I still have the Boarding Pass Stubs to prove it.
People are breaking the Time continuum everyday.
Lets hear it for the international dateline!
2006-12-21 06:34:35
answer #6
answered by CG-23 Sailor 6
i don't know about time continuum? but in old original Star Trek episode (70s series) went back in time, I always thought they were already traveling faster than the speed of light (what is this Warp 1, Warp 2 stuff then), thought like Mach equivalent, but referring to faster than speed of light than speed of sound, i think they were going toward a sun or being catapulted from, by approaching close then curving away, using the gravity of the sun to speed them up, sort of like what we do with space probes, have them approach a planet and use the planet's gravity, giving the probe momentum as it curves around, speeding it up faster than our current means of propulsion could.
I don't know you'd have to ask Mr. Spock, he was the one that made the comment about going back in time when saw Chronometer going backward LOL, liked that music in the old original Star Trek version, they were funny and entertaining those slimmed out 70s outfits, hehe, really make Bones and Spock "bones". Since nothing could travel faster than light, i don't know what means of propulsion you could use, because no energy emitted could go faster than light to propel you.
but since time slows for you compared to others just going faster, we have had some probes go very fast, in a sense you would be the one "back in time" like Planet of the Apes LOL, in a way that is a bit of a form of "time travel", I wouldn't try the Gravity alternative you'd probably be ripped into atoms if not energy and subatomic particles, LOL
to use General Relativity and Special Relativity, both "time" and "the acceleration of gravity" "gravity" must be considered "constants" and since they are not "variables" they will not change in the Math and Calculations of such Theories, but other variables can of like the three dimensions, they can change that is why they are called variables, drum roll cymbal clash thank you
yeah arn4, forgot about the Quantum Physics aspect, that is good, yeah that Anti-Matter stuff is fascinating, let's bring in the Unified Theory LOL, yup even in old cheesy Star Trek had that Anti-Matter stuff, it's impressive how far we have gotten in the Realm of Particle Physics
2006-12-21 00:04:36
answer #7
answered by Courageous Capt. Cat 3
Not really very close is my guess. That would involve high relative motion through space. Light speed is fun to do thought experiments with, but the reality is 60 miles per second with a gravitational assist from Jupiter is about as fast as someone can go in through spacetime in a rocket ship. That is a far cry from 186,000 miles per second.
2006-12-20 23:24:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No. You would have to travel at a speed far surpassing the speed of light. Nothing we (earth) have, can even come close to withstanding the force
2006-12-20 23:31:12
answer #9
answered by ir rose 3
from a biblical point of viewyes all things are possible. In the OT god set the sun still and time went backwards to demonstrate to the old prophet that god wd answer his prayers. Well, in this dispensation of grace time is running out. Time will stop one day-only god know that and then we will be eternally in heaven or hell depending on our answer to God as to "Who do you say Jesus is ? Faith in the belief in the christ is the way into eternity with god-hell is separation from god. Jesus came to take us into heaven with Him one day . Do u believe-then receive turn or burn as the old fire and brimstone preachers wd say. Find Jesus this christmas in yr heart I prayer
2006-12-20 23:29:13
answer #10
answered by lyn mmmmmmmmmm 1