Generally it is religious people who believe sex before marriage is a sin. Not all Republicans are religious. You dont have to be religious or a Republican to have morals.
Gay sex goes against the teachings of the Bible or so they have been taught, read the words of Christ in the New Testament he never comes out and says homosexuality is wrong. They are wrong to judge as only God is ultimately capable of that.
2006-12-20 13:58:14
answer #1
answered by Perplexed 7
Not all Republicans are Christian conservatives, who generally believe that premarital sex is bad. I can say that most conservatives believe that if we taught our kids that you must have sex when you are married and ready to have children, instead of abstain but here is how to use a condom.
The problem with sexual morality is there are no more absolutes. If you have sex and get pregnant, just have an abortion. If you want to have the kid, it does not matter whether you get married or not.
As for gays, I do not care. I do not care if they choose to be gay or just are. They are what they are. I am not going to change them. I do not want to see it, just like I do not want to see heterosexuals make out. I will never support gay marriage.
2006-12-20 14:02:24
answer #2
answered by Chainsaw 6
No. Not every Republican believes that. And not every Republican believes sodomy or homosexuality is a sin. See Log Cabin Republicans.
The question is what does God think about sexual promiscuity and homosexuality? God says they're both sins.
Anyone who wants to argue with God feel free. Satan will put the doormat out for you and keep the light on.
Are Republicans hypocrites? Yes, all people are. Find me one person, besides Jesus, who has lived a sinless/perfect life.
Republicans are no better, but certainly no worse, than Demonrats. Republicans would fail to promote pro-life, traditional marriage and so forth (all the issues the liberal lunatics try to twist that we're trying to cram our values down your throats) if the leftist Communist-Demorats were not trying to cram their Satanic agenda down our throats.
Not all Republicans are Christians. But for those of us who are we are trying to live by God's standards instead of Satan's or mans. And we're trying to help others get where we are in our relationship with God. That's part of our duty or job as Christians.
I used to be a left-wing liberal lunatic. In fact, I was a rising star in the Democratic Party after my first election victory just two weeks after my 18th birthday. People were looking to me to possibly run for Congress in the future.
I believed most of the issues of the left within the Democratic Party. Then I started my first business, got married, bought a house and was working for a living. I open my eyes and found the truth of what's going on.
The Demonrats are no more the 'party of the people' than Hillary Clinton fails to be a communist in disguise. In fact, it was the Demonrats who proposed and passed legislation making the Federal Reserve System a private corporation that earns phenomenal profits off of the American people and whose owners, through monetary policy, systematically removed over $8 billion dollars in currency from the American economy, between 1929-1932, thus perpetuating the greatest financial disaster/crime our nation has ever endured.
The owners of the Fed, give big money to support the so-called 'party of the people' and they also own, through controlling of majority stock, all the mainstream media in this country so they can peddle their lies through what some people still refer to as 'the news'. Don't take my word for it, go do the research and find out the truth.
They have a 14-point agenda to destroy America and they've been working on it since 1913.
2006-12-20 14:17:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I was a Democrat before I was married and had sex but then I got married, became a Christian and now am a conservative republican who most certainly thinks its a sin to have gay sex and be promiscuous. I'm sure you'll find a few of those in your party the same.Not many for sure but one or two.
2006-12-20 14:09:22
answer #4
answered by Brianne 7
Those questions sound like moral choices for you to make.
Do you ask because a Republican has turned down the offer of having gay sex with you?
Sodam and Gomorah were destroyed for such bad activities, I don't think the republicans had anything to do with it.
Or perhaps you are suggesting that Jesus who teaches us about morality is also a Republican.
That would be interesting.
2006-12-20 14:05:09
answer #5
answered by Jungleroy 4
All gays do not go to hell, only those that are unfaithful to God (which goes for straights as well). Sex before marriage is a sin. "Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators (fornicators are those who have sex before they are married. But please know that if you do make this mistake you can be forgiven) nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites (those who have gay relationships) nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
2016-05-23 03:03:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I believe that sex before marriage is a sin
2006-12-20 14:21:39
answer #7
answered by Ethan M 5
As a Republican (who also happens to be a Baptist), I can say that personally, sex before marriage is a sin, as are homosexual relationships. However, I am not one to judge anyone else. I am definitely not perfect or "holier than thou". Just my personal convictions.
2006-12-20 14:04:48
answer #8
answered by purvislets 3
You are confusing Politics and Religious beliefs. Gay sex is an unnatural act. Some religions believe that sex before marriage is wrong. Politicians don't care one way or the other, just as long as it doesn't affect their office.
2006-12-20 13:58:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Gay sex is a red herring issue. The real issue is how far will society permit it's own degradation in the name of justice or equality? 60 years ago, immoral sex included fornication. Don't you understand we've been on a slippery slope for decades? Next it will be polygamy should be allowed, or incest, or bestiality, or NAMBLA ....whatever.... the slippery slope contains all types of moral questions and trust that the liberals will be on the same side of all of them. Pick your poison.
2006-12-20 14:08:13
answer #10
answered by nitr0bike 4