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I had a vaginal delivery with my first and I thought the recovery from that was bad......I am really worried due to all I have heard about recovery from a c-section. Everyone says it is so much worse!

2006-12-20 13:24:26 · 19 answers · asked by meganmomto2 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

19 answers

DO NOT let people scare you. Everyone is different. I know lots of women that did say recovery was tough after a C-section and I know lots that said it wasn't that bad at all.
If it's medical then c-section is the best route and make sure that you have someone at home to help you for the first few days or week. You won't be able to lift or bend for a few days afterward.

2006-12-20 13:26:48 · answer #1 · answered by Melissa J 4 · 1 0

I have had three c-sections... The recovery is longer than a regular delivery, but it's not that bad, at least it wasn't for me any of those times. I am pregnant again and awaiting my fourth c-section, all for medical reasons. Don't let everyone scare you. You definitely need someone there to help, it is hard to move around the first few days to a week. Only other advise, you may want to try and sleep in a recliner or some type of way slightly sitting up, it is really hard to get up and down from a total laying position at first. Just be careful and take good care, I am confident you will be fine! Congrats and don't be afraid!

2006-12-20 21:44:53 · answer #2 · answered by ALL C 1 · 0 0

I had a c-section with my first one and then delivered vaginally with my second and there was a difference definitely. But if it is done right it does not have to be all bad especially if it is for a good reason and it sounds like yours is. Mine was what was called a bikini cut (from side to side at the bikini line) and not up and down, it is a lot easier to heal from. It was an emergency and the baby was in stress and sick, but my recovery went relatively well even though you do have to stay in the hospital longer, but with you already having one child that may not be a bad thing so you can recuperate. They had me up and moving a little that night (she was born at 11:45 am) because they told me the longer you wait to move, the harder it can be.
But it all depends on you and your body. With my second, I will have to say I was able to move around quicker and do more, but sometimes that is deceiving, because you are still healing on the inside. And now I have bladder problems that I didn't have after my first (LOL!)
Just take it easy and listen to the doctor and don't try and rush recovery.
hope all is well with you and the baby!

2006-12-20 21:40:26 · answer #3 · answered by Ladybugtjc 2 · 0 0

When I compare my vaginal deliveries to my c-section, the c-section was much worse. You will need to take it easy and accept all the help you can get. In the hospital, I was able to get up and shower by myself (which made me feel ALOT better!) so you're not going to be bedridden. You're just not going to be able to move very quickly because you're going to be very sore. The good part is that you will bounce back. I remember at about 2 weeks postpartum, I drove myself to the doctor to have them check my stitches and was just fine. Just expect to not feel yourself for a few weeks and then before you know it, you'll feel like your old self again. Don't overdo it and don't be lifting anything other than the baby.

You'll make it through just fine. Just like all the other moms that have experienced it! I can hardly see my scar anymore and he's about 18 months old now. I would have much rather delivered normally but he was breech and that would have put us both in danger so this is the best all around for you and the baby if it's what the doctor is recommending.

2006-12-20 23:45:51 · answer #4 · answered by Georgia Girl 3 · 0 0

I had my first child may 2006 and started out to be vaginal and the contractions were awful, then something happen so i had to go c-section. The only thing that hurt the most was when they check your belly for the uterus. I was in the hospital for 3 days and didn't have no pain killers or any kind of medicine. I don't know how they are going to open you but my doctor cut my belly up and down and i will tell ya what, overall the staples hurt worse coming out than my delivery. I am pregnant again(5 Mon) and I once again will have to go through this. be strong and don't listen cause you know as well as i do, everyone handles pain differently! good luck!!!

2006-12-20 22:03:57 · answer #5 · answered by me_myself 2 · 0 0

Everyone is different definitely, so you might be just fine... for myself, I was in terrible pain. It felt like I had been cut in half. It took me a good 2 months to fully recover... then, I got pains here and there for a full year (not nearly as bad of pains though). Here's a tip in the hospital- take the white hospital blanket, and roll it in a line- use that to put pressure on your incision- especially when you laugh, cough, sneeze, anything like that! Even use it when you get up and walk- they get u up really soon after the c-section because it's good for you. So, if you do that, it will help. Two other things that hurt me- were the shots they give you-the blood thinners- ouch! And when they took my staples out- it didn't hurt until the last one- which got stuck!!!!! I had 3 doctors trying to get it out, oh my GOSH it hurt so bad!

Don't worry, it's all worth the pain in the end for such a blessing you'll have :) But if I can do this all over again, I hope and pray for a VBAC.

2006-12-20 22:54:09 · answer #6 · answered by m930 5 · 1 0

I had 2 c-sections. The first was not planned. I pushed for 6-7 hours (of course at night) and they just wouldn't come out!! So, I was extremely tired from pushing so much. I only took tylenol and motrin for pain after it was over and did great. With my second, he came earlier than my planned day so I still had to labor a while so they could do an amnio to make sure his lungs were developed. I recovered even quicker from that one. Since you don't have a choice, go into it with positive thoughts. Just thing about the end result. It's not that bad at all. Sure, it hurts...but it's so worth it!!! Hang in there and good luck.

2006-12-20 22:49:03 · answer #7 · answered by Tess 2 · 0 0

Nothing to worry about and stop asking around. You'll get comflicting responses. Leave the job in the safe hands of your Gynecologist. I've had 3 C-sections and all turned out well. What you would need is a good corset to support your wounds after the operation. This prevents your wounds from being knocked incidentially. You know how incidents can happened. When you're home, take plenty of rest and avoid seafoods for atleast six months. Seafoods makes healing slower.

2006-12-20 21:34:14 · answer #8 · answered by SingGirl 4 · 0 0

I had two c-sections ,and the recovery is much harder then a vaginal birth, you have to be very careful, and years from now ,you could end up with an uglier scar then what you will have ,after the baby was born.the pain after the c-section is bad .it took almost three months for me to recover. i hope you have someone to help you . but every body heals in their on way. some faster then others good luck..

2006-12-20 21:49:47 · answer #9 · answered by meanie 1 · 0 0

Don't worry too much. Obviously, in your case, this is what you have to do to have a healthy baby. I myself have had two and the recovery was easy for me. My daughter just had her baby two months ago and had to have a c-section, because of the size of the baby. She did great and said she definately would not be afraid of another one. The one piece of advice I will give you and I gave to my daughter, is to move around as soon as you're able. The quicker you get back on your feet, the better. I won't lie, you will be sore and you do have to be careful for a couple of weeks. Follow your doctor's advice and you will be fine. Good Luck!

2006-12-21 11:35:48 · answer #10 · answered by jay 2 · 0 0

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