according to my faith, you go to heaven, hell, or purgatory.
2006-12-20 10:02:21
answer #1
answered by M T 5
I would invite anyone who is considering this subject from a Christian perspective to read Journey Out of Time by Arthur C. Custance, which is fully available on the web at It reconciled for me many passages from the Bible that seemed to differ with respect to whether existence continues immediately after death, or whether the afterlife will begin in the future with the general resurrection of the dead at the second coming of Christ, with no conscious existence for individuals or for their souls/spirits in the interim. I had always found the prospect of an immediate conscious afterlife very comforting. But if (as the afterlife is commonly pictured) the disembodied soul or spirit would have basically all the attributes that constitute our "personhood" here on Earth, it made me wonder what the purpose of the resurrection of the body was -- that is, what would the joining of the body with the soul add to the individual's existence that was not already present? Dr. Custance's thoughts on this subject shifted the whole paradigm of my thinking, and allowed me to see many Biblical references in a new and very exciting way.
2006-12-21 14:38:20
answer #2
answered by overlay_publications 1
to answer your question it is important to know what the bible says. the word soul is used over 700 times in the scriptures and never once does it refer to something that leaves your body when you die. the bible says the we ARE souls, not that we HAVE souls. there is a big difference there. being a dog or having a dog is a big difference. well, being a soul or having a soul is a big difference. the bible says that we ARE souls. in Genesis 2.7 when adam was created God blew the breath of life into Adam and he BECAME a living soul. imagine a lit candle. where does the flame go when you blow it out? it doesnt go anywhere, it just goes out. same with people when they die. the breath of life that empowers the body and mind ceases when someone dies. the soul does die as stated in Ezekiel 18.4 the soul is also spoken of as being hungry, being kidnapped, being killed, being happy. animals are referred to as souls. reading the bible is a must for you to find the answers to your questions. if you want i can send you all the references in the bible to the word "soul" so you can see what the bible has to say. reading the 10th chapter in the book of joshua where joshua devotes every "soul" to destruction in order to clear out the land shows the true and only usage of the word soul in the bible.
2006-12-21 10:12:58
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
IF we live after death, we must have lived before birth. That seems fairly logical -- why and how would cell multiplication create a soul? BUT -- we have no memory of any life before birth (other than people who under hypnotic suggestion claim to remember previous lives, in which invariably they were famous persons). So my own feeling is that, whether or not there is an afterlife, we won't know a thing about it. Just as we remember nothing now before birth, in the future we would remember nothing of life on Earth. Sorry, that answer doesn't satisfy, but it's more logical than the alternative.
2006-12-20 18:17:57
answer #4
answered by Skeptic 1
This is a question that is constantly getting new theories and never one that everyone can agree on....
I, myself, had a theory the other day which I feel may be part of the answer although I'm sure not everyone will agree with me...
My theory goes thus...
There is an infinite poole of energy that contributes to the composition of all things seen and unseen. Everything is a part of everything else and all things are made from the same basic building blocks (ever think about the quote "My God, it's full of stars" from 2001: A Space Oddyssey? or Moby's song "We are all made of stars?). We all exist in a physical reality that is created and fuelled by this energy. Most of us are creatures of habit and don't read much into our personal habits and actions other than their physical machinations and manifestations. However I think that our subconscious minds are the part of us closest to this energy in it's raw state. It's also the part of us that behaves collectively. Our common denominator that links us together. People function more efficiently in society depending on how aware they are of their connection to this energy poole. Contained in this poole is everything we need to know to survive. Instinctual information, knowledge of right and wrong and so forth. Our physicality and our environment dictates how succesfully we can communicate with this universal collective. Most of us know what we need to do, subconsciously, to attain our goals but often this information remains buried or hidden by physical stimuli although we often "feel" it at the back of our minds...
So in answer to this question a persons soul is their individual connection and affinity with this universal energy which, once the body dies, re-unites with it on the same level it existed on before you were born. All the knowledge and experience gathered in the physical realm is assimilated and shared throughout the collective and with the ammassing of this vast amount knowledge the energy (or spirit) is constantly evolving as a result.
Because of the billions of threads feeding into it, this spirit field is developing a consciousness that is expanding on an exponential scale enabling it to develop and evolve as an entity in it's own right.
Upon death the energy that animated your physical body and enabled your thoughts returns to the poole along with everything it has gained and the process starts again.....
This energy could even be a major clue to the nature of God and why mankinds faith and beliefs are so important to the existence and symbiotic upkeep of the holy spirit in all it's perceived forms and states...
Probably a bit more of a long winded answer than you were expecting but I think thinking about things like this will enable a better understanding of life the universe and everything now if you'll excuse m my pangalactic gargleblaster awaits.....
2006-12-20 20:33:35
answer #5
answered by chimerauk 3
I think that 'soul' is just a name we give to the collection of phenomena produced by our brain. The popular notion that the 'soul' is a 'thing' is false. The word 'soul' is significant in the same sense that the word 'music' is: We would never expect that when a guitar (for example) is destroyed, its music goes on existing. When our body dies, then, what we may think of as the 'soul' ceases also to exist.
2006-12-20 18:11:18
answer #6
answered by Jeremy N 1
During our Christian Living Education class, our teacher shared to us that one woman before died, but she was asked to go back here on Earth.
The woman said that it was like she could see her body. She was lifted up to Heaven. When she arrived, she saw a beautiful place filled with beautiful flowers. She saw an angel, the angel said " Go back to Earth".
She also said that when you're a soul, you are just a head, you have no body. I was really shocked by hearing that.
2006-12-21 01:12:31
answer #7
answered by -.::Bianca Jacinto::.- 2
Hopefully, to come back to earth and be reborn again.
That's why sometime you hear thing called
"soul" mate.. lol..
Your love for your family, friends and that VERY special someone in your "past" life. To be able to keeping learning what we need to learn before we finally rest either in Heaven or Hell.
2006-12-20 18:14:13
answer #8
answered by bottom dollar 3
For your answer to be cleared visit and take your self realisation which take 5 minutes.
For the first time in human history you can FEEL your SELF.
You can feel the divine vibrations.
You can feel your soul. And then understand it.
Understand what is inside your body which can't be touched, but can be felt.
Get your self realisation and let your brain be enlighted.
2006-12-21 13:35:27
answer #9
answered by gabituu 1
There is no soul with dead body, soul and other spiritual aspects of our body just originate from a living material.
2006-12-20 18:09:00
answer #10
answered by kaveh1970 1
I know what happens. (It will not float up onto a white cloud and grow wings, nothing so boring.)
You arrive at the first Mansion World, get a new body, and continue with your education. You've just graduated from kindergarten.
2006-12-20 19:40:44
answer #11
answered by The Gadfly 5